“30 Day Coin” (Manifestation Process)

August 19, 2024

Ask Bing’s Copilot: Can you give me a list of ONE simple thing that I can do each day, and add to Chapter #2 of a new novel I am creating, to manifest a coin into my life at the end of 30 days as per the teachings of Abraham Hicks? This coin can come before 30 days mind you, but I want it come come into my life by “manifestation” means while I am out running errands each day. Thanks!

Bing’s Response:

Absolutely! Here’s a list of simple daily activities inspired by the teachings of Abraham Hicks to help you manifest a coin into your life. Each day, you can incorporate these activities into your routine and also add them to your novel:

Day 1-10: Setting the Foundation

  1. Day 1: Set Your Intention – Clearly state your intention to manifest a coin. Write it down and visualize it. (Completed on 2024-08-19-Mon.)
  2. Day 2: Gratitude Practice – List 5 things you are grateful for. Feel the gratitude deeply. (Completed on 2024-08-20-Tue.)
  3. Day 3: Positive Affirmations – Repeat affirmations like “I am a magnet for abundance” throughout the day. (Completed on 2024-08-21-Wed.)
  4. Day 4: Visualization – Spend 5 minutes visualizing yourself finding the coin while running errands. (Completed on 2024-08-22-Thu.)
  5. Day 5: Meditation – Meditate for 10 minutes focusing on abundance and the feeling of finding the coin.
  6. Day 6: Act As If – Act as if you have already found the coin. Feel the excitement and joy.
  7. Day 7: Release Resistance – Let go of any doubts or negative thoughts about manifesting the coin.
  8. Day 8: Inspired Action – Follow any intuitive nudges or ideas that come to you.
  9. Day 9: Stay Present – Be mindful and present while running errands, noticing your surroundings.
  10. Day 10: Celebrate Small Wins – Celebrate any small signs or synchronicities that show you are on the right path.

Day 11-20: Building Momentum

  1. Day 11: Affirmation Journal – Write down positive affirmations related to abundance and finding the coin.
  2. Day 12: Vision Board – Create a vision board with images representing abundance and coins.
  3. Day 13: Gratitude Walk – Take a walk and mentally list things you are grateful for.
  4. Day 14: Positive Conversations – Talk about your intention with someone who supports your belief in manifestation.
  5. Day 15: Random Acts of Kindness – Perform a random act of kindness and feel the joy of giving.
  6. Day 16: Mindfulness Practice – Practice mindfulness while running errands, staying open to finding the coin.
  7. Day 17: Affirmation Cards – Create and carry affirmation cards with you, reading them throughout the day.
  8. Day 18: Energy Clearing – Clear any negative energy from your space with sage or essential oils.
  9. Day 19: Gratitude Letter – Write a letter of gratitude to the universe for helping you manifest the coin.
  10. Day 20: Positive Media – Consume positive and uplifting media that reinforces your belief in manifestation.

Day 21-30: Manifestation and Reflection

  1. Day 21: Visualization Walk – Take a walk and visualize finding the coin during your errands.
  2. Day 22: Affirmation Mirror Work – Look in the mirror and repeat positive affirmations about abundance.
  3. Day 23: Gratitude Meditation – Meditate on the feeling of gratitude for finding the coin.
  4. Day 24: Inspired Action – Follow any new ideas or nudges that come to you.
  5. Day 25: Stay Present – Be fully present and aware while running errands.
  6. Day 26: Celebrate Progress – Celebrate any progress or signs that you are close to manifesting the coin.
  7. Day 27: Affirmation Writing – Write down your affirmations and read them aloud.
  8. Day 28: Gratitude Visualization – Visualize yourself finding the coin and feel grateful for it.
  9. Day 29: Positive Self-Talk – Engage in positive self-talk throughout the day.
  10. Day 30: Reflect and Release – Reflect on your journey, release any attachment to the outcome, and trust the process.

Feel free to adapt these activities to fit your personal style and the narrative of your novel. Happy manifesting! 🌟