2025-03-08 - Ezekiel Bread English Muffins

Day #0558 – (Sat., Mar. 8, 2025) – Ezekiel Bread English Muffins

Let’s start off this beautiful Saturday in the Comox Valley with Item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ✅).

“Today’s MustDo ‘ToDo’ List” (0/0)

TOP 10? Daily “Must Do”!


  • Weigh yourself! (361.9 lbs. – 323.0 lbs. = 38.9 lbs. total weight loss.)
  • ✅ Take Vitamins! 7:21 pm!)

Daily Readings (Law of Attraction & Law of Affirmation)

Daily Readings (Diet & Exercise)

Daily Readings (Biographies)

Daily “FUN” Chores

  • Clean “Barn Suite” (For 15 Minutes+ Today): <>

Daily “FUN” Stuff

  • Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘: The “Scripting” Process: (I read through the whole novel this evening to determine what photos I need to create for it next!)
  • Set up “Music Studio”! <>
  • Set up “Flight Simulator”! <>
  • Watch “Planet Earth” (HBO)! <>
  • Watch “Manifest” (Netflix)! (I’m up to Season #1, Episode #8, “Point Of No Return” now!)
  • Watch “Northern Exposure” (Amazon Prime)! <>
  • Watch “Port Protection Alaska” (Disney+)! <>
  • Watch “Skeleton Crew (Star Wars)”! (I finished the entire first season, all 8 episodes today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025!)
  • Watch “Lost” TV series! (I finished the series “Lost” on Sunday, January 5, 2025!)
  • Watch “Get Back” Beatles videos (Completed: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024)!
  • Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (I completed the whole “Planet of the Apes” series, from 1968-2024 on Monday, September 30th, 2024!)

Additional Reading List:

Daily Notes

I’m running out of bread and am actually thinking I might make some tonight, but I’m sleepy, so maybe not! The photo to the right shows the Ezekiel Bread English Muffins that I pick up at Thrifty Foods in the frozen section. I’m not sure why they have these and not regular Ezekiel Bread, but oh well. At any rate, they make for a great alternative to bread. I have a few left in the fridge so that will do for now. I might go to Thrifty Foods tomorrow to pick up some supplies, we’ll see…

I just finished watching the “$100K Mid-Life Crisis Vacation in the Philippines” video by Regular Guy. He’s so real, and I love his laid back style. He says that with only $100K in the bank, you could live a comfortable buy not extravagant life in the Philippines for 7 (yes SEVEN) years on this amount of money. He suggests learning a skill like “Prompt Engineer” for ChatGPT while you are here and you will never need to go back to your old life again! Interesting… Oh, and he also has a great little sub-video on the end of this video where he shows how he packs all his stuff in only one small bag.

I read Chapter #3 of “Busting Loose From The Money Game” this evening while I listened to “❄ Winter Night in Cozy Reading Nook with Soft Jazz Music & Fireplace Sounds for Relaxation, Sleeping” on my computer (see photo to the left). In this chapter “The Human Game” is a movie, in which you are the main actor. The beginning of the movie is your birth, and the end of the movie is your death. Fascinating premise.

I’m thinking of getting my daughter to read this “Busting Loose From The Money Game” book. I want her to become fully immersed into it so she will not only know the contents back and forth, but as someone I can use as a sounding board for my pros and cons thoughts about it. I’m thinking I’ll let her go buy “something” at a gift shop, anything she wants for her room, as a reward… I might even engrave it on the bottom so she remembers it was for reading this book and the date she got it…

Interesting video from Mike Philippine Retirement’s YouTube channel: “You Are The Ultimate Prize In The Philippines!“. This guy from Saskatchewan used to live in China. Married to a Chinese woman who died, and is now in Philippines!

Author: MainAdmin

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