2023-09-27 - Hex Key

Day #0030 (Wed., Sep. 27, 2023) – Magically Transform Mistakes into Blessings

Welcome to Day #26 of “The Magic”, which is “Magically Transform Mistakes into Blessings”. This morning, as is the norm, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”. 

Today’s lesson asks us to choose a mistake that we have made in the past, take ownership of it, and write out all the things that you are grateful for because of that mistake. 

I have chosen the mistake of lending money to LF. Here is what I am grateful for: 

  1. He taught me to be wary of fair-weather friends, and this protected me from these types of people in the future.
  2. He taught me what not to become in life, a horrible person who takes advantage of others.
  3. I got to stay at his place for a lower rent than renting a single apartment by myself.
  4. I got to use his car from time-to-time.
  5. He got me a laptop for cost price rather than marked up.
  6. He gave me material for a course to teach on this subject in the future.
  7. He taught me the concept of giving other people’s money away and getting something for yourself in return.
  8. I became closer to JF because of him.
  9. Thinking about the horrible situation with him got me so low that I started to study “The Magic”.
  10. Through him I got a firsthand account of what a narcissist thinks like. 

I went to Panera Bread this afternoon. As I sipped on the coffee, I thought a bit about my life and how frustrated I am that my manifestations have not come into fruition. There lies the problem, “frustration”. I am supposed to be joyful, and in the mode of gratefulness for the fact that the money is on the way, even if it is not exactly here yet. I have decided that I need to really focus on getting coins, and from there I will expand to the $143 million. I need to get the coins first, and learn how that is done, before I can expand to a larger dollar value. 

2023-09-27 - PulltabAs I was leaving Panera Bread, I saw a pull tab on the ground (see photo to the right). Not really a coin, but at least something metal and shiny… 😊 I guess that this brings into further focus how special it was that I found the quarter, dime, and penny earlier on in this process. I have not found any coins since then, and I think the problem has been that I have become less joyful and more frustrated with the process. I am working on changing that now. This is what the video teachings from Abraham Hicks are telling me. 

2023-09-27 - Hex KeyAs I was heading back from Aldi, I thought I would duck into the Dunkin Donuts parking lot to see if any coins were available. I find that I am ducking into various parking lots and such as I drive around feeling that this might be the chance that my luck will change. I am not sure if that is the way it is supposed to happen. Well, no coins, but I did find a hex tool adapter (see photo to the left). Like before, this is metal and shiny, so I will take this as a positive sign that things are looking up… 😊 

Author: MainAdmin

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