2023-09-08 - Terminator Pizza

Day #0011 (Fri., Sep. 8, 2023) – Terminator Pizza

Welcome to Day #7 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magical Way Out of Negativity”. As soon as I got up this morning, I had a decision to make. Write down the 10 things that I am grateful for today right away, or finish typing into this document my notes for Day #6. I decided to do the notes for Day #6 first, then do my 10 things list, which you can read all about in “My Daily Journal”. 

As I was thinking more about the $143 million, there is another option available in reference to the lottery ticket route. Apparently, there are courier companies that will purchase these tickets for you! So, I could get a Powerball or Mega Millions ticket(s) via one of these courier companies in South Carolina and deliver it to me here in North Carolina. Since disclosure goes by where you buy the ticket, I could remain anonymous. Having said that, I would probably have to pay taxes in both South and North Carolina, but if I won such a big amount, it would not bother me in the least. 

Today I decided to stop in at the Panera Bread on Franklin Street for a brew. It is one week ago today that I came up with the idea of brainstorming which house to get in Zillow, so this is an anniversary of sorts. 

They do not sell small coffees at Panera Bread anymore, so I picked up a medium. The Hazelnut brew was hot, so I filled my cup up with that and had some almond milk and low and behold, they have Splenda today! Quite the delicious brew I might say. 

With a new strain of COVID making the rounds I put my mask on when I purchased my brew, and finally took it off when I went outside to the patio where I could get some fresh air and practice a bit of social distancing. There was a young guy there working away on his laptop (see photo to the right). I assume that he is a UNC student for some reason, enrolled in medical school perhaps? At any rate, I kept an eye on his laptop for him when he went to order lunch. He did the same for me a bit later when I needed to go to the bathroom. 

Today’s lesson made several valid points, including “negative situations arrive because of a lack of gratitude over a long period of time.” 

On page #78 they state, “Now you understand that when something goes very wrong you have unintentionally not been grateful enough”. 

Also, “and the best news is that if you have any negative situations in your life currently, it will not take a long period of time to transform them with gratitude. The negative situations will disappear in a puff of smoke – just like magic!” 

They mentioned “The Glad Game” from the Disney movie “Pollyanna,” so I will have to watch that. I wonder if my daughter would like to see it as well. 

As I was reading away and thinking about how to get $143 million into my life, a couple of students walked by on Franklin Street with a couple of signs. I could not really make out a lot of what they were saying, but I did recognize the word “Heisman.”  I did a quick Google Search and came across this article about how the UNC quarterback is up for the Heisman Trophy this year. Is this related to me getting $143 million somehow? Time will tell… 

I should add that I have decided to utilize the law of attraction to bring some coins into my life. Not just any coin mind you, but one with my initials KWF on it. I figure that if I just bring coins into my life as per the article “How To Manifest Money”, that in itself will give me confidence as the coins roll in. Having said that, the one that has “KWF” on it will really boost my confidence. I started looking for them in the parking lot as I walked into Panera Bread (see photo to the right), and even looked on the floor of the washroom and out on the patio for them. No luck today, and I realize that I am just supposed to be grateful and ask for it and let the Universe do its part, but I am just getting started into the process. Still lots to learn, but I am extremely excited to start the process, nonetheless. 

Today’s lesson asks you to write down 10 things that you are grateful for regarding a particular negative situation in your life. I decided that my negative situation is that I do not have the $143 million (or thereabouts), and that a lot of my other issues are stemming from this lack of funds. So, here are the 10 things that I am grateful for regarding my current financial status: 

  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because not having $1.43 million gives me something to attract into my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because I can use this object to learn how to draw things into my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because I now have time to figure out what to spend big money on before it arrives. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because this teaches me to dream big. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because I have more than enough to live on. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because I already have over a million dollars in my retirement funds. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because we have enough for the kid’s various courses and lessons. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because I have enough for a cup of coffee each day. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because it will be a remarkable story to talk about when I want to inspire others. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 
  1. I am so glad about my current financial situation because I have learned how to invest wisely. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution. 

Oh, I got my “How’sa Da Pizza, Baby?” T-shirt in the mail today… 😊 (see photo to the right). I picked it up at my Meadowmont Village PO Box on the way home today… 

Author: MainAdmin

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