Author: MainAdmin
Well here it is, the end of another “work week”! Up first for today? You got it……
Good Thursday morning everyone! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: I stopped…
Well, we’ve made it to the middle of the week. Happy Wednesday everyone! Let’s get to item…
The sun is shining so it looks like it is going to be a beautiful Tuesday today….
Well, it’s Monday, the start of a normal work week to those who aren’t retired like me….
Aren’t Sunday morning’s great? Here’s item #1 on my “ToDo List”: UNC lost to Virginia in football…
It’s 7am and I’m up early this Saturday morning. In fact, early enough to get to Panera…
It’s Friday and the weekend is almost here… Let’s get things started with item #1 on my…
My alarm didn’t go off, so I got up late today. I had to rush to take…
Good Wednesday Morning everyone! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: Mary Kate…
Happy Tuesday everyone. I had a great meditation just before I woke up this morning, but more…
It’s 6:43 am! Happy Monday everyone! Here is my “10 Morning Blessings/Gratitude” list (with help from the…
It’s 10:09 am and I am finally up for the day. Here’s my Sunday “10 Morning Blessings”…
Here is my Saturday “10 Morning Blessings” list (with help from the “14,000 Things to Be Happy…
I was up early this morning to drive my wife to the airport, and then went back…
I woke up late and had to go get my allergy shot this morning, so I started…
Wednesday afternoon and I just got up. I think I’m coming down with a cold or something……
It’s 6:30 am EST right now, and here are my “10 Morning Blessings” for today (with help…
It’s 7:40 am and I just woke up. Time to do my “10 Morning Blessings” (with help…
Good Sunday Morning everyone! Here are my “10 Morning Blessings” for today (with help from the ‘14,000…
Here are my Saturday “10 Morning Blessings” (with help from the ‘14,000 Things to Be Happy About”…
Yesterday I purchased the Kindle book “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” from Amazon online. I’m going…
“The Magic” is almost done. Today I read the section “Secret Summaries”. I also did my 10…
Today I went through the section of “The Magic” entitled “The Power of Your Mind”. But before…
“The Magic” is almost done. I can see the finish line! Today’s section is “Attract the Good…
As we close out the pages of “The Magic”, I’m into the section that previews their other…
The daily lessons of “The Magic” are over, but that does not mean that we are done…
We are close to the end of the Kindle book “The Magic”. In fact yesterday, Day #28,…
Today we are going to “Remember The Magic”, which is the lesson for today, Day #28 of…
Welcome to Day #27 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magic Mirror”. This morning, as is the…
Welcome to Day #26 of “The Magic”, which is “Magically Transform Mistakes into Blessings”. This morning, as…
Welcome to Day #24 of “The Magic”, which is “Cue the Magic”. This morning, as is the…
Welcome to Day #24 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magic Wand”. I feel like I have…
Sunday, September 24, 2023 (Day #23) Welcome to Day #23 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magical…
Welcome to Day #22 of “The Magic”. Today’s lesson is “Before Your Very Eyes”. Once I woke…
Today is Day #21 of “The Magic”, which is “Magnificent Outcomes”. I slept late today, but when…
Welcome to Day #20 of “The Magic”, which is “Heart Magic”. I slept late today, but when…
Today is Day #19 of “The Magic”, which is “Magic Footsteps”. This morning, as usual, I made…
Today is Day #18 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magical To-Do List”. This morning, as usual,…
Today is Day #17 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magic Check”. This morning, as usual, I…
Welcome everyone to Day #14 of “The Magic”, which is “Magic and Miracles in Health”. This morning,…
Welcome everyone to Day #15 of “The Magic”, which is “Magically Heal Your Relationships”. I made my…
Welcome everyone to Day #14 of “The Magic”, which is “Have a Magical Day”. This morning, as…
Welcome everyone to Day #13 of “The Magic”, which is “Make All Your Wishes Come True”. Like…
Good morning! Welcome to Day #12 of “The Magic”, which is “Magical People Who Made a Difference”….
Good morning! Welcome to Day #11 of “The Magic”, which is “A Magic Morning”. Today’s lesson deals…
Good morning! Welcome to Day #10 of “The Magic”, which is “Magic Dust Everyone”. Upon waking this…
Good morning! Welcome to Day #9 of “The Magic”, which is “The Money Magnet”. Upon waking this…
Welcome to Day #8 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magic Ingredient”. Upon waking this morning, I…
Welcome to Day #7 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magical Way Out of Negativity”. As soon…