Welcome to Day #4 of “The Magic”, which is “Magical Health”. As soon as I got up this morning, I quickly wrote down the 10 things that I am grateful for today. I did not have time to put the sentences in proper format as I had to take my son to school, but I got the 10 items down. You can read about them in “My Daily Journal”.
We received an email from Amanda regarding the house on Burns Road. She is not sure why this property has not been sold after being on and off the market since March 2022. She said that one of the homes might be a trailer, and that it is listed at $1,794,000 which is well over its assessed value of $1,148,000. She also mentioned that the market is slow right now, so will this property be available for us next spring when we make the move? Will the owners tire of waiting and bring their price down to meet our funds at that time? Time will tell…
I picked up my daughter at school today. Even though I left 5 minutes later than my wife usually does, I was the first person in the line. I asked my wife if she has ever been first in line, and she said no. I did not ask for this, but is “The Magic” bringing good things like this into my life because I am joyful and “in tune” with the Universe? Not sure…
I have been thinking increasingly about that “Cheese Sign” I saw at Harris Teeter the other day. Wouldn’t it be strange if I went back to this Harris Teeter and saw that they have indeed moved their cheese location to this area? It would be like I could see into the future of what “was coming”!
After bringing my daughter home I drove to Panera Bread for a coffee. The coffee was cold, as usual, so the lady said that she would make a new batch for me. She told me that she would tell me when it was ready, but she did not. Why does this not surprise me? I also noticed that they are out of Splenda, just like the other day. When I looked up again, I saw this lady fixing her hair. I hope they use gloves to pick up their rolls and such and not their bare hands! I will have to pay careful attention to this on my next visit.

At any rate, today’s lesson is “Magical Health.” One of the exercises for today is to write down “THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE” and look at it often throughout the day and be thankful for your health. I opted to put this onto a sticky note and put it inside my Kindle (see photo to the left). Among the other aspects of my health, I am thankful for the ability to walk. When I think of how bad off, I would be if they did not have the technology to do knee transplants. I would have to use a wheelchair to get around. This truly is something to be thankful for.
I cannot stop thinking about the $143,000,000.00 number, and what that means in terms of obtaining that amount of money. As I was looking at my spreadsheet of the amount of money we currently have for our move to Canada, I see that the grand total for Friday, August 25th was $1,430,283.86. Is it possible I slipped up the digits when I thought of this $143 million number? I really do not think so as you can clearly see the number that I wrote down on Walgreens receipt was $143 million. As such, I am going to go with $143 million and try to bring this amount into my life.
So, exactly how could I ever accumulate $143 million dollars? The only two ways I can think of are via a lottery win, or someone dying and giving me the money in their will. I do not want to get a lottery ticket here in North Carolina as this would mean my name would become public, so let us examine the other option for now.
I did a search for rich <Mother’s Maiden Name> via Bard, and none were mentioned. When I did a search for rich <My Surname> on the other hand, three names came up. One fellow was a boxing coach in England, and I do not really have anything in common with him. Another is a sales rep for an industrial company, and ditto on that. The third option on the other hand, is a man in Kansas City who is an architect. The idea crossed my mind that I should contact him and mention that I was searching for the name <My Surname> and his popped up, and that I have a daughter who is interested in becoming an architect. I talked to my daughter about this, and she said that she no longer wants to become an architect, and dismissed the idea, so I will put the idea of contacting him on the back burner (for now).
I should mention that as I was driving to Trader Joe’s this afternoon to pick up groceries, I thought I would try my hand at picking a song out of thin air like Paul McCartney and Elton John. It did not seem to work, at least from what I can tell.
While at Panera Bread I read another couple of stories from the “How the Secret Changed My Life” Kindle book. One of these stories, “Lifelong Dreams of Travel” on page #24 seemed to hit home. She mentions “I had read The Secret and applied it to some things, but I don’t think I really and truly believed in it with all my heart. So, I decided to read it again, and this time it really hit home.” This is exactly how I am feeling about “The Secret” or “The Magic” right now… It is hitting home this time. She goes on to say, “all you have to do to receive is feel good.” Another thing she mentions on page #27 is “I am receiving [fill in the blank] now.” And feel it. Feel it as though you have received. I am feeling this about the house in Courtenay and the $143 Million as well!
This evening I was talking to my wife about the possibility of cruising the world once we get the $143 million. She mentioned the issue of Maple and Batman. I checked and there is only one cruise line that will accept pets, and they need to be in a kennel. We could always get a private yacht and see the world in that way. Perhaps a better option is to just enroll the kids in school and take vacations during the weekends and school breaks. In this way we could enjoy the farm life on our property in Courtenay.
Well, that is enough thinking and talking for today. See you tomorrow!