Welcome to Day #5 of “The Magic”, which is “Magic Money”, which I am sure is a topic I will enjoy covering. As soon as I got up this morning, I wrote down the 10 things that I am grateful for today. As usual, you can see and read about them in “My Daily Journal”.
Here it is 11:25 am and I just got up. I am not feeling well this morning and I think we as a family have caught something. It might be COVID as our daughter’s new friend Cicely’s brother has COVID and she was at school yesterday, or it might just be some other virus. At any rate, all four of us are home today. It is interesting that this is one day after the lesson “Magical Health.” At any rate, I feel confident that I can beat this and am going to attract good health and wellness and the ability to fight off this “whatever” from the Universe!
It is hard to explain this new feeling that I have had since last week. It is more of a passive feeling that I do not really need to work for what I need, like I have felt all my life, but just ask and believe and it will be on its way. I feel that something big is just around the corner. Like something is already in the mail, but it has not arrived yet. Whether it is overnight shipment or via shipping vessel via ocean transport I do not know. All I do know is that it is on its way, and I can just sit back with this realization and wait for it to come.
I am not sure why I have this feeling at 63 years of age. My life is over in many respects, but I should say that is what I used to think. I now have the belief that I will live to be 100 years old, and even longer as AI will solve all the necessary issues to keep me in good health for many years after that.
I wonder if the reason I have this newfound optimism in “The Magic” is that I have finally thrown off the bounds of Christianity? Maybe not Christianity in it’s true form, but the ritualistic version? I have come a long way from the 15-year-old boy keeping the Sabbath in Truro and minister preparation training at a religious College to questioning whether Adam and Eve were setup by God and that perhaps Satan was the winner of the titanic battle between good and evil. Who knows! All I do know is that I now believe I have learned the ability to harness the gifts of the Universe. What a wonderful feeling this is. Whether this is the beginning of the true understanding of the truth and nature of God, or just the understanding of the Universe I do not know. All I know is that I am going to enjoy this ride wherever it takes me.
As I am writing these notes at 11:38 am EST here in Chapel Hill, a notification just popped up that my “How’sa Da Pizza, Baby?” T-shirt has shipped. This led to the thought that perhaps the way I am going to create $143 million is to launch a series of shirts and other personalized items in which I have sayings that harness the power of the Universe and are in alignment with bringing the power of the Universe into people’s lives.
I asked Bard this and here is what it said:

This first answer “The universe is my lottery ticket” jumped out at me and I did a quick search on Etsy and Google did not show it being used anywhere. Hmmm… Just saying… Producing slogans like this would harness my artsy side and would be a great fun way to get $143 million. Reminds me of the guy from “Chicken Soup for The Soul” and how he said that he produced his millions by utilizing “The Secret.”
Anyway, I asked ChatGPT to produce some images based on this slogan and here is what it gave me.
Can you generate some unique images for me based upon the quote “The Universe Is My Lottery Ticket”?

Surprisingly good don’t you think? I am going to save these to potentially use in the future. Taking this a bit further I asked ChatGBT to use the Universe and ear in the images:
Can you generate some unique images for me based upon the quote “The Universe Is My Lottery Ticket” which has the Universe speaking into an ear.
These images were not the best, but when I used the option to add a lottery ticket to the images it produced:

I am going to save these two images as well for potential further use. This is FUN!
Anyway, I digress, let us get back to today’s lesson, which is “Magic Money.”

For today’s read I decided that I would finally go to the coffee shop near the Lumina Theater today for a brew (see photo to the right). The shop is called Lavita Dolce, and as I was driving, I visualized a parking space right in front of it, and low and behold, you can see in the photo there was a spot right in front of the shop!

I had an Americano with some almond milk and one Splenda (see photo to the right), and this set me back $3.76. A bit cheaper than Starbucks I think, keep in mind that this is Southern Village. They also sell muffins, cakes, and gelato, but I am fixing on living to 100+, so I want to eat healthy as much as possible. I feel like I am coming down with something, so I decided to eat outside at one of the tables and let the sun beat down on me.
Today’s lesson gets you to answer a series of questions to drive home the fact that you are already wealthy. Here are the questions and how I answered them:
- Did you always have food to eat? Yes, in fact I could eat what I wanted when I wanted it.
- Did you live in a home? Yes, and not only that, with an attached motel.
- Did you receive an education over many years? Yes, and the public-school education was fantastic and free!
- How did you travel to school each day? Mostly by school bus and again for free!
- Did you have schoolbooks, school lunches, and all the things you needed for school? Yes, and I got to pick this all out for myself.
- Do you go on any vacations as a child? Yes, to Boston, Dartmouth, PEI, and all around the northern part of Nova Scotia.
- What were the most exciting birthday gifts you received as a child? A desk and all those great overflow gifts from Christmas.
- Did you have a bike, toys, or a pet? Yes, and many of them to all three.
- Did you have clothes as you grew so quickly from one size to the next? Yes, and all brand new.
- Did you go to the movies, play sports, learn a musical instrument, or pursue a hobby? Yes, on multiple accounts. I went to the Royal Theater on Saturdays to see monster matinees and “The Fastest Guitar Alive” movie. My father took me to Bible Hill to play on the Aces baseball team. He also took me to guitar lessons, and I played the recorder in school. I enjoyed hobbies like model car building, painting, and ceramics.
- Did you go to the doctor and take medicine when you were not well? Yes, free medical in NS, and I almost died as an incubator baby.
- Did you go to the dentist? Yes, Dr. Kitchen.
- Did you have essential items that you used every day, like your toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo? Yes, whatever I wanted, and I especially remember the Avon products that our neighbor Elaine sold us.
- Did you drive in a car? Yes, a Scamp that would not always start when it rained, and the wonderful Datsun red and yellow trucks that my dad owned and let me drive.
- Did you watch television, make phone calls, use lights, electricity, and water? Yes. My favorite television show was Spider-Man cartoons, but I also got to see the moon landing on our new colored television. We had a party line telephone growing up with the number 893-8622. We had electricity galore for my various toys and the Creepy Crawler set from which I could make plastic bugs and such. The fresh well water was fantastic on East Mountain!

The lesson also had us put a sticker on a dollar bill that stated, “THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MONEY THAT I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THROUGHOUT MY LIFE.” It also had us look at this dollar bill and give thanks throughout the day, so I decided that I would walk the loop around the shopping district of Southern Village. In the photo to the right, you can see the bill and the sticker next to a loaf of bread that I picked up at the Weaver Street Market. This “no oil” bread was delicious, but it was a bit expensive.
As I walk around and look at this dollar bill and sticker, I feel that the anger I have towards various events and people is melting away. For example, I am coming to realize just how much mom gave us kids, and how much she sacrificed so that we could have them. I truly am wealthy in many ways because of her.
As usual, I clutched my Magic Rock as I was recounting the events of the day, thought of my greatest daily blessing, said “Thank you,” and then drifted off to sleep.