Welcome to Day #8 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magic Ingredient”. Upon waking this morning, I wrote down the 10 things that I am grateful for today, and you can see them all in “My Daily Journal”. As a side note, I am finding it helpful to write down ideas the previous day, and then elaborate on them in the morning.
Today’s lesson talks about being grateful for the food and water that we eat and drink daily. This means not only being thankful for it just before we consume it, but also enjoying it while we are consuming it. On page #90 it states, “You’ll find that when you focus on the food or drink in your mouth, and savor it, the flavors seem to explode…”.
Here is the process they outline for being grateful for what you eat and drink (and a few additions from me):
- Take a deep look at what you are about to eat and drink.
- Sprinkle your food or drink with “Magic Dust.”
- Say either internally or externally “Thank you”!
- Remind yourself to eat only 80% of full.
- Really savor the first bit or sip or two.
It is raining like mad this afternoon as I write this, so I am debating whether I will go to a coffee shop, or even venture outside today. No problem… This will give me the chance to work on some of the things that have been backed up, but I need to attend to. For example, selling on my Etsy store…
So, I should add at this point that to make money I am thinking of putting a lot of designs up on Etsy and seeing what happens. If I can sell $1.43 millions of them and make $1 per T-shirt, I am good to go… 😊

The first design I worked on this morning is a modification of the t-shirt that came in the mail yesterday. I am worried that the character looks too much like the character from the Terminator movies. I also do not like the fact that he is carrying a gun. So, to tame down the visual aspects of violence, avoid copyright and patent infringement, you can see my altered design in the photo to the right. I am going to investigate if the customer can add some text to put on their design as they purchase. For example, it would be great if pizza companies could put their name and phone number on the t-shirts or whatever.

The second design that I worked on is something that I have been thinking about for a while. It is a mother holding a baby while being draped in a rainbow flag. I asked Bard to show me some images of love, peace, and getting along and the text prompts morphed to generate this image (see photo to the left). I am thinking that it is a universal image that will appeal to a lot of people and make that $1.43 million in my hands all that much sooner.
Where to put the text and the style was something that I modified a lot. A white stylistic text on the arm seemed like an excellent choice. In addition, I can put up modifications to the text, such as “I Love You Baby,” or “I Love You, Baby,” or “Luv Ya Baby” and let the customer decide on which version they like the best.
I had some Minestrone Soup with bread this afternoon and forgot to say “Thank You” as was advised in today’s lesson. Rats! No problem, I plan to do this little ritual for everything, every day, moving forward, so I will catch up. I did remember to do this as I sipped on a diet soda though.
Later this afternoon I read up on the article about manifesting coins into your life (including the one with the “KWF” on it that I am really looking forward to receiving). After this quick read, the rain dispersed, and I was off for a drive around town to see what the Universe had in store for me today!
Here are some points that the author said to keep in mind during the coin manifestation process:
- The best approach is to come from a place of curiosity, playfulness, experimentation, and excitement.
- See this process and money as a plaything, like you are playing a video game with it.
- If at any point you feel yourself getting frustrated, pause, breathe, and go back to the right frame of mind.
- Realize that these coins exist and are everywhere already. You just need to have your eyes open and the right frame of mind to notice them.
- Keep at the forefront of your mind that money has NO power. It is just a number. You are 100% dominant over money and in complete control. If you order it to show up it must obey!
The author states “I started with manifesting pennies in the Summer of 2006. Then I graduated to nickels, dimes, and quarters. I focused on quarters for several weeks. Then I progressed to dollars from $100 to $1000 to $10K to $50K. Overall it took less than a year to go from manifesting pennies to manifesting $50K”.

Once the rain stopped, I decided to go out for a drive. I needed to pick up some supplies at Trader Joe’s, and while driving back and forth, whenever the idea of manifesting coins came to the forefront of my mind, I looked down and tried to find any sort of coins at first, but most specifically the coin with the “KWF” on it!
I even drove the back roads and tried to find coins there, such as behind the Guglhupf Bake Shop near Trader Joe’s (see photo to the right). No luck! I was able to manifest the #1 parking spot I wanted at Trader Joe’s, but no coins! From what I can tell, you are not supposed to be stressing about finding these coins, so is that it? I will just continue till I am successful with this, and it is very possible I will look back upon this paragraph and say how simple the actual answer was, but I could not see it at the time.