Day #0015 (Tue., Sep. 12, 2023) – A Magic Morning

Good morning! Welcome to Day #11 of “The Magic”, which is “A Magic Morning”. Today’s lesson deals with starting off the day properly and this includes being thankful for everything. So, keeping in form, upon waking I wrote down the 10 things that I am grateful for today, and as usual you can see them all in “My Daily Journal”. Today’s thankful items involved the 10 things that make up my morning routine. 

I have been investigating the lottery issue a bit more as of late. I do not want to get a lottery ticket here in North Carolina as they will disclose who the winner is. I have thought of getting a ticket in South Carolina, but the online apps and such will apparently not sell me a ticket if I am in North Carolina. I have even thought of changing my name before picking up my winnings and then changing my name back to my original name, but apparently that is not 100% foolproof either. As I take a step back, you are supposed to ask the Universe for whatever you want, believe that you will get it, and be grateful every day, and let the Universe work out the details. So, I will… 

I decided to move forward with my T-Shirt designs on Printful & Etsy. This may be a way for me to make my $1.43 million, if one of my designs takes off! I have some “How’sa Da Pizza, Baby” and “Luv Ya Baby!” T-Shirt designs, but I thought that I would put up a more appropriate T-Shirt regarding the Law of Attraction and such, so I came up with the design in the photo to the right. Etsy allows you to have 13 tags to help market your T-Shirts, so I asked Bard to come up with these for me. Let’s hope, I mean I AM VISUALIZING sales of this T-Shirt… 

When I ventured out this afternoon my first stop was going to be the gym, but it was raining, so I took this as a sign to go to McDonalds for a coffee as I could go through the drive-thru and not get wet. A large coffee costs $2.35, so when you consider the fact that at Panera Bread you can get a medium with unlimited refills, it is actually a much better deal. In fact, you can get a coffee and then go back and get an herbal tea. And, unlike McDonald’s, they have almond milk. Put Panera Bread in the plus column… Just saying… 

While at McDonald’s I read on page #63 of “How the Secret Changed My Life” about a lady who said you need to make a happy list. I decided that I would do this as well. I will create a list of 10 things that I will do each day to make me happy and will incorporate each of these items into my daily routine! You can see my current list in “My Daily Journal”. 

One thing I have been thinking about is creating an eBook which shows how the law of attraction is mentioned in various religious texts, like the Bible and the Koran. I might even be able to sell it and make my $143 million! 

I had to go to Harris Teeter this afternoon and rushed to the bathroom as soon as I got into the door. While there I thought about creating business cards to promote my Law of Attraction website. They could say something like “Do you know how many people have passed by and have not picked up this card?”. I could then have a link to my website (possibly with the URL TheLawOfAttraction.Codes) that will promote the law of attraction way of thinking. I could promote my eBook here or even my Etsy shop. Just a thought… 

As I was leaving Harris Teeter, I performed my daily act of kindness by telling the cashier she had a nice smile. She responded by telling me how to redeem my Harris Teeter points at BP by giving the pump my phone number. Give and it will be given back to you… 😉 

On the drive home I stopped off at the Chapel Hill Community Park to try my “luck” at finding a coin (see photo to the left). No success today. I am wondering if I am trying to look too hard? The lesson teaches that these coins are all around, you just must let the Universe bring them to you. Maybe by using my metal detector and actively looking for them I am trying to take matters into my own hands rather than letting the Universe do its work. Having said that, I am also supposed to be proactive. I am sure that I will figure out where this ends and the other begins as I learn and study more about the law of attraction. 

This evening I spent some time thinking of the website, currently to be named “”, and what it will be like, and just what the business cards will say to drive people to come to this website and look at it. Whenever I think it might be too much of a hassle to build this, I think that it will also motivate me to continue with “The Secret”. 

Author: MainAdmin

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