2023-09-13 - Fake Check

Day #0016 (Wed., Sep. 13, 2023) – Magical People Who Made A Difference

Good morning! Welcome to Day #12 of “The Magic”, which is “Magical People Who Made a Difference”. I felt like I was coming down with a cold this morning, so I got up late today.  Nonetheless, when I did get up, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for. I also took the whole list out of this document and put them instead inside “My Daily Journal” as it will be easier to keep track of them there. 

Today’s lesson asks us to “find a quiet place alone sometime during the day today and make a list of three people who made a difference in your life. Work through the list one person at a time, and while talking aloud tell each person the reason you are grateful for them, and exactly how they affected the course of your life”. 

So, here goes… 

Chris Starkey, I am so grateful that you were a part of my life. You always set a splendid example of what a Christian should be like, and I have fond memories of the time we stayed up all night talking in your car the day before I went to Ambassador College. You told me how to navigate those difficult waters and even recommended the book “When A Man Comes into Himself” by Woodrow Wilson to read. I am glad that you got the opportunity to become a minister and spread your wisdom to others, and I am sad that you left this world at such a young age. “God” bless you, my friend. 

Frank Clancy, I am so grateful that you were a part of my life. You were a champion of me getting the job at the AC library and were always so helpful and kind to me. I fondly remember coming back in the car from the Feast in Sacramento, and us stopping at a Carl Jr’s. for a bite to eat. When so many people at AC were false friends and jerks, you were a stunning example of what a person could become. It was nice to see you in Sydney in 1988 with your wife. “God” bless you, my friend. 

Jim French, I am so grateful that you were a part of my life. You reached out to me to warn me about Len, but I could not see what you were trying to warn me about at the time. I am so glad that we got to reconnect a couple of years ago and am sorry that you are having health problems as of late.  “God” bless you, my friend. 

2023-09-13 - Fake Check

In reading “How The Secret Changed My Life” I saw a link on page #72 to a check from the Bank of the Universe that you could fill out. I took the opportunity to fill mine out for the $143 million amount that came to me in a dream a few days ago (see photo to the right). It does feel much more real now that I have filled this out. I am going to keep it with my other documents in my Kindle and look at it often. 

Later this evening I came across the Mary Katie YouTube channel that deals with manifesting things into your life. She seems to fill in a lot of the hidden pieces of the equation, such as visualization, so I am going to go through her videos and glean some more information from her. 

Author: MainAdmin

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