
Day #0017 (Thu., Sep. 14, 2023) – Make All Your Wishes Come True

Welcome everyone to Day #13 of “The Magic”, which is “Make All Your Wishes Come True”. Like yesterday, I felt like I was coming down with a cold this morning, so I slept in and got up late. But, when I did get up, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”. 

Here is the list of steps to complete today’s lesson: 

Sit down at the computer or with a computer or a pen and journal and list your top ten desires.  Write thank you three times before each one, as though you have already received it. For example, Thank you, thank you, thank you for <your desire>. 

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for my first sale of an Etsy T-Shirt. 
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for removing the redness and swelling in my shins the Morris E. Goodman way, and them both going back to how they looked in 2019.  
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for finding coins today. 
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for my retirement funds going to $3 million!  
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the purchase of our new home at 3511 Burns Rd, Comox Valley, BC.  
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for finding the specific coin with the initials “KWF” on it.  
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the fact that I am now at my ideal weight of 199.99 lbs.  
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the flight in Suite Class on Singapore Airlines, from New York to Singapore and back. 
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the one-time gift of $143,000,000 I had in a dream the other day. 
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for my new Tesla car. 

Using your imagination, answer the following questions in your mind, as though you have received each of your ten desires. What emotions did you feel when you received your desire? Who was the first person you told when you received your desire, and how did you tell them? What is the first great thing you did when you received your desire? Include as much detail as you can in your mind. 

  • My first emotion upon receiving my first Etsy T-Shirt was surprise, followed by happiness, followed by excitement that “The Law of Attraction” works. I told my wife about this by walking into the kitchen with the news. When I received this desire, I immediately prayed THANK YOU as I now know I can harness the power of the Universe! 
  • My first emotion upon noticing the redness and swelling in my shins going away was excitement as I thought this condition was permanent. I walked to the kitchen with my eyes on my shins and told my wife the news first.  When I received this desire, I immediately prayed THANK YOU as I now know I can harness the power of the Universe. 
  • My first emotion upon finding some coins today was amazement as I was not sure if my eyes were tricking me or not. After picking up the coin, I drove home, opened the front door, and told my wife the good news. When I received this desire, I immediately prayed THANK YOU as I now know I can harness the power of the Universe. 
  • My first emotion upon noticing my retirement funds had totaled $3 million was exhaustion as I had been trying for this amount for so long and it was finally here. I walked into the kitchen with such excitement to share this news with my wife. When I received this desire, I immediately prayed THANK YOU as I now know I can harness the power of the Universe. 
  • My first emotion upon getting our new home at 3511 Burns Rd, Comox Valley, BC was pure elation as this was the home we dreamed of. My wife and I were together when we heard the news, and we both recognized the role that the “Law of Attraction” had in bringing us this desire. 
  • My first emotion upon getting the coin with the initials “KWF” on it was sheer awe as this seemed to be an almost insurmountable request as it was so specific. I took the coin into the kitchen to show my wife and explained to her the story of how I visualized it, and the “Law of Attraction” brought it to me. We both realized that the “Laws of Attraction” work and the power of the Universe brought it to me. 
  • My first emotion upon reaching my ideal weight of 199.99 lbs. was sheer surprise as I had been striving for this goal for so long. I briskly walked, as I am so much lighter now, to the kitchen to share this great news with my wife. We both exclaimed at how perseverance, setting a worthwhile goal, and harnessing the “Law of Attraction” can bring things into your life. 
  • My first emotion upon receiving notice of my flight in Suite Class on Singapore Airlines (from New York to Singapore and back) was feeling at one with the Universe, as the Universe no doubt brought it to me. I shared this news with my wife, and we both realized that it was asking, being in a thankful mindset, and the “Law of Attraction” that had brought this gift to us. 
  • My first emotion upon receiving the $143,000,000 was sheer amazement as I had no idea whatsoever how I was going to produce this money either by lottery ticket, gift, or inheritance. I ran to the kitchen to share this with my wife. When I received this desire, and told my wife, we immediately prayed THANK YOU as we now know how we can harness the power of the Universe. 
  • My first emotion upon receiving my new Tesla car was relief for my kids as they do not like to see daddy drive around in an old car. The first person I told was my wife via walking to the kitchen. The first thing I did was to drive it out of our driveway, to the corner of Franklin & Columbia, and back, to see how it handles. 

Finally, reread the sentence listing your desire, and really emphasize the magic words, thank you, so that you feel them as much as you can. 

Ok, I did this. 

If you like, create a Magic Board. Cut out pictures and attach them to your Magic Board and put it in a place you see often.  Title the board with THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU in big bold letters across the top. 

I have already started this in “My Journal” as a visual & story board. I will be posting my thoughts, feelings, video, and pictures as well. My plan is to grow this over time… 

Let’s take for example desire #8, which is my flight in Suite Class on Singapore Airlines (from New York to Singapore and back). I will start off with the basics, but plan to watch some YouTube videos on this subject so I can be familiar with the specifics. I will then visualize boarding the plane, at the specific gate, going into the Suite, turning on the television, napping in the bed, and utilizing all the features. I will at one point even plan the booking of my ticket with a specific date to make this a reality! 

Today was a remarkably busy day so I did not get the chance to go to a coffee shop. I did, however, get the chance to try and find some coins while waiting for my son to come home via school bus (see photo to the left). Alas, no coins today. I have been thinking more about this process of finding coins, and how much more difficult it is these days since fewer people carry coins. Most just have credit or debit cards which they use to pay their bills. The situation should be much better in Canada, as although people do not carry more coins, there are $1 and $2 coins, so when you do find some coins, “The Haul” could be better. 

I came across an interesting video by Mary Kate which states, “It WILL Manifest in 5 Minutes | THE BEST MANIFESTATION HACK”. She advocates spending 90 seconds, three times a day affirming a positive statement, such as “I have more money than I could ever possibly spend”. I think I will add this to my ritual list as well. 

Author: MainAdmin

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