Day #0018 (Fri., Sep. 15, 2023) – Have A Magical Day!

Welcome everyone to Day #14 of “The Magic”, which is “Have a Magical Day”. This morning, as has been my norm, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”. Today’s lesson encourages us to be thankful for the day’s events before it starts, so in addition to running through all the events of today, I am going to incorporate these items into my “10 Daily Blessings” list that I do in “My Journal” every morning. 

Here is another interesting video by Dr. Joe Dispenza on how to stop being a victim and manifest a new life. He mentions how people need to mediate three times a day (at 29:00 point of the video), just like Mary Kate did in yesterday’s video. Further proof that I should be done. 

Here are the events that I have on my agenda today, with thanks as if they have already happened: 

  1. I greeted my wife this morning and I just wanted to say thanks for the fact that it went so well. 
  1. I greeted my daughter this morning and I just wanted to say thanks for the fact that it went so well. 
  1. I uploaded my “Luv Ya Baby” design to Etsy today and I just wanted to say thanks for the fact that I made my first sale. 
  1. I drove to Panera bread this afternoon and I just wanted to say thanks for the special gift I received there. 
  1. I went looking for coins today and I just wanted to say thanks for the fact that I found one with “KWF” on it. 
  1. I picked up some groceries today and I just wanted to say thanks for the easy and joyful trip.  
  1. I met my son at the bus stop this afternoon and I just wanted to say thanks for the fact that he arrived safe, and we had a great chat on the way home. 
  1. I checked my stocks after the market closed today and I just wanted to thank you for the incredible increase. 
  1. I had a great dinner tonight and just wanted to thank you for it being so delicious and helping me to lose weight at the same time. 
  1. As I go to bed this evening, I just wanted to say thanks for another wonderful day and the fact that I now have more money than I could ever spend in my lifetime. 

I put my “Luv Ya Baby” T-Shirt design up on Etsy today and am looking to make one sale before the end of the day today, as per my wish list. It takes a while to get all the parameters exactly right I am sure, but I am sure that I will get better at it as time goes on. Anyway, at least it is up there now (see photo to the right). To aid in the sales I included 13 tags that were provided by Bard, Google’s AI Engine. They are: Black Lives Matter, Gay Pride, Rainbow Flag, Love is Love, Diversity, Inclusion, Family, Acceptance, Equality, Motherhood, Black Womanhood, LGBTQ+, and Allyship. 

I am really excited about getting at my “Vision Board” documents as I think it will really help to bring the house on Burns Road in Courtenay into reality. I will also develop “Vision Boards” for the other goals as well, but this one is of particular interest as there are already online pictures of the property and I can use this template to perfect this whole process and utilize it moving forward.  I am also excited about creating a “Vision Board” document for the Suite Class on Singapore Airlines, but I do not have unlimited time and need to focus on where I can get the most bang for the buck. 

When I ventured out this afternoon I ended up at the Seymour Center as a lot of older people go there, and I thought that of the general population older people tend to carry more coins. Well, I was right! I found a penny in the parking lot (see photo to the right). Not a great deal of money, but it is something. So, I now have a quarter and a nickel, I only need a dime and a nickel to finish off my coinage. A Kennedy half-dollar would be nice at some point, along with a true American silver dollar, and of course, the coin with the ”KWF” which is the ”Holy Grail” as far as I am concerned! 

The next stop was Panera Bread. I hadn’t been there in a while and during my lesson exercise this morning I said that I would receive a “special gift” at Panera Bread. Well, when I drove up there was only one parking spot, and it was right in front of the door I usually enter. Was this the free gift? The place was packed as it was Friday afternoon, but I did find a little table out on the patio in which to sip my coffee, go over today’s lesson, and try and figure out what this “gift” would be (see photo to the left).  One interesting note is that I was able to complete 13+ games of Wordle before I lost, a feat that I have never done before. 

While at Panera Bread I read the following passage on page #78 of “How the Secret Changed My Life”… “when you direct gratitude’s power toward any negative condition, a new condition is created, eliminating the old, negative condition”. This got me to thinking about LF, and how I need to find a way to be thankful for this situation. I am going to work on that as I think this whole situation with LF is what has been holding me back from all the riches of the Universe. I now view it as one of the worst experiences of my life, but I somehow need to change this view. Working on it… 

The next stop was Fearrington Village to look for coins. I drove the car around the various parking lots and saw a rabbit and some deer (see photos to the right), but no coins. I then drove to the nearby Food Lion on the way home to pick up some supplies. I told the boy who checked me out about the ROTH IRA and how if he invested at his age, he would be a millionaire by the time he retired. This was my ”good deed” for the day, but I wonder if he will follow up on this? I have mentioned ROTH IRAs to people his age in the past and they have just let this nugget of wisdom pass them by. 

Author: MainAdmin

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