2023-09-19 - Starbucks

Day #0022 (Tue., Sep. 19, 2023) – The Magical To-Do List

Today is Day #18 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magical To-Do List”. This morning, as usual, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”. 

Today we are to list the most important things or problems that I need done or solved. After that, I am to spend at least a minute meditating on the top three items being resolved and feeling enormous gratitude for this. 

So here goes… 

  1. We get an email about or receive my daughter’s Canadian birth certificate. 
  1. A lump sum of $143 million. 
  1. We get the house and property in Courtney. 
  1. I have $3 million in my retirement accounts. 
  1. A coin with a “KWF” on it. 
  1. My first ETSY T-Shirt Sale! 
  1. Singapore Airlines Suite Class Flight. 
  1. I weigh 199.99 lbs. 

I took my daughter to Starbucks near MLK this afternoon for a coffee, and we drove around talking about “The Law of Attraction” and looking for a nickel, or even better, a coin with “KWF” on it. No luck! Perhaps the Universe wants me to perfect my visualization technique, or just be patient, before it brings it to me. As mentioned in the literature, it is already here, the Universe just has to reveal it to you. 

2023-09-19 - StarbucksWhile at Starbucks my daughter got a pumpkin latte. I picked up an Americano with soy milk and one sugar (see photo to the right). We did not go inside but instead took advantage of the drive through. A bit later in the day I picked up my son at the afterschool farm camp. I spent a bit of the time walking the grounds, but still did not find any coins. We talked about going back to the office area we inspected yesterday to look for coins again, but he wanted to go home, so we did not. 

To further help with the visualization of my daughter’s Canadian birth certificate, I created a prop out of my son’s Canadian birth certificate. I took a photo of it, and then replaced his name with my daughters, and then the id # at the bottom. They say that props help with the visualization process, so I am going to use this prop moving forward to aid in bringing this birth certificate to its rightful home, which is with us.  It is 7:30 pm now and the Universe decided to not bring the certificate to me today. Perhaps tomorrow is the day! 

Later this evening I set up a Gmail account to send out Thank You’s and notes of appreciation to people who deserve to be thanked. First on this list was: 


Principal – Elementary 



Northampton Elementary School in San Perlita, Texas, where the median annual household income is just $16,384. 

Here is what I sent her: 

Hi Lisa, 

I know that being a teacher, yet alone a principal, can be such a thankless job in so many ways. 

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that all your efforts are noticed and really appreciated. 

It is people like you that make the world a better place. 

Thanks for all you do!  

A friend… 🙂 

I received an automatic response that she is out on maternity leave till the end of October, so she might respond after that. 

This email system is a fantastic way to “give thanks” at the end of the day if you didn’t happen to see anyone, or thank anyone, during the run of today’s events. 

Author: MainAdmin

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