2023-09-21 - Bottle Top

Day #0024 (Thu., Sep. 21, 2023) – Heart Magic

Welcome to Day #20 of “The Magic”, which is “Heart Magic”. I slept late today, but when I did eventually get up, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”.

I should add that I woke up in the middle of the night, at about 12:44 am this morning. I had a dream about the need to fill out a government form to move a boat as proof of ownership. This led to the thought just before I woke up of the fact that the reason, I am not seeing my coins and $143 million manifesting in my life is my limiting beliefs about money. So, I am going to take this dream to heart and work on getting rid of these limiting beliefs.

I put the actual design, instead of the t-shirt with the design, as my main image for “Luv Ya Baby” and got a click. Maybe that is the key to getting sales.

On page #181 of “The Magic” it states, “Scientific research has shown that by focusing on your heart as you feel gratitude, the rhythm of your heart immediately becomes much more even and harmonious, resulting in major improvements to your immune system and health. That gives you an idea of the power of Heart Magic”.

Today’s lesson deals with focusing on your heart as you feel grateful, especially for those items on your “Top 10 Desires” list (which are listed in the Thursday, September 14 section of this document). I went through this list, focused on my heart, even touched my heart with my right hand, and said the magic words, which are “thank you”.

2023-09-21 - Bottle TopAs mentioned previously, I need to work on my limiting beliefs about money. Here is a list of these beliefs that I found on the internet. The ones that I personally have are in “red”.

  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • It’s selfish to want a lot of money.
  • I’m not good with money.
  • You have to work hard to make money.
  • My family has never been rich.
  • Money is there to be spent.
  • It’s more important to be healthy than rich.
  • I’m not smart enough to be wealthy.
  • I’m not worthy of money.
  • I’m too old or too young to be successful.
  • I don’t have enough time to make money.
  • I don’t have the right connections to make money.
  • I don’t have a good enough education to make money.

Our new scooter came yesterday, and after charging it, we decided to take it out for a spin this evening. We ended up at Wilson Park, where I found a shiny object in the ground (see photo to the right). I thought it might be a nickel or a quarter, but after digging it up I was disappointed that it was only a bottle top. Next up was the local LDS parking lot where my son got a chance to have a nice long ride on his scooter while I walked around looking for coins. He had a lot of fun, but still no coins for me today.

Author: MainAdmin

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