2023-09-22 - Road Coin

Day #0025 (Fri., Sep. 22, 2023) – Magnificent Outcomes

Today is Day #21 of “The Magic”, which is “Magnificent Outcomes”. I slept late today, but when I did eventually get up, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”.

On page #190 it states, “Gratitude helps protect you from attracting what you don’t want – bad outcomes – and it ensures that you get what you do want – Magnificent Outcomes!”.

It then goes on to state that “When gratitude becomes your way of life, you automatically go into everything you do with gratitude, knowing that the magic of gratitude will produce a magnificent outcome”.

Today’s first exercise is to choose three things that you have planned for today that you want to have a “Magnificent Outcome” to. Here goes:

Thank you for the magnificent outcome to my drive to Panera Bread.

Thank you for the magnificent outcome to my drive to Walmart.

Thank you for the magnificent outcome to my drive to Taco Bell.

Today’s second exercise is to use Magnificent Outcomes to three unexpected things that happened today. They were:

Thank you for the magnificent outcome to .

Thank you for the magnificent outcome to .

Thank you for the magnificent outcome to .

Key: You cannot do this magical practice too much, because the more you practice it, the more Magnificent Outcomes you will have in your life as a matter of course.

2023-09-21 - Highway CoinSo, it’s evening now and nothing that I wanted a “magnificent outcome” too came about today. I did see something on the divider between the road near Walgreens on my way home after picking up $200 at the ATM (see photo to the right), but it was just some gum or something and not the nickel or quarter that I had hoped. This is causing me to take a step back and try and figure out what the deal is. Rather than get discouraged or give up like I would have in the past, my desire is burning to figure this all out…

I watched several videos on YouTube this evening dealing with the “Law of Attraction” and “Manifesting”. Some videos by “Abraham Hicks” in particular, caught my attention.

This one talks about asking your “Inner Being” for the next step you should take on your journey. Make note of what is said at the 8:30 and 10:30 points in the video.

This second one talks about several important concepts. At the 6:00 point it mentions that “what you think of as a destination is just part of the journey”. At 8:26 it talks about the fact that you only need patience when you are in resistance. It was never about getting there anyway; it was always about the fun that you are having. 11:30 mentions that everything is on point. From 12:55 to the end of the video it focuses on the fact that you really do not need the “thing” anyway, as it is the feeling that you have been after.

I plan to take all these concepts and put them into a document to meditate on so that I can get into the right frame of mind early in the morning.

Furthermore, I am really planning to create a book that shows how the law of attraction, the Bible, and various religions are focusing on the same concepts.

Here’s a book by Tara Swart, an MIT doctor who believes in the Law of Attraction. I’m thinking of getting her book.

Oh, and I’m thinking of registering the domain name loa.codes for my “Law of Attraction” notes.

Author: MainAdmin

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