2023-09-24 - Website

Day #0027 (Sun., Sep. 24, 2023) – The Magical Air that You Breathe

Sunday, September 24, 2023 (Day #23)

Welcome to Day #23 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magical Air that You Breathe”. As has been the norm as of late, this morning I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”.

Today’s lesson is about focusing on the things that we so often take for granted, such as the wonderful air that we all breathe. The exercise was to stop and think about the air that you breathe five times today, take five breaths each time, and then say, “thank you for the magical air that I breathe”.

2023-09-24 - WebsiteI took my son out this afternoon so that he could ride his scooter. I have been looking for coins in the various parking lots that we have gone to, but I must say that today was another “dry day” in this regard. No Etsy sales either!

I spent quite a bit of time today getting my LoA.codes website up and running. I am happy to say that it is up, and I am in the process of transferring the notes I have taken in this document into posts on this website. Here is what I have done so far (see photo to the right). It is getting there…

Author: MainAdmin

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