2023-09-25 - Coins

Day #0028 (Mon., Sep. 25, 2023) – The Magic Wand

Welcome to Day #24 of “The Magic”, which is “The Magic Wand”. I feel like I have a cold coming on, so I slept in late this morning. When I got up, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”.

Today’s lesson, “The Magic Wand”, focuses on choosing three people who you care about and who you would like to help with more health, happiness, or all three.

I chose my wife and two kids. Going from #1 to #3, here’s the process:

Put the photograph of this person in front of you.

Close your eyes and for a minute each, visualize the person’s health, wealth, or happiness has been fully restored, and you’re receiving the news.

2023-09-25 - CoinsOpen your eyes, and with the photograph still in front of you, say the magic words slowly: “Thank you, thank you, thank you for health, wealth, or happiness.”

Today is a teacher workday, so I took the kids out for some fun this afternoon. For starters, we went to a car wash to wash our van so our daughter will not be embarrassed by how dirty it is when we drop her off at school. We then went to Chick-Fil-A so my son could get a kid’s meal and my daughter could get some fries. We then went to a local church parking lot so that my son could ride his scooter, and my daughter and I could look for coins (see photo to the left). Another dry day in the look for coins I am afraid… 🙁

I did, however, create a great little “Air Conditioner” meditation video. It starts off with a bit of an intro by Abraham Hicks, and then goes into a 30-minute segment of the sound of an air conditioner, which is apparently ideal to meditate to. I tried it out this afternoon and this evening as well. It still takes a bit of effort to calm your mind down and tap into the “vortex” as Abraham calls it.

Author: MainAdmin

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