2023-09-26 - McDonalds

Day #0029 (Tue., Sep. 26, 2023) – Cue The Magic

Welcome to Day #24 of “The Magic”, which is “Cue the Magic”. This morning, as is the norm, I made my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for inside “My Daily Journal”. 

I am really enjoying my “30 Minute Air Conditioner Meditation” video, in fact I went to bed last night with it playing on my iPhone. Alas, no real breakthroughs this morning. 

Today’s lesson, “Cue the Magic”, focuses on being alert as to what is around you, and take at least seven gratitude cues from the events of today. For example, if you see someone with your perfect weight, say “Thank you for my perfect weight”. 

Here are the seven “cues” that I took from today’s events: 

  1. I saw a mailbox. Thank you for the postal service that delivers my mail. 
  2. I saw a garbage bin. Thank you for the garbage man who takes my garbage.
  3. I saw a traffic director. Thank you for directing traffic so that we can all be safe. 
  4. I saw men working on the side of the road. Thank you for fixing our roadways.
  5. I saw the girl who handed me a McDonald’s coffee. Thank you for preparing my coffee for me. 
  6. I saw a policeman giving out instructions on a road closure. Thank you for being of service to our town. 
  7. I saw a tree branch on the side of a road. Thank you to our tree branch removal service who keep our roadways clear of tree debris. 

2023-09-26 - McDonaldsI put up another couple of videos onto my YouTube channel. The first one was a great little video by Abraham Hicks on how to manifest your desires effortlessly in just one hour.  The second one was on how your inner being gives you subtle directions. I will listen to these in the evenings when I fall asleep, and during naps as well. 

I went out late this afternoon for a coffee at McDonald’s (see photo to the left) and to look for coins in the various parking lots around town. I have been coming up short in the coin department as of late. I was listening to some videos by Abraham Hicks that mentioned how we should be in such a realization that our manifestations will happen that our state of mind should be like they have already happened. In this way, when they do materialize it will not be a shock, but rather just an acknowledgement of something that was happening and just around the corner anyway. 

Our power went out this afternoon, and did not come on till 7:20 pm this evening, so I was out for an extended period. I picked up our son at a local farm camp that he attends after school a couple of times a week, and we went to Chick-Fil-A afterwards to pick up meals for the entire family. 



Author: MainAdmin

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