2023-10-02 - Bus Stop

Day #0035 – (Mon., Oct. 2, 2023) – Bus Stop Quarter?

As we close out the pages of “The Magic”, I’m into the section that previews their other book “The Secret” now. As usual, this morning I started the day by putting my list of the 10 things that I am grateful for. I put them inside “My Daily Journal”. 

I have been wondering why I have not been able to materialize my “KWF coin, or the $143 million, etc. I remembered in the movie “The Secret”, Jack Canfield talks about how it took him a length of time after he started to visualize money coming into his life before it appeared. So, so I decided to rewatch “The Secret” movie, and at the 47 minute mark he says that “nothing major happened for about 30 days”.  Well, it’s been about 30 days since I started to visualize this money coming into my life…  Is it just around the corner?  

Here are some notable quotes, and their page numbers: 

Page #256, John Assaraf, Entrepreneur and Moneymaking Expert. “We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don’t care how big it is”. 

Page #256, Dr. Denis Waitley, Psychologist and Trainer in the Field of Mind Potential. “The leaders in the past who had ‘The Secret’ wanted to keep the power and not share the power”. 

Page #256, Bob Proctor, Philosopher, Author, and Personal Coach. “The Secret is the law of attraction”. 

Page #256, Bob Proctor. “Religions, such as Hinduism, Hermetic traditions, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and civilizations, such as ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, delivered it through their writings and stories. 

Page #256, Bob Proctor. “The law began at the beginning of time. It has always been and will always be. 

2023-10-02 - Bus Stop

Page #256, Mike Dooley, Author and International Speaker. “And that principle can be summed up in three simple words. Thoughts become things! 

Page #256, John Assaraf. “What most people don’t understand is that a thought has a frequency”. 

Page #256, Bob Proctor. “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person. 

I went to the bus stop this afternoon to pick my son up, and walked across the street to check out the other bus stop and see if there were any coins laying around anywhere (see photo to the right).  Nope! My reasoning was that people who take the bus are generally not that financially well off, so they might not have a bank account or credit card, which means that they might have more cash and coins on hand. This being the case, some of these coins might fall out of their pockets as they get on or off the bus or hang around the bus stop.  Well, it didn’t seem to being me any coins this time. As I’ve mentioned previously, perhaps I am trying too hard. 

Author: MainAdmin

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