2023-10-05 - Cafe Driade

Day #0038 – (Thu., Oct. 5, 2023) – The 17 Second Rule Video

“The Magic” is almost done. Today I read the section “Secret Summaries”. I also did my 10 things that I am grateful for later in the day today and put them inside “My Daily Journal”.

There are two main takeaways from the “Secret Summaries”, at least from my viewpoint right now.  They are:

  1. The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction.
  2. Your thoughts become things.

2023-10-05 - Toonly ShortThis morning I put up my first LoA video using Toonly. It deals with the “17 Second Rule” as outlined by Abraham Hicks, and you can see the cover shot of this video in the photo to the right. I think in the future I will just use the lip-synced character and use some background scene from Pixabay. That will make it unique among those YouTube videos out there on this topic and hopefully bring in more viewers and subscribers. I did use an ocean sea from Pixabay at the bottom of this video, but I think it would be better to have this as the whole background moving forward.

This afternoon I purchased the Kindle book “14,000 Things To Be Happy About”. I plan to use this book each morning to come up with my “10 Things I’m Grateful For” list as I want to broaden my horizons as to the wonderful things that are out there in the Universe, but I am not aware of.

I asked the following question of “Bard” this afternoon:

I want to have a great house and I want $3 million dollars as well.  According to Abraham hicks, what should I focus on attracting into my life first?

According to Abraham Hicks, you should focus on attracting the house that you want first. They teach that money is simply a tool that can be used to create a positive experience in your life. It is not the most important thing in the world, and it should not be the focus of your life. Instead, focus on creating a life that you love, and the money will follow.

If you focus on the money, you are likely to experience resistance, which will make it more difficult to attract the money you need. Instead, focus on the house that you want and imagine yourself living in it. Feel the emotions of already living in the house, and the money will come.

Here is a quote from Abraham Hicks on this topic:

“Money is simply a tool that can be used to create a positive experience in your life. It is not the most important thing in the world, and it should not be the focus of your life. Instead, focus on creating a life that you love, and the money will follow.”

Once you have attracted the house that you want, you can then focus on attracting the $3 million dollars. However, it is important to note that the money will come to you naturally when you are focused on creating a life that you love. You do not need to force it or try to make it happen.

Here are some tips for using the 17-second rule to attract the house and money that you want:

  • Be specific and clear about what you want. What kind of house do you want? How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? What kind of location do you want? What do you want to do with the $3 million dollars? Once you have a clear idea of what you want, write it down.
  • Visualize yourself living in your dream home and having the $3 million dollars. How would you feel? What would you do? Imagine yourself waking up in your dream home, making breakfast in your dream kitchen, and relaxing in your dream living room. Imagine yourself using the $3 million dollars to create a positive experience in your life. The more vivid your visualization, the better.
  • Feel the emotions of living in your dream home and having the $3 million dollars. How would it feel to be the owner of your dream home and have the financial freedom that the $3 million dollars would bring? Would you feel happy, excited, grateful? Feel these emotions as intensely as possible.
  • Use the 17-second rule to focus on your positive thoughts and feelings. Throughout the day, take a few moments to sit quietly and focus on your positive thoughts and feelings about your dream home and the $3 million dollars. Hold these thoughts and feelings for 17 seconds at a time.
  • Take action towards your goal. Once you have a clear vision of what you want and you are feeling the emotions of already having it, start taking action towards your goal. This may involve saving money, looking for homes, or talking to a financial advisor.

The 17-second rule is a powerful tool that can help you to attract the house and money that you want. It is a reminder that you have the power to choose your thoughts and feelings, and that your choices have a real impact on your reality.

Remember, you are a powerful creator. You have the ability to create the life that you want, one thought at a time.

2023-10-05 - Cafe DriadeI went to Café Driade for a coffee this afternoon (see photo to the left). They did not have almond milk, so I had soya milk. I am not sure exactly why, but the coffee tasted horrible. Maybe the soya milk? Or the coffee itself? For an upscale coffee shop, I expected better. This is why I like Panera Bread. If you don’t like the bold you can have the morning blend or the Hazelnut. Or even green tea. You can get as many refills as you want, and they will brew a new batch if you tell them that it is cold. I made sure to look all around for coins while I was there, but no such luck. Like I have said before, maybe I’m working too hard to find them rather than let the coins come to me.

This evening the family had a discussion about what our dream house is, and 311 Burns Road might be off the table. My daughter has mentioned that she is not sure if she likes the idea of having two houses on the property, but my wife thinks that having an extra house would be perfect as we could rent it out if needed.

I’m taking comfort by page #164 of the book “How The Secret Changed My Life”, which states:

“If there was a particular … job you wanted, and you didn’t get it, the Universe is telling you that it was not good enough and did not match your dream. It is also telling you that it has something BETTER and more worthy of you. Something better is coming… you’re allowed to be excited!”

I suspect that this applies to houses as well, so even if we can’t pinpoint exactly what we want in a house, the Universe will give us the best one for us!

Author: MainAdmin

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