2023-10-10 - Morning Coffee

Day #0043 – (Tue., Oct. 10, 2023) – Dream/Bucket List

It’s 6:30 am EST right now, and here are my “10 Morning Blessings” for today (with help from the “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” book):

  1. I am so happy and grateful for tremendous kettles of soup on a potbellied stove. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  2. I am so happy and grateful for hearing a glacier calve. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  3. I am so happy and grateful for all the badges I received as a Cub Scout. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  4. I am so happy and grateful for hockey, anytime, anywhere! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  5. I am so happy and grateful for hearing “You’re the Best”! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  6. I am so happy and grateful for carpet shampoo. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  7. I am so happy and grateful for organizing time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  8. I am so happy and grateful for an ideal picnic spot. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  9. I am so happy and grateful for sleeping sprawled out on the bed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  10. I am so happy and grateful for Angora cats. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
2023-10-10 - Morning Coffee

And thank you for the good news that is coming to me today!

Today’s “Act of Kindness”: I sent a thank you email to Lisa, the assistant cook at Washington Middle School in Montana. I thanked her for the delicious meals she was making!

Today’s “Main Blessing”: The Travel PDF for my Dream/Bucket List!

After dropping my son off at Elementary School this morning I went to Panera Bread for a cup of coffee! (see photo to the right) I want to make sure I get my value out of my $5 “Sip Club” membership… 🙂 I took this cup of coffee home with me where I made a great breakfast to accompany it.

I started my Dream/Bucket List this morning as well. I actually had a Dream List before, but this one is now more solidified in this LoA.codes website.

Today I put up a video on Abraham Hick’s permission to be lazy… 🙂

Yesterday I purchased a series of PDF’s with ideas for a Bucket List. I’m gradually going to go through them one by one, and this afternoon when I was at Panera Bread I went through the “travel one”. There are 18 of these books, and THOUSANDS of ideas, so the struggle will be to figure out how to incorporate them. I think that I’m just going to go through all the PDF’s quickly at first, and then go back and go through them in greater detail. When I find something that I would like to do, I will add this to my personal Dream/Bucket List, and sort them from time to time to ensure that things I want to do the most are near the top.

As per Abraham Hicks and all the other information that I’m reading on the subject of the Law of Attraction, the key is to be HAPPY and JOYFUL. As such, I’m not going to make going through these PDF’s a struggle, but more of an enjoyable exercise. If I get to it fine, if not, that’s fine too!

Author: MainAdmin

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