Day #0045 – (Thu., Oct. 12, 2023) – Our Dream Home Location

I woke up late and had to go get my allergy shot this morning, so I started this while I was in the waiting area, but I did do my “10 Morning Blessings” list when I got home (with help from the “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” book). Here it is:

  1. I am so happy and grateful for the old American custom of serving coffee on New Year’s Day. I actually had never heard of this before, but it sounds great! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  2. I am so happy and grateful for places where writers, artists, and tourists gather. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  3. I am so happy and grateful for playing among big trees and rocks when I was a child. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  4. I am so happy and grateful for gratefulness (go figure). Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  5. I am so happy and grateful for assembly lines. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  6. I am so happy and grateful for cherry pie a la mode (my alltime favorite). Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  7. I am so happy and grateful for the US of A. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  8. I am so happy and grateful for life choices, particularly the great ones. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  9. I am so happy and grateful for getting warm by the fire after a long day of skiing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  10. I am so happy and grateful for the sound of crisp snow under your feet when you walk. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And thank you for the good news that is coming to me today!

Today’s “Act of Kindness”: I let a car that was stalled in traffic into my lane on Franklin Street.

Today’s “Main Blessing”: I am solidifying more and more my “Dream House” in Courtenay!

While I was waiting for my allergy shot this morning I went over the “Financial Bucket List” PDF document. One more down!

After my allergy shot, I stopped off at Panera Bread to get my large coffee courtesy of the “Sip Club”. They were out of Splenda. I keep telling them that they need to order more, but maybe one day this thought will kick into gear. I took my coffee home where I sipped on it while I updated today’s blog post.

I have kind of gotten away from writing down my ideas on manifesting coins. I’ve still been looking for them when I am out and about mind you, but I need to watch some videos and read some articles and formulate a coordinated plan of attack on how to approach this goal. I most definitely want to see that “KWF” coin in my hand!

I spent quite a bit of time this afternoon figuring out what our “Dream Home” in Comox would look like, and primarily, WHERE it would be. We want to be near Costco, as this is where we will primarily be doing a lot of our shopping. In addition, we like Seal Park, and want to be close to schools, and we want close to 100 meters in elevation, so it looks like the ideal area would be at the bottom edge of Seal Park, primarily where the roads of Elmo and Mitchell intersect. As you can see on the topographical map at the top of this post, this is around 85 meters, which is pretty close to 100 meters. I would prefer over 100 meters, but there doesn’t seem to be an area of over 100 meters that meets our other criteria.

2023-10-12 - Ideal Home 2

I just happened to check out this area on Google Maps and Zillow, and there is a house that seems to fit the bill. The rest of the photos in this post show this house and the area, and more specifics. The photo with the trees at the top of this post shows where it is situated and the fact that it was assessed at $917,000. This was back in 2019, so I’m sure that they will want much more than this if and WHEN it comes back on the market.

2023-10-12 - Ideal Home

The photo to the right shows what this property looks like from the street. Unfortunately, we don’t have any interior views of the house, but we can see that it appears to be a farmhouse, with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. The real bonus is the fact that this property has 4.5 acres. Not sure if we want to have this much pastureland as we don’t plan on having horses or cows, but it is what it is.

Author: MainAdmin

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