2023-10-16 - Orange Scone

Day #0049 – (Mon., Oct. 16, 2023) – Orange Scone

It’s 6:43 am! Happy Monday everyone! Here is my “10 Morning Blessings/Gratitude” list (with help from the “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” book):

  1. I am so happy and grateful for clouds and mist rolling over a mountain top. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  2. I am so happy and grateful for headache medicines. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  3. I am so happy and grateful for bakery croissants. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  4. I am so happy and grateful for going back to your hometown. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  5. I am so happy and grateful for a charismatic television weather person. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  6. I am so happy and grateful for guarantees that don’t wear out the day before something needs fixing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  7. I am so happy and grateful for the state of continual becoming. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  8. I am so happy and grateful for mountains flaming with red, orange, and purple foliage. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  9. I am so happy and grateful for triumphing over adversity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  10. I am so happy and grateful for music boxes. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And thank you for the good news that is coming to me today!

Today’s “Act of Kindness”: I had to go to Walgreens this afternoon to pick up a prescription for my son. The place was packed, so I let another driver take a parking spot that should have been mine. They didn’t seem to appreciate this act of kindness, but I know that the Universe saw it…

Today’s “Main Blessing”: I’m finalizing my “Daily ToDo” list in terms of mediation and grateful lists and such. Hopefully this will be the start of the raining of the blessings!

I meditated early this morning asking “The Source” to teach me about the lottery miss yesterday and what I needed to do to start the blessings flowing.  The thought that came to mind was that I need to meditate three times a day, so I’m going to add that to my “Daily ToDo List”.

I found an interesting section in the Kindle book “How the Secret Changed My Life”, and thought I would mention it at this point:

On page #214 Belinda recounts: “Life continued to be depressing, until one day I didn’t feel like I could take any more of it. That was when I realized that using The Secret was my only chance ever to be happy. I began to really apply the principles. I made a definite decision as to what I really wanted in life, I created a vision board, and I began to live/feel/act as if those things were now a reality.”

The author follows this up on page #217 by stating “Once Belinda made a definite decision about what she really wanted in life, she put aside her doubts and fears and used all of the practices she’d learned from The Secret – including the check from the Universal Bank, a vision board, writing down what she wanted, and keeping a Gratitude Journal – in order to turn her life around and become a person grounded in positivity rather than the one who was driven by negative thoughts.”.

I went to Panera Bread after I got my allergy shot. I thought that I would utilize the “free bagel” reward that I had coming to me courtesy of my Panera Bread card. I got the Cinnamon Crunch one (which came with two butter) along with a large dark coffee (see photo to the right) and sat at the window seat overlooking Franklin Street. I talked the lady behind the counter about what was her favorite dessert, and she mentioned the orange scone (see photo to the left). That got my taste buds going, so I had one of those as well.  Certainly not the best day in terms of counting calories, but they sure tasted good!

While I munched away I finished a quick read of the “Fitness” PDF that I purchased the other day.

I spent quite a bit of time this afternoon solidifying what I will be doing on My Daily “ToDo” List. This involves working on My Vision Board and My Dream/Bucket List, as well as meditating three times a day. I feel a cold coming on so I will start to implement this in earnest tomorrow rather than today. Time for bed!

Oh, before shutting down for the night I did have time to play around with the “Garage Band” app on my iPhone and test it out. This is an optional item on My Daily “ToDo” List. Something to make me happy if I find time. After all “Joy” is what it is all about boys & girls!

Author: MainAdmin

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