Blessed Wednesday everyone! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”:
- Morning affirmation (immediately upon rising): “I am extremely deserving of the things that I am manifesting because I have and always have had a good heart. I want the best for others and want for things to work out well for everyone. Even when people were horrible to me, I tried to look beyond this and resolve issues so that all could live in peace. I don’t have a great desire for wealth, other than getting a nice home and traveling, and will use the rest of the money to benefit and help others. So, taking this into account, if ANYONE is deserving of these things I am manifesting, it is ME“! Yes, at 10:08 am.
- Ask Bard (or ChatGPT) the question of the day and implement the response. What does Abraham Hicks teach about suffering? (see answer below).
- Create my “10 Morning Blessings / Gratitude List”:
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for ignoring those who discourage you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for free hot dogs. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for the noiseless flight of owls. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #4) I am so happy and grateful for a salmon-colored sunset. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #5) I am so happy and grateful for the yellowing pages of old books. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #6) I am so happy and grateful for rain showers. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #7) I am so happy and grateful for lighted swimming pools. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #8) I am so happy and grateful for reaching toward greater self-awareness, appreciation of beauty, and love of others. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #9) I am so happy and grateful for a green landscape. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #10) I am so happy and grateful for plain doughnuts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And thank you for good news that is coming to me today!
- Bless Food (Before Eating): After breakfast!
- Positive Dieting Thoughts for the Day: I am losing weight through (a) Intermittent Fasting, (b) Non-Fat Foods, (c) <2000 Calories, (d) Daily Exercises: I had a calorie-wise sandwich at Panera Bread this evening (see notes below).
- Take Resveratrol: This afternoon.
- Put On Shin Cream: This afternoon.
- Daily Mediations (3 total) (with my “air conditioner” background video if possible). (a) Ask “Source” for Next Step, (b) “Dream Home” in Courtenay, and (c) “KWF Coin”. No.
- Update “Dream List” (Add/Remove/Update). No.
- Update “Vision Board” (Add/Remove/Update). No.
- This evening do or record my “Act of Kindness”: I “Tweeted Out” how we can teach AI to keep us around. You can see the Tweet here.
- Before going to bed, clutch my “Gratitude Rock” and record my “Main Blessing” for today: No.
Ask Bard: What does Abraham Hicks teach about suffering?
Bard Replies: Abraham Hicks, known for their teachings on the Law of Attraction and positive manifestation, have a unique perspective on suffering. Here are some key points about their views:
1. Suffering is not inherent to life: Hicks believes that suffering is not an essential part of the human experience. Instead, it arises from misalignment with our true nature, which is infinite joy and well-being.
2. Suffering is a consequence of our thoughts and beliefs: Hicks emphasizes that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. When we hold negative beliefs and focus on lack and limitation, we attract experiences of suffering. Conversely, positive thoughts and beliefs attract abundance and well-being.
3. Suffering is a signal for course correction: Hicks views suffering as a temporary signal indicating a disharmony in our vibration. It’s a call to shift our focus to more positive thoughts and emotions to get back into alignment with our true desires.
4. Suffering can be used for growth: While not ideal, Hicks believes that suffering can be used as an opportunity for learning and growth. It can help us identify limiting beliefs and patterns that need to be released, and motivate us to seek better-feeling experiences.
5. We have the power to choose our experience: Hicks emphasizes that we have the power to choose our thoughts and emotions, and therefore our experiences. We can choose to focus on the positive aspects of life, even in the midst of challenges, and attract more joy and well-being.
6. The focus should be on well-being: Ultimately, Hicks teaches that the goal is to cultivate a state of well-being and joy in our lives. They encourage practices like gratitude, appreciation, and focusing on the good to attract more positive experiences and minimize suffering.
It’s important to note that Hicks’ teachings are not meant to invalidate or minimize the experience of suffering. They acknowledge that suffering can be real and painful, but they offer a framework for understanding it and moving towards a more positive and joyful existence.

Whether you agree with their perspective or not, Hicks’ teachings on suffering offer a unique and hopeful approach to navigating the challenges of life. By focusing on raising our vibration and aligning ourselves with our true desires, they believe we can create a life filled with more joy and less suffering.
I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.
After dropping my son off at elementary school, I went to Panera Bread for a cup of coffee.
I spent a lot of time this afternoon creating this Taylor Swift video in order to promote my LoA.Codes YouTube channel. By the end of the day, the long version was done. Now I just need to create some shorts to promote this long version.
I have a $5 off coupon coming to me courtesy of the Panera Bread Sip Club. Today was the last day to redeem it, so I went back to Panera Bread this evening to have a Mediterranean Sandwich (see photo to the left). I’m off dairy, so I substituted the cheese for hummus. Instead of chips or more bread I had an apple. The drink was a soda water with lime flavoring. Quite the calorie wise choice of meal if I do say so myself.