Well, it’s Thursday again! Let’s kick things off with item #1 on my “ToDo List”:
- Be “Grateful/Thankful”:
- Write down “3 Things” to be thankful for. One from “14,000” book or “Bucket List” PDF’s, one from “Manifestations”, and one “Simple Pleasure”.
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for the discovery of a vocation. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for finding my “KWF” coin! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for Kung Fu. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And thank you for good news that is coming to me today!
- “Positive Aspect List”:
- Go over the “Positive Aspect List“.
- Update with item #1 if/when appropriate.
- “Visual ToDo List”:
- Glance over the Morning Routine “How To” Notes for perspective.
- Complete Today’s “Visual ToDo List”
- Upload “Visual ToDo List” to today’s post.
This morning I had a series of great meditations with “The Source”. I slept in between these meditations mind you, and nothing of note really came of any of them. Then, just before I woke up, my mind quieted and I was in a seemingly talk with “The Source”. I was asking it was my “Next Steps” were, and it kept saying “Keep on the same track, doing are doing fine”. Hmmm… Later in the day I was listening to a tape in which Oprah interviewed Esther Hicks and she said that she didn’t get anything out of meditation for about a month, then started spelling out letters with her nose, like Abraham was trying to communicate something. Jerry, her husband, wrote this down. Is this something like that? Just say the course and after about a month a manifestation will appear. Who knows! Let’s see…
The next thing that flashed into my mind during this meditation was this girl I used to work with in Australia. I remember being happy that I was in Australia in December and away from the snowy and cold climate of Canada. I was happy and joyful, and complimented her in the car when I drove her home after work one day. I told her that she was a great girl and a great catch for someone, not thinking of a relationship between her and I. Low and behold, she fell for me after that. Why this thought now? Is this telling me how to have relationships with people moving forward? Just relax and be complimentary to people and you will reap the rewards? Hmmm….
Here’s my “Visual ToDo List” to start off the day!

Ask Bard: What does Abraham Hicks think of Kung Fu?
Bard’s Reply: While Abraham Hicks don’t directly address specific physical activities like Kung Fu, their teachings offer principles that indirectly relate to it. Here’s how you might interpret their philosophy in the context of Kung Fu:
Focus on Vibration: Abraham Hicks emphasize that your internal state, primarily determined by your thoughts and emotions, shapes your external reality. This principle applies to any pursuit, including Kung Fu. If you approach it with joy, determination, and passion, you’re more likely to attract positive experiences and progress in your training.
Non-Judgment and Alignment: Hicks discourage judging or manipulating others, even with the intention of helping. This applies to competition or sparring in Kung Fu. While aiming to improve your skills, it’s important to maintain a positive and respectful attitude towards your opponents, focusing on personal growth rather than comparing or seeking to dominate.
Mastery and Inspired Action: Kung Fu requires dedicated practice and striving for mastery. Abraham Hicks encourage inspired action guided by internal joy and fulfillment. Your training should be enjoyable and motivating, not driven by external pressure or obligation. Trust your intuition and find ways to practice that resonate with your authentic desire to learn and grow.
Focus on Solutions, Not Problems: Kung Fu involves overcoming challenges and pushing your physical and mental limits. However, Hicks advise focusing on solutions and possibilities, not dwelling on limitations or frustrations. Approach obstacles with a positive mindset, seeking solutions and learning opportunities within the challenges.
Attracting Harmony and Flow: Kung Fu ultimately aims for smooth movements and harmonious control. This aligns with Abraham Hicks’ teachings on attracting a life filled with flow and abundance. By cultivating a positive vibration through your practice, you might invite experiences of effortless learning, synchronized movements, and a deeper connection to your body and its capabilities.
Remember: Abraham Hicks’ teachings are broad and can be applied to various aspects of life, including physical pursuits like Kung Fu. It’s up to you to interpret their principles and find ways to incorporate them into your practice. Focus on personal growth, joy, and positive energy, and let your experience of Kung Fu be a reflection of your inner alignment and desire for personal mastery.

Ultimately, Abraham Hicks don’t offer a specific opinion on Kung Fu, but their principles provide valuable guidelines for approaching any activity with a positive mindset, seeking personal growth, and attracting experiences of joy and fulfillment.
I went to get my allergy shot this morning, and stopped off at Panera Bread for a coffee before, and after, my shot. I took the opportunity to take a photo of the patio area looking towards the counter as it was totally empty! (see photo to the right).

I had a FANTASTIC meditation just before I woke up from my afternoon nap. In fact, it was such a pleasant and overwhelmingly warming experience, I could not get out of bed. I asked “The Source” all kinds of questions, and it was patient and answered them all. I could not get the thought of this great meditation out of my head, so I decided to go to see a movie this evening (just like in the old days) and recollect all that “The Source” told me. You can see the notes that I took on my iPhone in the image to the left. A couple of more things I could add to these notes as I write this.
Oh, and the movie I went to see? “Godzilla Minus 1” at the SilverSpot theater (see photo to the right). It was really good, like all the reviews said. One sequence, when the monster was chasing the boat, reminded me of the scene from Jaws, but I do think that the low budget did show the monster to not be as professionally made as it could have been. Better CGI? Not sure!