Happy Christmas Eve everyone! Here’s item #1 on my “ToDo List”:
- Be “Grateful/Thankful”:
- Write down “10 Things” to be thankful for. NOTE SOURCE: “14,000” book, “Bucket List” PDF’s, “Personal Manifestations”, or “Simple Pleasure”.
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for sci-fi. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for inflatable boats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for staying healthy when everyone else has a cold. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #4) I am so happy and grateful for the seven virtues: charity, faith, fortitude, hope, justice, prudence, and temperance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #5) I am so happy and grateful for answer pages in the back of textbooks. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #6) I am so happy and grateful for eggs over easy with toast. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #7) I am so happy and grateful for skeet shooting. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #8) I am so happy and grateful for lush green gardens that roll gently down to magnificent pink sandy beaches. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #9) I am so happy and grateful for a wood fire. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #10) I am so happy and grateful for raisin bread pudding with fresh lemon sauce. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And THANK YOU for GOOD NEWS that is coming to me today!
- “Positive Aspect List”:
- Go over the “Positive Aspect List“.
- Update with item #1 if/when appropriate.
- “Visual ToDo List”:
- Glance over the Morning Routine “How To” Notes for perspective.
- Complete Today’s “Visual ToDo List”
- Upload “Visual ToDo List” to today’s post.

Ask Bard: Stasis Dermatitis AI Crispr
Bard Replies: Unfortunately, CRISPR technology, while promising in many areas of medicine, is not yet a viable option for treating Stasis dermatitis. Here’s why:
CRISPR for Stasis dermatitis:
- Complexity of the condition: Stasis dermatitis is a multifaceted condition with underlying venous insufficiency and multiple contributing factors. CRISPR currently isn’t effective in addressing complex, multifactorial diseases.
- Safety concerns: Modifying human genes carries significant risks and ethical considerations. CRISPR is still in its early stages of development, and its safety profile for treating any skin condition isn’t fully established.
- Lack of research and clinical trials: No current research or clinical trials are exploring CRISPR as a treatment for Stasis dermatitis.
Focus on current treatment options:
While CRISPR is a promising area of research, it’s not a realistic solution for Stasis dermatitis at this point. Existing treatments offer effective management options:
- Lifestyle modifications: Weight management, exercise, leg elevation, and compression stockings can significantly improve circulation and reduce symptoms.
- Topical medications: Moisturizers, anti-inflammatory creams, and corticosteroids can address itching and inflammation.
- Other treatments: Depending on the severity, antibiotics for infections, compression wraps, or even surgery to address underlying vein issues might be considered.
Alternative future advancements:
While CRISPR isn’t currently an option, research in gene therapy and regenerative medicine holds potential for future treatment of Stasis dermatitis. However, these are still in early stages and will require extensive research and development before becoming clinical realities.
It’s important to stay informed about advancements in medical technology but prioritize evidence-based treatment options from healthcare professionals for your current condition.
Remember, self-diagnosis and self-treatment can be dangerous, and consulting a doctor is crucial for a proper diagnosis and effective management of Stasis dermatitis.

I hope this explanation clarifies the limitations of CRISPR for Stasis dermatitis and encourages you to focus on evidence-based treatment options while keeping track of promising future advancements.
I went to Panera Bread this afternoon for a cup of coffee. There were almost no customers, so I was able to get the coveted corner table (see photo to the right). There were a couple of meals on the table next to me by people who had recently left. This included an empty bag of chips, so I enjoyed this tasty treat for free. Does a free bag of potato chips mean a free manifestation? Maybe… While I munched away, I enjoyed watching a video on the YouTube channel Overstay Road.