It’s Thursday everyone! Let’s kick things off with item #1 on my “ToDo List”:
- Be “Grateful/Thankful”:
- Write down “10 Things” to be thankful for. NOTE SOURCE: “14,000” book, “Bucket List” PDF’s, “Personal Manifestations”, or “Simple Pleasure”.
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for unique baby toys. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for energetic volunteers. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for organic peanut butter. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #4) I am so happy and grateful for no entrance fee. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #5) I am so happy and grateful for a steak over charcoal. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #6) I am so happy and grateful for thinking for yourself. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #7) I am so happy and grateful for steam rising from a cluster of casseroles. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #8) I am so happy and grateful for kids riding in shopping carts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #9) I am so happy and grateful for an enjoyable or cute nickname. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #10) I am so happy and grateful for airing your blankets and quilts on a line in the yard. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And THANK YOU for GOOD NEWS that is coming to me today!
- “Positive Aspect List”:
- Go over the “Positive Aspect List“.
- Update with item #1 if/when appropriate.
- “Visual ToDo List”:
- Glance over the Morning Routine “How To” Notes for perspective.
- Complete Today’s “Visual ToDo List”
- Upload “Visual ToDo List” to today’s post.
Here’s my “Visual ToDo List” for this morning.

I went to get my allergy shot this morning, and then to Panera Bread afterwards for my morning cup of coffee. While I was exiting the allergy clinic, I saw a frail old lady working her way to the building and felt the “intuitive need” to help her out? I let her pass and as I was getting into my car, I saw that she could not get into the building. The door sticks a bit, so I got out and opened the door for her. I asked her if she needed help in getting where she was going, and she told me that she had an appointment with the eye doctor but needed to find the bathroom first.

While she was in the bathroom, I examined the floor to tell her where the eye doctor was when she came out. Well, I came across the employee entrance, and learned that finding the customer entrance was a bit more complicated. You needed to go out of the building and circle around it (see photo to the left)! Anyway, once the lady came out of the bathroom, I told her that we needed to go outside to get to the customer entrance, and we walked outside to find it. She told me that she is from Pennsylvania, and has just moved here, and is 90 years old. She said that she hates Chapel Hill but loves the friendliness of the people. I’m glad that I could help her out. At any rate, I walked her into the clinic and when she told them her name, they mentioned that they were waiting for her. I left her in their capable hands…
On the way to Panera Bread I stopped off at the BP Station to get some gas. I also picked up a lottery ticket because I felt “inspired”, but alas, it too was a dud! I’ve got to figure out this “inspired” thing…

While at Panera Bread I sat in a booth for a few moments and watched the Christmas video from Overstay Road (see photo to the right). I also listened to Mama Cass sing “Make Your Own Kind Of Music“. Having the combo of free streaming wi-fi and earbuds at Panera Bread simply ROCKS!
I had a great meditation this afternoon, in fact, one of the best that I have ever had. I went to bed for a nap around 2 pm, and actually slept, but upon waking, my breathing was deep and steady, and I was in a trancelike state, deep thinking, and without the need to get up. I think this was connecting to “The Source”? Perhaps? At any rate, I used this opportunity to ask “The Source” some of my deepest questions and was eager to find out the answers. Here they are:
What’s my next step! This seems to be the question I have quite a bit, and in fact the first question I always ask “The Source” it stems. The reply was “Joy”. Be joyful, as this is the emotion that will help me most connect to “The Source” and manifest all my greatest desires in this life.
I then explored my desire for wanting more money, and exactly why. To be honest, as I was meditating, I could not think of what I would use this money for, at least in terms of goods and things to buy for myself. I really don’t want many material goods, and in fact have been on a “minimalist” kick these last few weeks with a desire to explore a lifestyle like Cane from the old 1970’s television show “Kung Fu”. Remember how he used to roam around the countryside with practically no possessions, and yet totally secure in himself and content with who he was and what he could do? That is in many respects what I crave the most.
Now I do have some desires for objects in regard to getting money. I really want a nice home in the Comox area. Land to be sure so that it could be subdivided for the kids if they so choose to stick around, but without the need to maintain it on a daily or almost minute-by-minute basis. As I was meditating the desire to have a sunroom came to mind. I really would like to have a room where I can sip the coffee, I make from my fancy Expreso machine, and enjoy the brightness of the elements without the cold and rain. Lots of plants surrounding me in the sunroom would be great, with that fresh smell of organic plant life wisping through the air.
I also have a desire to travel in style. To be able to just get on an airplane and jet off in “luxury” style for Christmas in Switzerland or Germany would be fantastic. Having the best room in the best hotel overlooking the Christmas markets and dropping down every so often for the sights and sounds and tastes and gifts would be simply wonderful.
But I think the main reason I want money is to give it away. I want to be able to research people who could really use this money, and then give it to them to make their lives better. I would also like to be able to use these opportunities to teach these people the “Law of Attraction” to better their lives and the lives of the people that they come across.
Perhaps one of the main reasons that I want to have lots of money is a sort of strange desire to have this so that I will not feel like a failure. Now I don’t feel like a failure in great terms, but I do feel that I’ve gotten sidetracked from the “Law of Attraction” and have gone down the path of organized religion too much in the past. I want to know TRUTH, and to manifest TRUTH, and want to live this life with the thought of having really learned and experienced as much as I could of the TRUTH while I’m here. Having lots of money and being able to give it away seems at this stage of my life like a great way to calm my inner being that I’ve done just that. I may look back upon these words at some point and realize what a stupid statement this is, but it seems like a thought I’m in tune with right now.