Happy Wednesday to your and yours! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”:
- Be “Grateful/Thankful”:
- Write down “10 Things” to be thankful for. NOTE SOURCE: “14,000” book, “Bucket List” PDF’s, “Personal Manifestations”, or “Simple Pleasure”.
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for making your free throws. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for munching marshmallows. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for the abating of a nuisance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #4) I am so happy and grateful for not biting when a growl will do. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #5) I am so happy and grateful for Frank Sinatra records. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #6) I am so happy and grateful for tough feet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #7) I am so happy and grateful for basking in the spring sunshine. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #8) I am so happy and grateful for notetaking on your favorite pad. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #9) I am so happy and grateful for farm cats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #10) I am so happy and grateful for fire poles. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And THANK YOU for GOOD NEWS that is coming to me today!
- “Positive Aspect List”:
- Go over the “Positive Aspect List“.
- Update with item #1 if/when appropriate.
- “Visual ToDo List”:
- Glance over the Morning Routine “How To” Notes for perspective.
- Complete Today’s “Visual ToDo List”
- Upload “Visual ToDo List” to today’s post.
Ask Bard: What does Abraham Hicks say you need to do in order to get out of depression?
Bard Replies: According to the teachings of Abraham Hicks, channeled by Esther Hicks, overcoming depression primarily involves shifting your focus and vibrational frequency. They don’t advocate for specific medical or therapeutic approaches but emphasize personal responsibility and internal emotional management. Here are some key ideas about their perspective on depression:
Understanding Depression:
- Emotional Vibration: Hicks believes emotions operate on a spectrum of vibrational frequencies, with positive emotions like joy and excitement resonating at higher levels, while negative emotions like sadness and hopelessness vibrate at lower ones. Depression is seen as a sustained dwelling in a low vibrational state.
- Attracting Your Reality: They say the Law of Attraction dictates that your focus and emotional state actively attract experiences and circumstances that match your vibration. Thus, dwelling in depression reinforces it and attracts similar situations.
Shifting out of Depression:
- Focus on Feeling Good: Rather than directly combating depression, the emphasis is on actively seeking and cultivating positive emotions. This can involve practices like gratitude exercises, visualization of desired outcomes, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
- Deliberate Intent: Hicks encourages setting your intention towards feeling good and focusing on positive thoughts and possibilities. This involves directing your conscious awareness away from negative rumination and towards experiences that elevate your vibration.
- Releasing Resistance: They suggest identifying and releasing any subconscious thoughts or beliefs that might be causing resistance to feeling good. This could involve acknowledging fear, resentment, or self-limiting beliefs and consciously choosing to let go of them.
Additional Points:
- Individual Path: They emphasize that the journey out of depression is unique for each person and requires self-discovery and experimentation to find what resonates most effectively.
- Non-Medical Approach: While their teachings promote emotional self-management, they acknowledge that severe depression might require professional medical or therapeutic intervention.
- Spiritual Perspective: Their approach is interwoven with their view of life as a spiritual journey of joyful expansion, with suffering being a temporary deviation from our innate state of well-being.
It’s important to remember that the teachings of Abraham Hicks are a spiritual philosophy and not a substitute for professional medical or therapeutic advice. If you are experiencing depression, it’s crucial to seek qualified support and explore avenues like therapy and medication alongside self-directed practices.
If you notice, I didn’t upload my “Visual ToDo List” this morning. I created it, but I didn’t upload it because of the meditation that I had this afternoon. I wrote the following note right after my meditation while my thoughts were fresh in my mind. Here it is:
Meditate at 3:45 pm – JOY & CHILL. This is the message that my meditation this afternoon told me. I’m too focused on doing stuff and expecting outcomes as a result. This is what my afternoon meditation told me this afternoon. I think these “Visual ToDo Lists” are adding to that problem. Moving forward, I’m going to put JOY & CHILL as the #1 thing I need to do each day. I will also have a list of things like an Act of Kindness, and “Things to Be Thankful For”, which I will do throughout the day, but if/when I feel like it. I’m also going to come up with a little visual “story” of me drinking a coffee in a coffee shop, and being totally relaxed, and having blessings and manifestations occurring all around me as a result. This should help me get into the mood of JOY & CHILL and stay there!

I think this is important. Why did I have this meditation this afternoon? Well, after stopping off at Panera Bread for a cup of coffee, and a free bagel I might add (see photo to the right), I thought that I would take a long walk around Southern Village and listen to some YouTube videos that I had downloaded on my iPhone and look for coins. Oh, I’m happy to report that the Panera Bread Wi-Fi is up and running by the way. Well, I didn’t find any coins, but the recurring thought was that I’m still trying to get by DOING, rather than FEELING!
So, rather than a “ToDo” list tomorrow, I’m going to have a “Nice ToDo” list, meaning, do these things if you get around to it, but FOCUS ON JOY & CHILLING throughout the day!
As I was walking around, at one point in one of the videos it asked, “What is the feeling that you think this money will bring you”? Well, that’s an interesting question. Since I’ve often said I don’t really want a lot of “stuff” like mansions and cars, but I would like to travel in style. The main thing that I want to do is give this money away to help others. Well, this begs the question, if you are just going to give it away, why do you want it in the first place? As I thought deeply on this subject, I realized that I’ve often felt like Lee Harvey Oswald in life, like the patsy! I’ve felt like I’ve been the responsible son in the “prodigal son” story, with a twist. In my case, once the “Prodigal Son” returned, everything was given to him, and I got nothing. Where this feeling came from is deep rooted, but I’m thinking deeply about this now, so I’m sure more on this subject is to come…
See you tomorrow!