Happy Thursday “one and all”! Let’s get things rolling today with item #1 on my “ToDo List”:
Daily Thoughts…
- “JOY & CHILL”: Be Happy, Relax, and Enjoy the Process! This video which wraps up ALL of Abraham Hicks’ teachings! Namely: “I’m going to be as happy as I can be, as often as I can”.
- “BILLIONS AWAIT YOU”: Check out the video in item #1 again! It’s all in a circle. The money that LF took from you can be replaced by BILLIONS if you follow what is taught in the video mentioned in Item #2.
- Mother Teresa said “Yes” to peace rallies, “No” to anti-war rallies. Wish LF the best on his journey and be on your way!
- “NO MORE BADDIES”: Don’t worry about learning lessons from your experience with LF. If you focus on implementing the “Law of Attraction”, no more bad people will come into your future, so you won’t have to learn lessons to deal with them.
- “CONFRONTATIONAL SITUATION”: When in a confrontational situation, “stand up for what you believe”, but learn the “Joe Weider Self-Defense Pressure Points” just in case.
- “TOXIC PEOPLE”: As Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet’s associate) said, “You need to get them out of your life, even if you have to pay them”.
- “FORGET THE PAST”: Don’t try to relive the past and say should have said this or that to LF. Remember, the Universe has it covered. You didn’t miss anything and didn’t do anything wrong.
- “EASIER THAN YOU THINK”: In Esther Hick’s book “The Law of Attraction”, she states on page #51 “If the negative thought returns – and it may continue to do so for a while – just guide your thoughts more deliberately, and eventually it will not come up again”.
Morning Routine
- 17 Second Rule: (My video is up now).
- Be “Grateful/Thankful”:
- Write down “10 Things” to be thankful for. NOTE SOURCE: “14,000” book, “Bucket List” PDF’s, “Personal Manifestations”, or “Simple Pleasure”.
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for beets. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for playing in a closet as a child. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for butterflies migrating. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #4) I am so happy and grateful for cubed potatoes fried in bacon fat, salt, and pepper. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #5) I am so happy and grateful for a big bag of Hershey’s Kisses. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #6) I am so happy and grateful for water’s capacity to take any shape. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #7) I am so happy and grateful for a storm tapering off. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #8) I am so happy and grateful for Pyrex cookware. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #9) I am so happy and grateful for wishing for a new car. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #10) I am so happy and grateful for harp seals. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And THANK YOU for GOOD NEWS that is coming to me today!
Daily “ToDo” List:
- I need to do this today: (Nada).
- And the Universe will take care of “this” (link to “Universe, Take Care of This” Document”).
- Daily Mediation: (with my “air conditioner” background video if possible): (a) Ask “Source” for Next Step, (b) “Dream Home” in Courtenay, and (c) “KWF Coin”. (No nap/meditation today).
Optional “ToDo” List:
- LoA YouTube website: (I’m working on a new video).
Reading List:
- “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider (page #24 on “Dangerous Weapons).
- “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- Book: “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- Dieting Steps for the Day: Record your progress here.
- Take Resveratrol: (This evening).
- Put On Shin Cream: (This evening).
Streaming Media
Evening Routine:
- Before going to bed, clutch my “Gratitude Rock” and record my “Main Blessing” for today: (Nope).
- This evening do or record my “Act of Kindness”: (Nope).
Daily Notes

This afternoon I drove to Panera Bread this afternoon for a cup of coffee. Black, light roast, with a splash of almond milk and no sweetener. I was planning to watch the latest video by “Overstay Road” (see photo to the right), but for some reason my earbuds will not sink with my Amazon Fire device… Hmmm… Not sure what’s going on, I will have to investigate!
I ended up reading some of my Joe Weider “Self Defense Course”, namely page #24 on “Dangerous Weapons”. It mentioned “Avoid fights, but when you are forced to fight, give it everything you’ve got to get rid of your opponent”.

I’m gradually getting this “Law of Attraction” thing figured out. Basically, nobody can put anything into your experience if you don’t want it. It’s up to you to either attract what you want or what you don’t want. That’s it! If there are bad things happening around you, you can acknowledge that they exist, for it is through this that you realize what you want, but only you decide if it will be part of your experience moving forward. You’re better off to say, well if that’s what they want, they can have it, but I choose to take a different path. I choose to be joyful, and if I am joyful all the time, I will only have those things that make me happy and joyful show up in my experience.
As I was driving to pick my son up at the bus stop this afternoon, I drove past the Run-In-Jim’s gas station. I had this strong urge to stop off and get a lottery ticket, so I did. I wasn’t sure which lottery to play, so the cashier mentioned that the Mega Millions had the biggest jackpot, with the drawing tomorrow evening, so I picked one of those tickets up (see photo to the left). It cost me $2, so let’s see if this “strong urge” was guided by the “Law of Attraction” or not.
This evening I called up Amazon and they help me fix my earbud issue. The Fire Tablet needed to have a “Network Reset”, and once we did that, my earbuds synced fine via Bluetooth.