2024-02-05 - Aldi Quarter

Day #0161 – (Mon., Feb. 5, 2024) – “Inspired” Thought & Action

Happy Monday everyone! Let’s get rollin’ with item #1 on my “ToDo List”:

DAILY “MUST” Routine…

  1. OVERVIEW”: I’m gradually getting this “Law of Attraction” thing figured out. Basically, nobody can put anything into your experience if you don’t want it. It’s up to you to either attract what you want or what you don’t want. That’s it! If there are bad things happening around you, you can acknowledge that they exist, for it is through this that you realize what you want, but only you decide if it will be part of your experience moving forward. You’re better off to say, well if that’s what they want, they can have it, but I choose to take a different path. I choose to be joyful, and if I am joyful all the time, I will only have those things that make me happy and joyful show up in my experience. 
  2. “JOY & CHILL”: Be Happy, Relax, and Enjoy the Process! This video pretty well wraps up ALL of Abraham Hicks’ teachings! Namely: “I’m going to be as happy as I can be, as often as I can”.
  3. “BILLIONS AWAIT YOU”: Check out the video in item #1 again! It’s all in a circle. The money that LF took from you can be replaced by BILLIONS if you follow what is taught in the video mentioned in Item #2.
  4. Mother Teresa said “Yes” to peace rallies, “No” to anti-war rallies. Wish LF the best on his journey and be on your way!
  5. “NO MORE BADDIES”: Don’t worry about learning lessons from your experience with LF. If you focus on implementing the “Law of Attraction”, no more bad people will come into your future, so you won’t have to learn lessons to deal with them.
  6. “CONFRONTATIONAL SITUATION”: When in a confrontational situation, “stand up for what you believe”, but learn the “Joe Weider Self-Defense Pressure Points” just in case.
  7. “TOXIC PEOPLE”: As Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet’s associate) said, “You need to get them out of your life, even if you have to pay them”.
  8. “FORGET THE PAST”: Don’t try to relive the past and say should have said this or that to LF. This video on meditation is a great way to do it! (Shortened version) (The Shortest version). GOAL: EVERY DAY: Meditate For 20 Minutes! Connect To “Your Source”. Remember, the Universe has it covered. You didn’t miss anything and didn’t do anything wrong.
  9. “SHOULD THANK LF”: The experience with him taught me what I DON’T want to be in life. It also caused me so much pain that I’ve started down this journey of the “Law of Attraction” to help answer the questions that arose from it.
  10. “EASIER THAN YOU THINK”: In Esther Hick’s book “The Law of Attraction”, she states on page #51 “If the negative thought returns – and it may continue to do so for a while – just guide your thoughts more deliberately, and eventually it will not come up again”.
  11. Here’s the routine to meditate to each day: (20 Minute Air Conditioner Meditation).

The Following Items Are Things That Would Be “Nice To Do, Time Permitting…”

Morning Routine

  1. Be “Grateful/Thankful”:
    • Write down “10 Things” to be thankful for. NOTE SOURCE: “14,000” book, “Bucket List” PDF’s, “Personal Manifestations”, or “Simple Pleasure”.
    • #1) I am so happy and grateful for the perfect box or container when you need it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #2) I am so happy and grateful for the peace sign and the happy face. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #3) I am so happy and grateful for Boeing 727’s and 747’s. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #4) I am so happy and grateful for food ads and labels from decades past. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #5) I am so happy and grateful for having a favorite book bound in leather. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #6) I am so happy and grateful for cracked corn for the chickens. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #7) I am so happy and grateful for bubble gum and hard candy pieces in bags of 100 or more. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #8) I am so happy and grateful for the deep sign of a baby before he or she drifts off to sleep. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #9) I am so happy and grateful for the crunch of a breaking nut. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • #10) I am so happy and grateful for learning something new in each paragraph of a book. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    • And THANK YOU for GOOD NEWS that is coming to me today!

Daily “ToDo” List:

  • Daily Mediation: (with my “air conditioner” background video if possible): (a) Ask “Source” for Next Step, (b) “Dream Home” in Courtenay, and (c) “KWF Coin”. (I had two meditation sessions today. You can read about it below).

Optional “ToDo” List:

  • LoA YouTube website: (412 Subscribers).


  • Dieting Steps for the Day: Record your progress here.
  • Take Resveratrol: (Yes, this evening).

Daily Notes

2024-02-05 - Aldi Quarter

After dropping my son off at school, and getting an allergy shot, I went to Trader Joe’s for groceries and then to Panera Bread for my morning “Cup o’ Joe”. I’m continuing to look for coins, but I must admit that I’m getting a bit discouraged… That “KWF” coin doesn’t seem to be anywhere around. I need to watch some kind of video or focus on something “joyful” to take me out of my “rut”.

This afternoon I worked on creating a video about how Abraham Hicks and Quentin Tarantino agree, at least as far as writing a novel or screenplay go. This video is the result!

I stopped off at Aldi for some groceries this evening. As I was approaching the shopping cart area a lady was taking her shopping cart back, so I offered to take it from her. When I offered her my quarter she declined, so I made a quarter, but alas, it was not the “KWF” coin that I’ve been looking for (see photo to the right).

I had a meditation early this morning, but I was tired and soon drifted off to sleep. Wanting to make sure that I indeed did have a valid meditation today in which I “quieted my mind”, I went to bed early this evening to have a second one. This time I certainly did “quiet my mind”, but I didn’t have any real breakthroughs in terms of “inspired thoughts”, or at least so I think.

I have a couple of videos in the works about “inspired thought” and “inspired action” that I plan to put up on the LoA Codes YouTube channel. I think this will help clarify a few points and help motivate me in this regard. At this stage of my “Law of Attraction” training, I think this is what I need to learn the most. I’m finding that I’m stopping off at gas stations to pick up lottery tickets, or driving into parking lots looking for coins, in what are actions, but not “inspired actions”. Time to get this matter straightened out…

Author: MainAdmin

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