It was rainy in Comox this morning. We drove around and looked at the Cotton Road house. We were hoping to go to “Hen & Hog” for breakfast, but it is closed on Monday. We ended up at the Black Creek Cafe where I had the “Steak & Eggs” (see photo to the right).
I’ve gotten away from my daily meditation, but I did manage to do some “Law of Attraction” work today. For example:
I read “Process #15 The Wallet Process” in my Kindle version of “Ask & It Is Given”.
I also read pages #79 to 92 of “Presto” about Penn Gillette and his journey with his “Potato Diet”.
One interesting fact for today is that we saw the house across the road from “Gray Gables” that was to eventually become the house that we bought later in the week! We were considering a house on Anderton Road, and Cotton Road, but this one, the last one we actually toured, was to be our new home! Go figure!