I’m afraid that I didn’t get much “Law of Attraction” work done today. Today proved to be just that busy! I did however read “Process #16: Pivoting” in the “Ask & It Is Given” Kindle book.

In regard to today’s events, we had our showing at the house on Cotton Road with Amanda this morning (see photo to the left). As we were touring the property the owner Cam, happened by. He answered a lot of our lingering questions, and I took down his phone number in case we had additional questions in the future.
This afternoon I had a nap, and my wife and daughter went clothes shopping in downtown Courtenay. They brought back some chicken from “Quality Foods”, which is guess is Canada’s version of “Whole Foods”.
This evening, we drove out to Cotton Road again to see the property at sunset.
Driving back home my daughter and I stopped into McDonalds to see “McCafe”. It was advertised on the store front, but like in the US, it is no more… Remember at the McDonald’s on High House Road in Cary when there was a special seating area? Gone I’m afraid…
We drove past the “Air Museum” where we are thinking of getting our son a plane as a souvenir as per Bing’s Co-Pilot suggestion. We then drove to downtown Comox to tour around.