2024-04-21 - Fortune

Day #0237 – (Sun., Apr. 21, 2024) – Fortune Cookie

Ah Sunday. There is nothing like Sunday brunch, right? We’ll let’s get started this fine morning with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ✅).

DAILY “MUST” Routine…

  1. Focus On “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version, and Segment Intending throughout the day).
  2. 17 Second Rule w/Timer: (Succinctly wrapped up here!). SO MUCH of your JOYOUS FUTURE centers around money, so today visualize: “Coins & Lottery Tickets”!
  3. ✅ “Daily Meditation”: Meditation Info Video (1m Version) & (30m Air Conditioner Meditation)!
  4. “$1000 Per Day”: <>
  5. ✅ LoA YouTube Channel: (873 subscribers and 4,011 public watch hours)
  6. Take Resveratrol: <>
  7. Put on Shin Cream: <>
  8. Today, The Universe Took Care of What? <>

Reading List:

Daily Notes

2024-04-21 - Fortune

I went to the Hunan Chinese Restaurant down the road and had Singapore Noodles at noon today. The fortune cookie (see photo to the right) said, “A pleasant surprise is in store for you soon”. When I went to Panera Bread after that I got a deal for a $2 muffin… 😊 

It’s interesting. When I go to Panera Bread and see all the students around me, I feel like one of them. I’m old enough to be their grandfather, but it seems like yesterday when I was studying like them and dreaming about my future. My time sure flies!

I did a lot of video editing today. I’m working on getting to the 1000 subscriber mark before we leave for Courtenay. Will we achieve this? Not sure, but I’m certainly going to give it the “college try”… 🙂

With all the packing and getting ready for our trip my reading has fallen by the wayside a bit, but I do plan to get back into it. I read up about the Potato Diet via Penn Gillette today. Plan to start it tomorrow, focusing on the lifestyle of it, not just the eating aspect.

Here’s a great little video snippet of the bedtime ritual that I plan to do every evening before bed to get me in the right frame of mind for tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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