The weekend has finally arrived! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ☐✅).
DAILY “MUST” Routine… Day #0006 (12/14)
- ✅ Focus On “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version).
- ✅ You are supposed to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (Video Here).
- ✅ Place Mat Method (What are you happy for this morning?) <>
- ✅ 17 Second Rule w/Timer: (Succinctly wrapped up here!). SO MUCH of your JOYOUS FUTURE centers around money, so today visualize: (As usual, “KWF” Coins & Lottery Tickets!)
- ✅ “Potato Diet”: (Day #6. I added some “hot sauce” to the plan this evening)
- ✅ “Noon(ish) Meditation”: Meditation Info Video (1m Version) & (30m AirCon Meditation)! (I woke up early this morning and decided to meditate and went back to bed. I had the dream outlined in the “Details” below. Is this “inspired actionable”?)
- ✅ Process #5 (“The Prosperity Game”) – $6000/Day: (There is a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado with extended cab at Comox Valley Hundai for $5,999 CDN)
- ✅ Process #9 (“The Scripting Process“): (I downloaded the photos for our “Move to Courtenay” and added them to the document).
- ✅ LoA YouTube Channel: (922 subscribers and 4,338 public watch hours)
- ✅ Take Resveratrol: (Yes, this afternoon)
- ✅ Put on Shin Cream: (Yes, this afternoon)
- ✅ Today, The Universe Took Care of What? (There was no place to sit at Panera Bread this afternoon, including the booths. As I walked to the end of the store and back, an empty booth miraculously appeared, so I grabbed it!)
- ☐ Watch This Before Bed: (Short Video) <>
- ☐ BONUS: Success Stories! <>
Reading List:
- ☐ “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- ✅ “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks (Pages #161 to 167 on “Segment Intending”.
- ☐ “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- ☐ “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- ☐ “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider
- ☐ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- ☐ “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- ☐ “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- ☐ “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- ☐ “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- ☐ “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Bandy Lee
- ☐ “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- ☐ “Without Remorse” by Tom Clancy
- ☐ “A River Could Be A Tree” by Angela Himsel
- ☐ “Three Dog Nightmare” by Chuck Negron
Daily Notes
When I woke up early this morning, I decided that I would go back to bed and meditate a bit. Here’s the “dream” I had…

“In this dream I was waiting for a bus to take my fellow students and I on some sort of a college trip. Perhaps to “River Glen”? Anyway, we were in a bit room on the top floor of a building outside a nightclub (i.e.: “Strip Club”?) and there were a lot of women going inside. I go to the other end of the room and one of the women wanders over to talk to me. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom and while I’m there the bus leaves… As the bus is leaving the location looks like the road outside our former Cary house. I try to run after the bus but cannot catch up. I walk back to the Cary house and am trying to figure out how to get a taxi to take me home to see my mom. I decide to have a pizza. The scene shifts to my Cary house and I’m trying to figure out something about “wood working”? I’m helping a bunch of people with this, and a beautiful brunette came to talk to me. She told me that Matthew, my former boss, said that she was ugly. I said that she was a beautiful young girl, and then made apologies for calling her “young” for some reason. I had to go to the bathroom again, so I excused myself and when we came back, we were a couple? We went and had pizza?” Then I woke up…
As I stepped into Panera Bread for a coffee this morning there was this little piece of paper on the sidewalk (see photo to the right). Alas, it was not the “South Carolina Lottery Ticket” that I have been longing for…
I added some pictures of where we will be staying along our route to Courtenay to my “Visualization” of the trip. The house in Billings, Montana is in a rough area, so we changed it to a more desirable location.
I read in “Presto” that I’m not supposed to have pepper till the second week of my “Potato Diet”, so my bad. At any rate, this evening I decided that I would add some “Hot Sauce” to my potatoes as well.