It’s Sunday in the Comox Valley! Let’s get things off to a great start today with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ☐✅).
DAILY “MUST” Routine… (4/10)
- ✅ Focus On “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version, Shortest Version, Short Enchilada).
- ✅ You are supposed to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (Video Here).
- ✅ What are you THANKFUL for this morning? (The “No Allergy” air of Courtenay)
- ✅ 17 Second Rule w/Timer: (Succinctly wrapped up here!). SO MUCH of your JOYOUS FUTURE centers around money, so today visualize: <“Example: Coins & Lottery Tickets!”>
- ☐ “Noon(ish) Meditation”: Meditation Info Video (1m Version) & (30m AirCon Meditation)! <>
- ☐ Take Vitamins: <>
- ☐ Put on Shin Cream: <>
- ☐ Today, The Universe Took Care of What? <No Pressure, Just Record If You Have Anything>
- ☐ Watch This Before Bed: (Short Video) <>
- ☐ BONUS: Success Stories! <>
Reading List:
- ☐ “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- ☐ “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- ☐ “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- ☐ “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider
- ☐ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- ☐ “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- ☐ “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- ☐ “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- ☐ “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- ☐ “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Bandy Lee
- ☐ “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- ☐ “Without Remorse” by Tom Clancy
- ☐ “A River Could Be A Tree” by Angela Himsel
- ☐ “Three Dog Nightmare” by Chuck Negron
Daily Notes
It’s nice to have a working toilet! One great blessing to acknowledge… 🙂
The kids were kind of bored today. It’s a bit rainy outside. My wife was tired, so she went to bed, and I drove the kids around Courtenay so we could chat about our new home and life in general!
We ended up at Starbucks near Thrifty Foods and Home Depot in the main intersection of Courtenay. Bobby wanted to dry a “Bubble Tea” like Katie was having. Bobby also got a cake pop. I asked the cashier girl if she knew what I meant by “Double Double”, and she did, so I had a coffee made that way, and a sausage and egg sandwich “thingy”.
Next up? Anderton Road to show Bobby the house we might have bought. We then drove past Vanier High school, and the house we almost bought at 3511 Burns Road, past Katie’s future high school, to see the Willis House, and home.
My wife spent the afternoon getting Amazon to cancel all our subscriptions as we can’t easily transfer them to Canada. Quite the process as they had to be done manually, one by one, rather than automatically.

This evening I went to the “Great Canadian Superstore” for groceries. Prices are higher for most groceries than they are in the US, but almost anything is cheaper than eating out. I picked up a family size lasagna, hot dogs, hamburgers, salad fixings, bagels, bread, milk and OJ…amongst other things.
Bobby went outside to play with the kids next door when I was away and was really hungry when he returned, so I picked up two Happy Meals (see photo to the left) for him at McDonalds. This is the closest thing to the “2 Cheeseburger Combo” you can get here in Canada, and you get to have chocolate milk with your meal to boot.
Katie is thinking of learning woodworking along with interior design. This will help to set her apart from the rest. We watched a couple of videos on this subject this evening on the tv in the living room.