Sunday morning coffee folks, what compares? Let’s get things off to a glorious start today with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ☐✅).
DAILY “MUST” Routine… (10/14)
- ✅ As you START YOUR DAY, what is the ONE THING that you can do today to bring you the MOST JOY? (Pick up the screwdriver tool set at Home Depot so my wife can loosen her stuck curtain rod!)
- ✅ Focus On “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version, Shortest Version, Short Enchilada).
- ✅ You are supposed to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (Video Here).
- ✅ What are you THANKFUL for this morning? (Another day to get things right!)
- ✅ 17 Second Rule w/Timer: (Succinctly wrapped up here!). SO MUCH of your JOYOUS FUTURE centers around money, so today visualize: <>
- ✅ “Noon(ish) Meditation”: Meditation Info Video (1m Version) & (30m AirCon Meditation)! Think of yourself in a cocoon, safe and secure from the world, and the Universe dealing with all the problems that surround you! (I stayed in bed late this morning going in and out of a meditative state!)
- ✅ Take Vitamins: (This morning, for a change!)
- ✅ Put on Shin Cream: (This morning, for a change!)
- ✅ Put on Chaffing Cream: (This morning, for a change!)
- ✅ Put on Ear Cream: (This morning, for a change!)
- ☐ Put on Heel Cream: <>
- ☐ Today, The Universe Took Care of What? <No Pressure, Just Record If You Have Anything>
- ☐ Watch This Before Bed: (Short Video) <>
- ☐ BONUS: Success Stories! <>
Reading List:
- ☐ “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- ☐ “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- ☐ “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- ☐ “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider
- ☐ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- ☐ “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- ☐ “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- ☐ “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- ☐ “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- ☐ “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Bandy Lee
- ☐ “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- ☐ “Without Remorse” by Tom Clancy
- ☐ “A River Could Be A Tree” by Angela Himsel
- ☐ “Three Dog Nightmare” by Chuck Negron
Daily Notes
I’m getting a rather late start to the day this morning, well, physically at least. I stayed in bed this morning and went in and out of a meditative state a number of times. Deep breathing… Alas, no “Inspired Actionable Thoughts”… I’ve had them in the past, or at least I thought so, but they didn’t really pan out, so I guess they weren’t really “Inspired Actionable Thoughts” after all… How does this work??? Well, I’m retired now, so I have plenty of time to figure it out!

I am finishing up my breakfast now. As usual, after my morning work, I check one of the lottery tickets I picked up on the way to Courtenay. Well, I just checked the “West Virginia Powerball” ticket (see photo to the right). Alas, not a winner! It’s beginning to look like I didn’t hit the “Big One”… But maybe the best is yet to come? I still have a few more tickets left to check.

I checked the compost pile this morning. It looks like it is breaking down, but parts of it are “grey”… I’m not sure what this means? Possibly it needs more carbon in the form of cardboard to compensate for all the nitrogen that comes from the grass clippings? Perhaps it will all break down in the end. I’ll keep an eye on it.
I started the process of fixing my wife’s bike this afternoon. Alas, the tire was so under deflated that when I inflated it, it went off the rim. I’ll deflate it now and reflate it tomorrow! I also put some 10W40 on the various gears as they are quite rusty.
I went to Home Depot this afternoon to pick up a “Robertson Screwdriver” for my wife’s curtain rod. I ended up picking up a Husky Ratcheting Screwdriver (see photo to the left), which was a pretty good deal given the price of less than 10 bucks!

I also went to Dollarama to pick up some flags for the van and the front of the house (see photo to the right). A little patriotic girl of about 11 or 12 was there and cheering me on with my patriotic purchases… 🙂 On the way back from Dollarama I had to stop the van twice as the flags on the windows kept falling off. I secured them with duct tape when I got home, so problem solved.
I stopped off at Thrifty’s to pick up a couple of gallons of milk, and some corn dogs at my daughter’s request.
This evening my daughter and I watched a couple of episodes of “Travels With My Father” on the television in the living room of the main house this evening. We cut the second episode short as we have to get up early tomorrow for Canada Day festivities!