I’m getting up late today. It’s 12:19 pm. I’m going to watch some Abraham Hicks videos while I have my breakfast/lunch, and focus on JOY!

I watched this particular video by Abraham Hicks on getting over regrets. Stopped about 1/2 way… Might have been interesting but I wasn’t ready for the message right now…
Let’s change the subject to “Success” with the Law of Attraction. This video highlights three powerful success stories! They are:
- Success Story #1: Made a list and told Universe everything they wanted! Got a $2,000 check!
- Success Story #2: Write down what you want your house to look like, and give a date! Moved in on the 18th! Success!
- Success Story #3: ??? Heard only two… May need to go back and re-listen.. I’ve heard more impressive success stories than these!
Speaking of physical work today, I assembled and tried out our new 40 volt Ryobi “Weed Wacker”. You can see how much larger it is than the 20 volt one we have been using up till now (see photo to the right).

It did a great job on the hill near the “Barn Suite” in under 60 seconds (see photo to the left). No wastage! I picked up the “residue” with the fan rake that I purchased yesterday at Home Depot, and fed them to the chickens!
I’ve downloaded my “Loa Codes” videos from the cloud to my local external drive, so now I can start putting videos up again. A quick one for now… I put up this “This is the WHOLE Enchilada! by Abraham Hicks” video again. I currently have 1044 subscribers and have earned $46.03 so far!