2024-07-27 - Wood & Shell

Day #0334 – (Sat., July 27, 2024) – Joe Dispenza

Welcome to the weekend everyone! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ✅).

“The ‘PJ’ Potato Diet”… (6/22) – Day #009

  1. {Morning} Listen to the “10 Minute Morning Meditation” Routine as soon as you can in the day, preferably when you first wake up! <>
  2. What are you “Thankful” for this morning? (I have a new method to manifest things into my life…read below…)
  3. You are supposed to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (Video Here)! <>
  4. Weigh yourself! (361.9 lbs. – 344.9 lbs. = 17.0 lbs. total weight loss.)
  5. Focus on “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version, Shortest Version, Short Enchilada)! <>
  6. {Noon} Listen to the “30 Minute Noon Meditation” sometime today! <>
  7. Read “Presto” by Penn Jillette! (Up to page #61.)
  8. Read “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger! (Up to page #110.)
  9. Read “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! <>
  10. Read “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! <>
  11. Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘ GoTo P09 – The “Scripting” Process: <>
  12. Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! <>
  13. Watch “Lost” tv series! <>
  14. Watch “Kung Fu” tv series! <>
  15. Learn “Garage Band”! <>
  16. {Evening} Take Vitamins! (Yes, at 11:28 pm!)
  17. ✅ What did you EAT? (Are you serious? Potatoes! And NOTHING ELSE!)
  18. Put on Shin Cream! <>
  19. Put on Chaffing Cream! <>
  20. Put on Ear Cream! <>
  21. Put on Heel Cream! <>
  22. Soak Feet! <>

Additional Reading List:

Daily Notes

I came across this video on “Joe Dispenza’s ‘3 Day’ Method” in the wee hours this morning, and made note of it… This morning, and afternoon, and even into the evening, I transcribed it into text

Here’s the plan:

  • Create a YouTube video with an AI Spokesperson saying this text.
  • Follow this plan for 3 days, and add “Meditation” + “Writing Down” + “People who have succeeded” (like Morris or Tesla or Wright Brothers, myself house and Bobby or lottery winner!)

Here’s something else I’m planning on incorporating…

  • Write on X parts of your novel, namely how you are going to teach law of attraction and stock picking to kids.
  • Say on X how along with going to various schools around the globe to teach this, you will be flying in a private jet (or First Class), staying in 5 Star Hotels, and eating at the best restaurants.
  • While doing this you will also be going to eat the BEST vegan meals, and create a video on this as well!
  • Since X is time stamped, you will be able to go back and point to this and add further proof to the children that the Law of Attraction works…
  • I just have to get the “Law of Attraction” working perfectly for me first!
  • To aid in this process, how much will it cost to have a private jet, fly around the world, stay in best hotels, eat best food, and teach at elementary schools each day? Figure out the exact cost and add this to your visualization!!!
2024-07-27 - Wood & Shell

This evening I took my daughter out for a drive. The idea was to stop off at Starbucks, but in the end we just went for a drive, down to the Comox wharf area. I even got out of the car and walked down the path and almost onto the beach! I found a great little piece of driftwood and a shell. I thought I would keep them (see photo to the right). Maybe I will make a little craft or “something” out of them one day.

So we now have two contractors coming to our house on Wednesday. One to look at insulating the garage and the other to look at automating the gate at the entrance to our property.

Author: MainAdmin

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