It’s “Mid Week” wednesday! Let’s get things started with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ☐✅).
“The ‘PJ’ Potato Diet”… (10/22) – Day #013
- ☐ {Morning} Listen to the “10 Minute Morning Meditation” Routine as soon as you can in the day, preferably when you first wake up! <>
- ✅ What are you “Thankful” for this morning? (It looks like Orca Electric & Drywall will be doing our garage!)
- ✅ You are supposed to get EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (Video Here)! (8:31 am… I’m going to expect miracles every minute… Let’s see where this takes me!)
- ✅ Weigh yourself! (361.9 lbs. – 340.8 lbs. = 21.1 lbs. total weight loss.)
- ☐ Focus on “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version, Shortest Version, Short Enchilada)! <>
- ✅ {Noon} Listen to the “30 Minute Noon Meditation” sometime today! (I had time for this around noon today. Having just potatoes is making me very tired, so I’ve been sleeping a lot…)
- ✅ Read “Presto” by Penn Jillette! (Up to page #99. I’m now at the point in the book that I am on my current Potato Diet!)
- ✅ Read “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger! (Up to page #129, “Freedom”)
- ☐ Read “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! <>
- ☐ Read “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! <>
- ✅ Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘ GoTo P09 – The “Scripting” Process: (I used Bing’s Copilot to create chapter #1 and 2 of my new novel when I provided it with some prompts.)
- ✅ Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (I finished “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” this morning. I started on “Escape from the Planet of the Apes” later today!)
- ☐ Watch “Lost” tv series! <>
- ☐ Watch “Kung Fu” tv series! <>
- ☐ Learn “Garage Band”! <>
- ✅ {Evening} Take Vitamins! (Late this evening!)
- ✅ What did you EAT? (Potatoes, but am I ever looking forward to adding something to them… One day left!)
- ☐ Put on Shin Cream! <>
- ☐ Put on Chaffing Cream! <>
- ☐ Put on Ear Cream! <>
- ☐ Put on Heel Cream! <>
- ☐ Soak Feet! <>
Additional Reading List:
- ☐ “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- ☐ “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- ☐ “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- ☐ “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider
- ☐ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- ☐ “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- ☐ “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- ☐ “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- ☐ “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- ☐ “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Bandy Lee
- ☐ “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- ☐ “Without Remorse” by Tom Clancy
- ☐ “A River Could Be A Tree” by Angela Himsel
- ☐ “Three Dog Nightmare” by Chuck Negron
Daily Notes

I was listening to the video EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (Video Here) this morning and I think it would benefit me that I expect a miracle every minute of my life. Let me focus on that today and moving forward and see what happens.
The sun sometimes shines so brightly that I cannot see my computer screen. It’s nice to have these nifty blinds in the “Barn Suite” (see photo to the left). You just put them in place and they stay!
I spent some time this afternoon developing my new novel. I provided Bing’s Copilot with more details about Kirk and his family, and it gave me a delightful background story. In chapter 2 I had Copilot develop the plot of him winning the “South Carolina Powerball Lottery”.
As of this evening, only one day left of only potatoes. I was thinking of just adding hot sauce, mustard, and pepper to my potatoes on Friday, but after reading “Presto” I see that Penn Jillette had corn on that day… Thinking… Will I deviate from his plan… Hmmm…
I see that Canadian Tire has a great deal on Ninja blenders… I might stop by and try them out tomorrow. Not only do I need one for the Dr. Furhman Nutrarian diet I will be following after eating “Just Potatoes”, my boy loves to make smoothies so that is something that we can do together.
Certainly! If you’d like a mayo-free and yogurt-free vegan Thousand Island dressing, here’s a simple recipe:
- 2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste
- 1 Tablespoon Pickle Relish (sweet or dill)
- ¼ teaspoon Garlic Powder
- ¼ teaspoon Onion Powder
- 1 teaspoon Distilled White Vinegar
- A pinch of Salt and Pepper