It’s the middle of the week time folks! Let’s get to item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ☐✅).
“Incorporating Winning List” (17/30) – Potato+ Modifed Day #006
- ✅ Be as Happy As You Can As Often As You Can! (Video Here)! (3:21 pm)
- ✅ {Morning} Listen to the “10 Minute Morning Meditation” Routine as soon as you can in the day, preferably when you first wake up! (First thing this morning! I was hoping to have a meditative dream about winning the lottery, like Timothy Schultz, but what a strange dream I had…read below!)
- ✅ Bless Food (Before Eating): (My cherry tea today! Delish!)
- ✅ Morning affirmation (immediately upon rising): “I am extremely deserving of the things that I am manifesting because I have and always have had a good heart. I want the best for others and want for things to work out well for everyone. Even when people were horrible to me, I tried to look beyond this and resolve issues so that all could live in peace. I don’t have a great desire for wealth, other than getting a nice home and traveling, and will use the rest of the money to benefit and help others. So, taking this into account, if ANYONE is deserving of these things I am manifesting, it is ME”!
- ✅ Create “10 Morning Blessings / Gratitude List” for today:
- Write down “10 Things” to be thankful for. NOTE SOURCE: “14,000” book, “Bucket List” PDF’s, “Personal Manifestations”, or “Simple Pleasure”. Things that I am thankful for that haven’t happened yet!
- #1) I am so happy and grateful for the “Loonie” I found today while running errands. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #2) I am so happy and grateful for the wonderful cross border accountant we found. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #3) I am so happy and grateful for Courtenay allowing me to have a workshop at home. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #4) I am so happy and grateful for my winning Blackjack “Scratch & Win” ticket. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #5) I am so happy and grateful for my winning Gold Rush “Scratch & Win” ticket. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #6) I am so happy and grateful for the perfect mat to put my Cuisinart “Griddler” on. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #7) I am so happy and grateful for the fact my LoA YouTube channel is earning money again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #8) I am so happy and grateful for my son having a great play date today with his new friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #9) I am so happy and grateful for the windfall of money coming to me today. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- #10) I am so happy and grateful for the fact NVDA stock is over the roof next Wednesday PM. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- And THANK YOU for GOOD NEWS that is coming to me today!
- ☐ Focus on “JOY & NOW” (Video Here, Shorter Version, Shortest Version, Short Enchilada)! <>
- ✅ Ask Bard (or ChatGPT) the question of the day and implement the response: (Why could I manifest coins into my life via the “Law of Attraction” and “Abraham Hicks” when I was out running errands in Chapel Hill, NC but not here in Courtenay, BC?)
- ✅ Weigh yourself! (361.9 lbs. – 332.7 lbs. = 29.2 lbs. total weight loss.)
- ✅ Watch “SpudFit” Videos ! (Watched: Spud Fit Challenge day 32 – no more binge eating!)
- ☐ {Noon} Listen to the “30 Minute Noon Meditation” sometime today! <>
- ✅ Read “Presto” by Penn Jillette! (Up to page #186!)
- ☐ Read “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger! <>
- ✅ Read “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! (Completed: August 14th, 2024)
- ☐ Read “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! <>
- ✅ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne! (Up to page #7!)
- ✅ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne! (Up to page #6!)
- ✅ Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘ by adding the “30 Day Coin Manifestation Process” into Chapter #2. Go Here: P09 – The “Scripting” Process: (I added three affirmations to Chapter #2 today!)
- ✅ Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (Less than 30 minutes left in the 2001 “Planet of the Apes” movie!)
- ☐ Watch “Lost” tv series! <>
- ☐ Watch “Kung Fu” tv series! <>
- ☐ Learn “Garage Band”! <>
- ✅ {Evening} Take Vitamins! (11:59 pm)
- ✅ What did you EAT? (Potato taco on the griddler!)
- ☐ Put on Shin Cream! <>
- ☐ Put on Chaffing Cream! <>
- ☐ Put on Ear Cream! <>
- ☐ Put on Heel Cream! <>
- ☐ Soak Feet! <>
- ☐ Record “Daily Act of Kindness”! <>
- ✅ Before bed, Record “Main Blessing of the Day”, then Clutch “Blessing Rock” and GIVE THANKS! (Main Blessing… Another Day in Paradise!)
Additional Reading List:
- ☐ “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- ☐ “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- ☐ “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- ☐ “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider
- ☐ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- ☐ “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- ☐ “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- ☐ “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- ☐ “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- ☐ “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Bandy Lee
- ☐ “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- ☐ “Without Remorse” by Tom Clancy
- ☐ “A River Could Be A Tree” by Angela Himsel
- ☐ “Three Dog Nightmare” by Chuck Negron
Daily Notes
During my morning meditative session I drifted off, hoping that I would have a nice dream about winning the lottery, like Timothy Schultz mentions on his YouTube podcast. That was not to be the case! Boy, what a strange dream I had. I dreamed the all four of us were in the van, on a median in the middle of a highway. We just woke up after a bad crash and remembered nothing up till now. Our van was partitioned off, with a bunch of other vehicles, and it looked like they were going to parade them and show them off. I got out of the van to go find someone that we did not sign up, nor were we interested in participating in, their event. I went into a building that kind of looked like Glenwood Elementary School, at least of that age. There was a lady there and when I told her my situation she just laughed and said it was the craziest thing she had ever heard. I had her round up the other staff, like the principal and guidance counselor and such, and when I started to tell them my story this women just started to sigh and moan and tell them that it was such a crazy story. She wouldn’t stop so I had to lock her out of the room. I continued to tell my story to the rest of the staff and that’s all I remember. When I woke up nobody was around. I opened a door, a different one to the one I came into the room in, and there was what looked like a dinner party going on. A 1950’s style homemaker was taking a roast out of the oven and said “Oh hello, we’ve been waiting for you”. Feeling that something strange and dangerous was going on, I shut the door and ran to the other door that I came in. The lady with the roast yelled out “No, you can’t go back”. As I ran out of the door toward the van they let loose some sort of an alien, like a strange caterpillar to get me. It got me and I grabbed a fence to hold onto. As I was bigger than this creature I was able to gradually pull myself along the fence to safety. The caterpillar would not let go, so I found a shovel near by and started to bang the caterpillar on the head. At the end of the fence was a 1970s type suburb and a lady was yelling out “Hang on, you’ve almost made it”. Eventually the caterpillar laid there unconscious, and I managed to get to the end of the fence. Once I reached the safety at the end of the fence a woman with a child down the sidewalk, on the same side of the street as the fence, yelled out “Steve, we’re so happy to see you”. At this point the alien caterpillar woke up and spit some sort of a red gelatinous goo out on the woman’s face, like it was trying to infect her with something. At this point I woke up…
Today’s Bing Copilot Question: Why could I manifest coins into my life via the “Law of Attraction” and “Abraham Hicks” when I was out running errands in Chapel Hill, NC but not here in Courtenay, BC?
Copilot’s Answer: The “Law of Attraction” and teachings from Abraham Hicks suggest that our thoughts and feelings can attract specific experiences into our lives. Here are a few reasons why you might have had more success manifesting coins in Chapel Hill, NC, compared to Courtenay, BC:
- Vibrational Alignment: You might have been in a higher vibrational state while in Chapel Hill. This could be due to the environment, your mood, or even the activities you were engaged in. Being in a place with a rich history of coins and currency, like Chapel Hill1, might have subconsciously influenced your alignment.
- Belief and Expectation: Your belief in the possibility of finding coins and your expectation of it happening might have been stronger in Chapel Hill. Sometimes, a new or different environment can boost our belief and expectation levels.
- Environmental Factors: Chapel Hill might have more places where coins are likely to be found, such as busy streets, markets, or historical sites. In contrast, Courtenay might have fewer such opportunities.
- Mindset and Focus: Your mindset and focus during your errands could have been different. If you were more relaxed and open in Chapel Hill, you might have been more receptive to noticing coins.
- Random Chance: Sometimes, these experiences can simply be a matter of chance. The frequency of finding coins can vary based on numerous unpredictable factors.

Have you tried any specific techniques or practices from Abraham Hicks to enhance your manifestation efforts in Courtenay?
This evening I ventured out to look for coins, but it was raining pretty bad so I didn’t get out of the car much. I did stop off at Thrifty Foods to use the bathroom, and I told myself as I passed by the Customer Service Desk if the lady said anything to me I would stop and buy a ticket. Well, she didn’t so I didn’t… I didn’t therefore get any big lottery wins today, but I didn’t lose any money either.
I needed to get a silicone mat at Dollarama to put my Cusinart “Griddler” on, but once I got there I realized that a cookie tin would work much better. I also picked up some mini “tongs”, a grater, and a glass tumbler so that I don’t always have to drink everything out of a coffee cup.
My “LoA” YouTube channel says that there are errors, but I cannot find any. Will this stop me from getting payment once my channel passing the $100 mark? I don’t seem to have this problem anymore as viewership has really dropped off and I haven’t been making any money for the past few weeks. Has YouTube stopped promoting my videos for some reason? Is it because of this “error” that I cannot find?