It’s mid week time again, and here is item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ☐✅).
“Today’s ‘ToDo’ List” (10/24) – “Tolle & Doty!
Morning Work
Eckhart Tolle talks about “The First Step” (at the 4:40 mark) before you start your manifesting. At the 6:33 mark he states “Make the present moment your friend”. So, I will focus on his and Dr. James Doty’s books for now, and then go back to the “Law of Attraction” after I hear what they have to say…
- ✅ What are some of the things that you are GREATFUL FOR Today? (The sun is out! The sun came up this morning!)
- ✅ Weigh yourself! (361.9 lbs. – 335.4 lbs. = 26.5 lbs. total weight loss.)
- ✅ Take Vitamins! (Evening!)
- ☐ Read “The Power of NOW” by Eckhart Tolle! <>
- ☐ Read “Into The Magic Shop” by Dr. James Doty! <>
- ☐ Read “Online Shaolin Temple Master Class“! (Personal Email & FsTWddOluDTPERE) <>
- ☐ {Morning} Meditation! <>
- ☐ {Noon} Meditation! <>
- ☐ {Evening} Meditation! <>
(#1) “10 Minute Morning Meditation“!
(#2) “30 Minute Noon Meditation“!
(#3) “How To Manifest Anything While You Sleep“!
(#4) Clutch “Blackjack” Mockup Ticket & Visualize & Fall Asleep To Airport Noise!
Daily “FUN” Stuff
- ✅ Read “Presto” by Penn Jillette! (Completed: Monday, December 2, 2024!)
- ☐ Read “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To”! <>
- ☐ Read “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger! <>
- ☐ Read “Paul McCartney: The Life” by Philip Norman! <>
- ☐ Read “John Lennon: The Life” by Philip Norman! <>
- ✅ Read “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! (Completed: August 14th, 2024)
- ☐ Read “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks! <>
- ☐ “How To Win The Lottery With The Law Of Attraction” by Eddie Coronado! <>
- ☐ “Seeing” by Cynthia P. Stafford! <>
- ☐ Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘ by adding the “30 Day Coin Manifestation Process” into Chapter #2. Go Here: P09 – The “Scripting” Process: <>
- ✅ Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (I completed the whole “Planet of the Apes” series, from 1968-2024 on Monday, September 30th, 2024!)
- ✅ Watch “Get Back” Beatles videos (Completed: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024)!
- ✅ Watch “Lost” TV series! (Season #4, Episode #3, “The Other Woman”)
- ☐ Set up “Music Studio”! <>
- ✅ Set up “Flight Simulator”! (Purolator tried to deliver my PC, but nobody was here to sign for it, so I can pick it up after 1 pm tomorrow at Best Buy!)
Evening Work
- ✅ Clean “Barn Suite” (For 15 Minutes+ Today): (Dishes! Dishes! Dishes!)
Additional Reading List:
- ☐ “14,000 Things to Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer
- ☐ “The Law of Attraction” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To” by Dr. David Sinclair
- ☐ “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart
- ☐ “Destructive Self-Defense” by Joe Weider
- ☐ “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “How the Secret Changed My Life” by Rhonda Byrne
- ☐ “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” by Mo Gawdat
- ☐ “The Creative Way: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin
- ☐ “The Life Plan” by Jeffry S. Life
- ☐ “Autobiography” by Benjamin Franklin
- ☐ “Presto” by Penn Jillette
- ☐ “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” by Bandy Lee
- ☐ “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- ☐ “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- ☐ “Without Remorse” by Tom Clancy
- ☐ “A River Could Be A Tree” by Angela Himsel
- ☐ “Three Dog Nightmare” by Chuck Negron
- ☐ “Real Magic” by Dr. Dean Radin
- ☐ “How To Win The Lottery With The Law Of Attraction” by Eddie Coronado
- ☐ “Seeing” by Cynthia P. Stafford
- ☐ “The Power of NOW” by Eckhart Tolle
- ☐ “Into The Magic Shop” by Dr. James Doty
- ☐ “Paul McCartney: The Life” by Philip Norman
- ☐ “John Lennon: The Life” by Philip Norman
Daily Notes
I signed up for the Abraham Hicks “NOW” event, which was at 12 noon today, but I was so tired I could not get out of bed. I decided to sleep some more and got up around 2 pm!
Purolator tried to deliver my new gaming pc at 9 am this morning, but since nobody was there to sign for it, they left. I need to pick it up at their designated location, which is Best Buy, after 1 pm tomorrow.

I made a couple of vegan cheeseburgers in the air fryer today (see photo to the right). The key is to cook the patties first. I then put a slice of vegan cheese on top of the burger, and put them in between a bun, and put that combo back into the air fryer for another 9 minutes on low heat. This melts the cheese into the burger perfectly, but I need to make sure that I put a wire rack on top if the cheese and top bun slice so that they don’t blow off in the wind!
The sun goes down early here in Courtenay these days. 4:19 pm to be exact. It never went down this early in Nova Scotia, but given the fact that we are further north, that’s understandable. I’m looking forward to December 22nd, when the days start to get longer.
This evening I watched the replay for the “Abraham NOW” seminar. Here are some key takeaways:
- The main topic of today’s talk is “FOCUS”.
- If sadness is in the room, happiness is there as well.
- We don’t want you to always be happy because we want you to experience contrast and step #1 moments. When you are not happy you further define what you want your happiness to be like.
- “Deliberate Creation” really is about getting out ahead of things and deciding how you want to feel.
- Here’s a new way of thinking on “Segment Intending”. Focus on the turmoil of today’s world, the politics, the borders, the economic threats, and realize the “Chaos”! Now, focus on your world, your current life and property, the wonderful vehicles, the vehicle that is broken down, etc. and realize the “Chaos” of this too vast a focus as well. Then open your eyes and focus on what is right in front of you and realize how beautiful it is. This is the “Perfect State of Allowing”! It’s not trying to figure things out or all the things you need to do. It is about a “Segment in Time” to focus on something that “Fuels You”. You are not focusing to solve, but to connect to “Source”!
- Social media, salesmen, and the world all want your attention. How to solve this? The more you “Segment Intend”, the narrower the range of what can come to you, and actionable and practical ideas will flow to you that will facilitate you holding yourself primarily in this “Being Fueled By Universal Resources” rather than that which sucks the life out of you.
- Let’s talk about “Dating” and attracting relationships. Let’s bring this into the conversation about “Focus”. There are too many people in the world to sift through. On a recent date, focus upon the part of this person that you liked the most. Feel the clarity and even more, the power, that is caused by the emotional vibrational fueling of this moment. In other words, everything that matters to you, if you can bring it to a singular emotional moment, how did you feel? Seen! Alive! Happy! Appreciation! We’re asking you to whittle down the chaos of possible thoughts and become an emotional focuser, as this is where your power is. By doing this you are syncing yourself with the frequency of your inner being.
- There is always the potential of a “spark” in a relationship, but what is this “spark”? Your inner being is always in harmony and alignment with everything that you have asked for. It’s like a laser more than a spark. You feel this spark when you are tuned to the frequency of your “Source”.
- IMPORTANT: A relationship “Spark” is when you are in sync with what you want and the other person is as well, and the “Law of Attraction” brings you both together, and you both feel alignment with your inner beings because of the attention that you have on each other.
- We know that this is hard for you to handle, but it is the secret to living happily ever after! It’s about caring about alignment so much that you will do whatever it takes. You have to reign in the chaos and focus on something that is such an easily existing match, like your grandchild, or a beautiful clock. FOCUS IS YOUR GOAL. GOOD FEELING FOCUS MUST BE YOUR INTENTION!
- When you try, at any moment of time, to anticipate what is coming, feel the potential of CHAOS becoming the experience. Now, pick some aspect of it, some good feeling moment of time. Such as, you have been chosen as an actor, and you are doing your lines and you are nailing it! You realize that you are exactly what they are looking for. Feel the satisfaction of this. When you are doing this you are in Step #3, “The Receiving Mode”! Feeling this wonderful feeling is taking the chaos out!
- Ask for what you want whether a state of allowing or not. Life is such that you are asking all the time. The thing is, after the asking, you want to focus your attention in such a way that it brings about the end of the stick that you are looking for.
- What if you have read every book, and done every practice, for years, and the things you want have wanted have still not happened? It is our knowing that today’s broadcast is providing you with answers to this.
- Session Break!
- If your credit card is hacked you are having a powerful Step #1 moment! You know you don’t want your money to be stolen! That awful feeling is real, but don’t think about the “how or this or that”. Realize that this is Step #1, have it, and then realize that the “other end of the stick” is now more clearly defined than it is now, and this is going to serve me. Feel it strong! If you know one end of the stick, you know the other end of the stick! Don’t spend more time on trying to figure out how as this is not about you figuring out how to not have this happen again!
- The answer is always to “Find The Feeling” that you are looking for. When you focus on what is great about a person, you are “Cleaning Up Your Vibration”. You cannot lasso anything to you and make it stay. It’s all about attraction! If you focus on the good, the Universe will give it to you whether it is this person or another person! FOCUS THE FEELING! USE THOUGHTS AND MEMORIES BUT YOUR GOAL IS THE FEELING!
- The Universe is always bringing to you who you now are! When you had previous relationships you were a different person and attracted them to you as well.
- You are not here to serve the world. If something is hard for you, we would move on, but realize that your “new you” will go with you!
- Should children have MORE or LESS toys? You can have MORE good, or MORE bad. Watch their response. Don’t get your interest too involved. Watch what they want.
- How do you know what your future holds? YOU DON’T! But you do know how you want to feel. You want to feel amazing and secure and interested and vital and alive and passion and at ease and flow. You want lots of opportunities and variety.
- If we were standing in your physical shoes as a child, and wanted to mentor them, we would first feel our feeling place and our adoration of life. This is where we would be primarily first, and then be like “The Vortex” that only shines the light on the wanted part. We would treat our children like your “Inner Being” treats you.
- Focusing on the NOW, includes both wanted and unwanted. The key is to focus on the wanted. Find the feeling place, and this will allow you to let in what you are manifesting. The key is to plug in the vacuum before you start vacuuming the floor.
- You are worried about your world, but you don’t need to be. You are worried about your climate, but you don’t need to be. Your world ALWAYS finds it’s balance.
- What we are asking you to do, FOCUS, you are already doing, BUT YOU ARE DOING IT ON THE WRONG PARTS!!! You are focused, in the moment, on the things that FEEL BAD! You can’t get to the wonderful things in your Vortex when you feel bad, but it is okay that you feel bad because then you can clarify what the “Good Side Of The Stick” is like!
- The relationship that you are living in. There is a potential that the “spark” will ignite again, but you have to “spark” with your “Inner Being” first, and often. When you do, the “spark” may ignite in your existing relationship, or TO A NEW RELATIONSHIP! Sometimes it’s easier to move on because your expectation of the “spark” is greater in a new relationship.
- The news focuses on the bad, because they know that this keeps you watching! Find a good feeling place first, then look at tv and good things will come to you. Don’t let the news choose how you feel! Get fascinated about things and inspire others. Let them feel your enthusiasm!
- Nothing is broken! The potential for everything you want is at your fingertips. We are all routing for you. We take pleasure every day in the more that you keep discovering, whether you let it in or not! There is great love here for you!