2025-02-26 - Chapters & Starbucks

Day #0548 – (Wed., Feb. 26, 2025) – Chapters & Starbucks

What a nice sunny day to drive to Nanaimo, where I am going. But before that, let’s start off today with Item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ✅).

“Today’s MustDo ‘ToDo’ List” (0/0)


Daily Readings (Law of Attraction & Law of Affirmation)

Daily Readings (Diet & Exercise)

Daily Readings (Biographies)

Daily “FUN” Chores

Daily “FUN” Stuff

  • ☐ Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘: The “Scripting” Process: <>
  • Set up “Music Studio”! <>
  • Set up “Flight Simulator”! <>
  • Watch “Planet Earth” (HBO)! <>
  • Watch “Manifest” (Netflix)! <>
  • Watch “Northern Exposure” (Amazon Prime)! <>
  • Watch “Port Protection Alaska” (Disney+)! <>
  • Watch “Skeleton Crew (Star Wars)”! (I finished the entire first season, all 8 episodes today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025!)
  • Watch “Lost” TV series! (I finished the series “Lost” on Sunday, January 5, 2025!)
  • Watch “Get Back” Beatles videos (Completed: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024)!
  • Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (I completed the whole “Planet of the Apes” series, from 1968-2024 on Monday, September 30th, 2024!)

Additional Reading List:

Daily Notes

I had to see my doctor in Nanaimo at 12:15 pm this afternoon, so I hit the road around 10:15 am. It was quite a nice drive, and I listened to Maggie Murphy’s commentary on “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles there, and on the way back.

2025-02-26 - Chapters & Starbucks

As I was going to see the doctor I happened to notice a “Chapters” bookstore branch at Woodgrove Shopping Mall, so I made sure to go there on the way home after my doctor’s appointment was over. As I passed through the Walmart parking lot on the way to Chapters I noticed a McLaren in the parking lot!

This particular Chapters location has a Starbucks attached to it. I hadn’t eaten all day so I decided to go there for a snack! I then found a table at the back of the store, and munched away while I listened to the NVDA earnings report (see photo to the left). The report had a lot of promising things to say, including an upgrade to their Blackwell GPU, so I suspect that the stock will pop tomorrow.

I’m “technically” on a diet, so I debated on getting any food at Starbucks, but I thought that I would use this opportunity to treat this like a “Vacation” in some way. I want to have positive memories of being at this Chapters as it’s pretty well the largest bookstore in the area. Brings back such wonderful memories of “Barnes & Nobles” and the long gone “Borders” in Chapel Hill!

My wife made an appointment at Urgent Care for 5:35 pm this evening, so after driving back to Courtenay from Nanaimo, and having a quick nap, I went there. The doctor prescribed some amoxicillan, so let’s hope that this kicks this pneumonia to the curb!

The prescription was sent to the 8th street Shoppers Drug Mart, and they made me come back after an hour, so I wandered over to Walmart and picked up 4 (yes FOUR) lottery tickets. Alas, only a $2 winner on the “Christmas Tales” Scratch & Win this time (see photo to the right).

I’m thinking of using Copilot to translate Wallace Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich” into a Kindle book. I think it’s so old that it’s way past any patent or copyright claims!

Author: MainAdmin

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