- (2025-01-16-Thu): 4D reality = the key to everything – She said that she definitely manifested her Ex! If you can imagine it in the 4D, it will appear in the 3D… If you have it in the 4D, you don’t need it in the 3D.
- (2025-01-17-Fri): Problems Manifesting & Myers-Briggs type. – Maggie’s Myer-Briggs type is “ENFP”. She says everyone has to read “The Science of Getting Rich” by Waddles if they want to be rich.
- (2025-01-18-Sat): Manifesting a Specific Person – The Sabbath – Talks about experiencing her “Ex” in the 4D and stumbling upon the Sabbath. She thought about a pleasant relationship in the 4D, so she wanted to go there, until she got tired of it (which she calls “The Sabbath”), like having pizza for every meal. Even though, the experience was so real the feelings never faded over time. She is not worried about not having a relationship in the 3D. MAJOR TAKEAWAY: “If you are not drawn to creating what you want in 4D, you have to think about whether you really want it”!
- (2025-01-19-Sun): Manifestation: The Desire is the MEANS. The state is the END. – The end result is the 4D, not the 3D. The reason that you want something in the 3D is not because of the “thing”, but because of the feeling it will give you in the 3D. If you can get this feeling in the 4D, there is no need of it in the 3D!
- (2025-01-20-Mon): Manifest a State of Bliss! – “Bliss” is your natural state! Why you are unhappy is because of your beliefs! All these beliefs were created by you, which means you can change it ALL! A blissful world is right in front of you, and your perception is whether you will see it or not. Find a way to just get a little bit of “bliss”… Maggie’s favorite way is to go into her 4D and experience happiness here via her imagination. You are not doing anyone any favors by being miserable. Start dismantling your false beliefs. If you start with a big bad belief it is with you all the time. One of her big bad beliefs was that she felt she was too flawed to get this thing that would make her happy. This was a “double whammy”, first that she needed something in the 3D to be happy, and secondly that she was too flawed. Chip away at this and you will “flip the script” and get to the state of “bliss”!
- (2025-01-21-Tue): Manifesting Using Imagination: Get Good w/ Guided Meditation – Maggie refers to a friend who removed money blocks by listening to affirmations in the car. He used different vocal intonations every time, and after a month, he felt a “shift” and didn’t need to perform the affirmations anymore. This worked for him! She also suggests if you are having problems with your imagination to use a guided meditation and refers in particular to this guided meditation. At one point while listening to this she started to cry. Just sit and listen and see if you can’t do what he says.
- (2025-01-22-Wed): 4D Reality & The Present Moment – The explanation is that you have two lives, this 3D existence or the “physical” world, and the world of your imagination (4D world).
- (2025-01-23-Thu): Neville Goddard Revision – Changing Your Past – The Neville Goddard concept of “Revision” is the same as changing your beliefs! Neville suggests going back to a scene in the past and rewriting it in your mind. Imagine it happening the way that you would have liked it to have happened. What Maggie has been doing is to imagine that you are like a baby, who has all it’s needs met, and it’s happy! This is your default state! When you get a bad feeling it can always be traced to a belief. Tracing where this belief came from is like a puzzle, a game, to be figured out. When you do, you are happy! For example, it always starts when you realize you are not happy. Then, what are you feeling? I’m feeling “anxiety”…but why? Is it because you think you are not good enough? Is it because you are fearful? Sometimes it comes down to a single comment. Once you resolve this false belief it falls away and you don’t come back. Maggie talks about the comment made to her mother that “Her stupidity was offensive”.
- (2025-01-24-Fri): Manifestation Techniques: Dealing With Your “Helpful” Ego – You cannot spend your whole life in a meditative state day to day… You will find that throughout the day your 3D mind will try to remind you that your 4D is not real… Your 3D mind is easily tricked by saying things like sarcastically “Thanks for this astute observation, now F*** OFF”! Or if in a regular state of mind “Don’t worry about it, this is just an experiment, we are safe”! The ego is trying to prevent you from doing things that are going to bring harm to you. It’s trying to help you from adopting new things, like 4D beliefs, that might hurt you. Distract, trick, or humiliate it!
- (2025-01-25-Sat): Manifestation Success Stories Vol 1 – “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Waddles is basically “Neville For Money”! In regards to the “first edition” Steven King books that she got to start her business, she was broke at the time and could not afford to purchase them. She said to the seller that if they just wanted to get rid of them let her know. The lady said, just take them! One of these books was worth $100 on eBay and it sold in 2 days! This grew into an Amazon “used book” business! She would sometimes tell herself “There is always a motherload somewhere, just keep going”! EVERYTIME she did this she came home with the entire car full of the book collection someone wanted to get rid of. She would say “I really can’t afford to pay for all this, but if you just want to get rid of them I can give you $20 or $30” to get it out of your way. At the end of the first summer, by just going to garage sales, she had an inventory of 5000 books listed on Amazon. She had $3000 in money coming in every month! She didn’t like going to dirty garages so she then went to libraries to get their old books or to company “overstock” sales. Eventually she used an Amazon app to tell her how much a book was worth without purchasing them. Eventually she became uncomfortable about not being in control of supply, so she asked the Universe for another item to sell, and within a week she found the current item she sells, and with more options than the original one was offered with. Her mantra? “Intention…Opportunity”! Don’t get discouraged, we always hit “The Motherload”! In 2008 she is convinced that she manifested her now “ex”… She had just gone out to dinner with a good friend of hers that she sees once in about 5 years… She didn’t spend a lot of time with this person, but they were instant friends, and always felt connected. She went out to dinner with him and said to herself “It would be great to meet someone like this to be in my life every day”. She came home from dinner and said “I want that”. I want to meet someone like that to be in my life every day. Someone who it feels like we have always known each other. She distinctly remembers thinking “I know what I want and this is it”! That was June 30, 2008 and I met my ex, who is my best friend, on July 3rd! I had just been with a friend, and I created my “ex” who is actually more of a friend! At the time, a mad romantic partner was not what I needed. I needed a friend. I wanted somebody to build with and that’s what I got…we built our current business together. I was friends with my ex for a year before we dated. Also, around this same time that I met my “ex” I was thinking, what’s the one thing I want to hear the most from a man? I imagined this statement “I can’t wait to marry you”! Three months later I met someone, we had a mad love affair, I heard those words, and it was not the right guy… I have no idea how you can hear an exact phrase in your mind, and come out of someone’s mouth, but I have experienced it…
- (2025-01-26-Sun): You Are God… You’re Not Running Out Of Time – A “friendly reminder” that you are not running out of times. Maggie says that this concept has ruined her life for the past 20 years maybe! She can remember thinking at 22 years old, when Norah Jones came on the scene, that she could have done something with her life. Remember, when you are in the creative realm, time doesn’t apply to you! You could be 85 years old, and some 76 year old hottie will come along, and that will be that. This is how it works when you are the creator! You cannot live on the level of creator and scarcity! They cannot exist together. You are either creating it all, or creating nothing. The Truth is that you are creating all the time, and you can create it all the time! Maggie says that losing the idea that she was running out of time to find that special person. Her last long-term relationship was when she was 35 and she made this rule that she MUST meet someone by the time she is 40! At the time she felt that there was nobody good left after 40! When I lost this believe it was like a 10,000 lb. weight being lifted off my shoulders! She eventually got it! The same belief that helped her manifest her desires in the financial and diet realms, are at play with all other realms! The instant she came to this realization this “10,000 lb. Monkey” got off her back! When you remove the time limit from the thing that you want to want to create, you may find that you don’t want it now!!! She doesn’t even want this relationship now!!! When is she going to start wanting it again??? It’s your life, you are the creator, and you get to decide on what you are going to choose and when!!! The world is your oyster, you have all the time in the world. This is the biggest thing you can get!!!
- (2025-01-27-Mon): Simplify the Bridge of Incidents By Changing Your Thoughts – If you don’t do the work on your mind and your beliefs you are just shooting yourself in the foot! YOU CAN CREATE THINGS WHILE HAVING A HORRIBLE ATTITUDE! Negative thinking, bad beliefs, all that stuff… you do not need to “Prune Your Mental Garden” in order to consciously direct creation, BUT YOU SHOULD! Why? (1) When you decide on the thing you want, you impress this thing on your mind, and it is given this task… If you are approaching your life without getting your mind as pure as possible (negative, bad beliefs), your subconscious will need to steer you around these things. So, what might have taken you six days to get, might take six weeks, or six months, or six years! (2) When you impress on your subconscious mind this idea, BECAUSE YOU CANNOT BE CONSTANTLY THINKING ABOUT THIS THING, incidents will happen (“The Bridge of Incidents”), and they may even seem to be bad, but if you have a “good clean mind” you will be thinking that this is perhaps a good thing on the way to what you want rather than a bad thing! Having a right attitude makes you see things that you wouldn’t see otherwise! You will get there quicker if you don’t dwell on the past! Do this and your life will become a dream!
- (2025-01-28-Tue): Personal Experience w/Spiritual Awakening and Chickening Out – Maggie had a “Spiritual Awakening Experience” when she was 23 years old. She got a “Snapple” on the way to the airport and it was hit by a penny, and she never knew where this penny came from. On the flight she was having a HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE between two enormous people. She was uncomfortable and reached into her pocket and there was the penny. When she picked it out of her pocket the words “IN GOD WE TRUST” were glowing. At this moment she began to realize that emotions are in a circle, and even though she was having a hard time now, joy and bliss are right next to it. When she got home and was lying in her bed she happened to look on her bookshelf and saw “A Return To Love” by Marianne Williamson. (A bit of side note here… I had never heard of Marianne Williamson before, but yesterday a video of hers appeared on YouTube where she said she wants to lead the DNC! Is this synchronicity? Maggie mentions that this was exactly what she needed, is it what I need?). This book led her to reading a lot by Depok Chopra, and she had a whole summer where she felt so connected to God that she would never need to have another person again… This all came to an end when she was offered a job as a nanny, paying well, and paying cash! As the summer went on she started to become afraid that the 4D path she was going on was different from the 3D path she was used to… The kid she was nannying became a problem child and pulled her out of the 4D mindset. She started to worry that this was leading her to be a nun or something, and she wanted to keep working on her business ideas and meet a guy. So, the state of bliss faded completely and this pretty well stayed this way till two months ago. THIS TIME, I UNDERSTAND THE CREATIVE POWER OF ALL THIS STUFF. YOU CAN’T GO BACK AND “UNKNOW” THIS STUFF. For the past 17 years I’ve created good with my life but I have been miserable… (NOTE: Maggie mentions that she is an extrovert and likes people!) Hang in and fight through! I left her the comment: “Hi Maggie, Another great video! Thought provoking in so many ways… As I run errands around town I have been listening to your much more recent “Manifestation Technique – 99% Success Rate” video, bemoaning the fact that the techniques you outline don’t work for me! If it was anyone else I would think it was all a bunch of “Horse Hockey”, but I KNOW that you are the real deal… As such, my focus turned inward… So self, why does this work for Maggie and not me? Almost immediately another video of yours came to mind in which you talk about “Synchronicity”, and looking for signs as you go about you day… Interestingly enough, further on in this video you talk about “A Return To Love” by Marianne Williamson… Well I had never heard of her before, but as soon as you mentioned her name I thought, is this the same person whose video popped up suddenly on my YouTube feed the other day? The lady who wants to be the head of the DNC? I had never heard tell of her before, but for some reason the surname “Williamson” stuck in my head… I dug deeper and yes, it was (or is)! Hmmm… Could this be the “Synchronicity” you are referring to? Just so you know, her book is next on my “ToDo” list… 🙂 I’m going to see where this “Potential Synchronicity” leads… 🙂 Maybe there is something in this book that the Universe is guiding me to… Thanks Maggie for all your content and for helping us to “navigate life” and “find the way”! -K“
- (2025-01-29-Wed): Manifesting Your “Biggest Desire”: RELEASE THE CHOKEHOLD! – Are you running out of time to find a husband and start a family? I don’t think that you are ever going to have a desire that is not going to be fulfilled. It just doesn’t make sense. Kick out of your mind that you have desires that are your cross to bear and that sort of thing. You are not cursed and have this desire that will never be fulfilled. Maggie had made a decision not to have kids and when she hit 35 this brought up all kinds of mental imagery of growing old alone. You need to recognize that you don’t want the pressure of your biological clock winding down. Does it have to be your own biological child? Think of the man in your life, they are not biologically related to you and you love them like crazy. Open your mind to the idea that if a child comes into your life it may not be through biology. If you are reacting violently to that statement, then on this belief is where you need to do the work! Maggie personally doesn’t like the idea of being with a man who has kids… Having said that, it just occurred to her that what if she met someone who had a kid and she completely fell in love with this kid? Maggie is not a kid person, but she had to ask herself, why is her mind so closed to this possibility? All we want is love in our lives, and we should open our minds to how we will get it. Maggie still doesn’t want to have a guy who has kids, so unless she gets a good reason to not do this, she is going to create a guy who does not have kids. The key is to get out of this mental prison. You can always change your mind back later. So, #1: You are a creator, #2: You have a desire and it is from God (You)!, #3: Shed the self-imposed idea of how this has to come about…
- (2025-01-30-Thu): Manifestation Obstacles: The Illusion of Authenticity – Today Maggie talks about the resistance people have to changing their beliefs or mental programming. While you don’t need to get rid of these “Old Beliefs” to get to your destination, if you do, the journey will not only be quicker, but much more fun! Some people believe that by changing their beliefs they are living a “contrived” experience rather than an “authentic” one. I used to think this for a long time! I didn’t try not to feel things. It felt fake for me to plant false ideas, and this is BS! Most of what you believe is something that you learned from someone else when you were young, before you knew what you know now, and ever since then you have been collecting faulty evidence to support this belief! Focus on changing your negative beliefs first! If you have a belief and it makes you feel like “S**T”, then there you go, you already have your first belief to start working on. You will see that once you start installing different beliefs you will realize what a load of “CRAP” having this “illusionary” old belief was! People are always telling me that I’m an authentic person, and I take pride in that, so this was a hard step for me, to change this! This is the “Biggest Bang For Your Buck”, “The Biggest Return On Your Mental Investment”!
- (2025-01-31-Fri): The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Change Your Life – Maggie is just outside the gym at 6 am this morning and says that THIS is the #1 thing you need to do to change your life! If you can do this, you will be ahead of the vast majority of the population! What is it? STOP BEING A VICTIM AND TAKE COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! You need to do this if you are going to believe that you are God and the creator of your life! There are things in your past that you have had no control over, but you have 100% control over what you decide they mean! If you feel that you don’t have control you are suffering from a misguided belief! You decide what you take from experiences and how you proceed forward! If you feel that outside influences have power over you it is a stumbling block towards moving forward. Once you decide you have the POWER to change whatever you want in your life, it is SO LIFE CHANGING, and how much better your life will be. Just this ONE DECLARATION of being in control of it all can change it all! Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and JUST DO IT, and then you will see! I stopped playing the victim card a long time ago! Having a sense of empowerment over your life changes everything! You will see that you were in control all the time. This is a BIG ONE, and one that people resist a lot! People who are successful in life are not victims! It’s your fault I didn’t go into the gym this morning!
- (2025-02-01-Sat): The Bridge Of Incidents May Simply Be YOU Changing – When you are trying to change into a new person the new and the old person are barely recognizable to each other! The “Bridge of Incidents” will often consist of life events that seem unremarkable, or sometimes out of the ordinary, that show up… How you react to them is the part of changing the “old you” to the “new you”. For example, to going from poor to a millionaire, it might first start off with a 6 month emergency fund. Start by thinking about this “safety net” and how it will give you a sense of freedom and bring happiness your way! You feel this security! You take this state on and you have “planted the seed”. Now, here’s what could happen. You might get a tax refund, but with this new “State of Mind” you will save it rather than spend it. If you spend it, you will now have a feeling that this was wrong… Either way, these events will lead you down a path… This will only happen if you have installed this new state… You will be presented with these opportunities to behave in a different way. Eventually, you will start behaving in the way of the “New You”. Hopefully on the first try you will have the new behavior, but eventually you will get it… On a personal level, I ate every meal at a diner or a fast food restaurant, but when I made the shift I was presented with the stimulus to behave in the old way, and sometimes I would give in, but I never got that feeling of “comfort” in eating it like I did before I installed this new state… It took me 18 months from the point in which I first installed this state till I got fed up and it took. Changing who you are can take time! Allow yourself to go through the process… Some change just cannot change overnight. Sometime you need to go over experiences over and over again till you figure out how to be the new person that lives in your current 3d state! Remember, the bigger your manifestation, the more personal changing that you need to undertake…
- (2025-02-02-Sun): Manifesting Physical Changes – Maggie got a video on “How to Fix Scars!”… Regarding the physical issue you have, if you have come up with an affirmation, a lot of people think the scar will gradually knit itself. You need to work on your own “self worth” first. This scar is making you feel unacceptable. You are not realizing that you are the Creator and that if you are embarrassed about your scar you can manifest a partner who will love your body. There are a not of really good healthy reasons to want to heal a scar. You need to examine why this thing is on your mind. You are attacking the affect (the scar) but not the cause (you think you are unattractive because of the scar). Maggie has scars. She has stretch marks on her stomach that she hates and has started affirmations on her stomach being perfect. What happened was, she was driving around doing this affirmation, and this voice said “You should try dry brushing, I hear that really works”… So, she went right to Walgreens and bought a bore bristle brush. In two days it started looking so much better! Advice: Attack the way the thing is making you feel, not the actual thing! KEY: You look different the way that you feel about you self. Your face changes. You carry yourself differently. Maggie has found that she will find a guy more or less attractive the more that she spends time with him…
- (2025-02-03-Mon): Manifesting: The “How” Vs. The “Why” – “How” –> You figure out what you want, create an image and a feeling, and you have developed a mentality of this. Forces unknown to us, along with our actions, will bring this about in our 3D. Think about what you want for dinner, then go get that for dinner. You have just experienced creation (the basics anyway)! The problem is, people don’t understand “THE WHY”… The motivation for this is that you think it will make you happy!!! When you first start out in manifesting you are after “the thing”. Here’s the secret! NONE OF THIS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY! YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY! CONNECTIVENESS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY! A SENSE OF SELF WORTH AND CONTRIBUTING WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY! Manifesting things is a good skill to have, but eventually you will come back to these truths. Eventually when you have fixed your “core issues” in life, and your orientation to the world, and shift into the state of gratitude! Without these things you are not going to enjoy any of the stuff you create! When you are in the state of bliss everything is so effortless… If you truly get this, try to create the STATE OF ECSTASY… This is the pinnacle! I commented below this video: “Hi Maggie! This is such a wonderful video, with so much “meat” in it, I had to watch it over and over again… Your 20+ years in the “Manifesting Realm” sings out throughout this video… Maybe you addressed this and I’m not quite getting it (which is unfortunately not out of the question), but what is the exact reason we manifest 3D things once we are in a “State of Bliss”? Let me give an example… Say I want a Aston Martin Vanquish, which many consider to be the best car out there… If I have not reached the “State of Bliss” yet, I would want to manifest this Aston Martin Vanquish as I think having it will bring me to this state, which we know will not. But, if I am in this “State of Bliss”, I have truly reached the end goal, so I don’t need the Aston Martin Vanquish anymore. You mention that once you are in this “State of Bliss” your manifestations will come to you effortlessly, but what is the purpose of 3D things once you have reached this state? As such, why even have a desire to manifest them at this point? Perhaps, the goal of wanting 3D objects when you are in the “State of Bliss” is so you can give or share them with others who are not in this state yet? Wondering… Know what I mean? Thanks Again Maggie! Great Video! -K“.
- (2025-02-04-Tue): Acting From 4D Mentality Vs. Acting From 3D Reality – What does it look like in 3D when you have adopted the “end state” of what you want to receive. It makes me uncomfortable to not be in control of things. Let’s talk about when you go into 4D and adopt a belief, like being wealthy when you are poor. I didn’t grow up rich, but I didn’t grow up needing money either. The first thing that you will feel is the certainty of your 3D reality changing into your 4D vision. When you try to worry about it you will find it difficult to as you will be that sure. This is a good sign that you have gotten there. On the outside, your actions will be different. You will find that rather than having blanket actions you will not have fear about taking actions that lead you on the 4D reality. For example, I built a business with my ex, who had a different mentality than I did. I didn’t spend a lot of time worrying about investment decisions, but he did. There were times when I felt inspired to take action that he would have passed by on. He would approached with a much more timid approach, but that was gone with me. I knew 100% where our business was going to end up, and it turned out better than I anticipated. He reacted to 3D and I dragged him along kicking and screaming into 4D. Despite the fact that we were both experiencing the same reality, I had no fear, but he did. I knew that things would take care of themselves. I knew problems with money would pass. My ex, current business partner, has come a long way to come around to the point that he has now created a 6-figure side business outside of our regular business. Once he adopted this 4D his “side endeavors” became successful! This is not “Hocus Pocus”. This is changing a mentality that then changes your outer behavior. You are going to know whether you have to “lift a finger” or not.
- (2025-02-05-Wed): Manifestation Stories: Divine Intelligence/The Bridge of Incidents – This is just one example in my life of the “Bridge of Incidents”, and whenever I doubt I remember how this went down. In January, 2017 my partner and I decided that we wanted to sell other people’s products in addition to making our own. There was one company that I really wanted, but you needed to do a lot to get a wholesale account with them. One company wanted me to meet with a rep, which I hate! So “Bob” came out and their stuff was not that great. His wife was the rep for the company, we’ll call it ACME, that I really wanted, but because she was operating in a different state, nothing could be done about it. Eventually I did, around June of 2017 apply for the company that I wanted to represent, but they never called me back. After 5-6 weeks the rep for my area called me, and it was not a good conversation. He didn’t think his products were a good match for our website. In January of 2018 I wasn’t thinking about this and out of nowhere I get an email from Bob telling me that he is now the regional rep for ACME and wanted to know if I still wanted an account with ACME! Bob was the only person who could have come into that position and given me what I wanted because he remembered our conversation. I would have never reapplied, and never known about it! This worked out so great for both of us! For him, he landed this GREAT account on Day #1! They emailed me in January of 2019 telling me that they were shipping all orders for free from now on because I was such a great customer… This equates to 5-figures in FREE SHIPPING! I could not have possibly orchestrated that!
- (2025-02-06-Thu): Conscious Creation: The Illusion of Control – Have you ever made a Pros/Cons list when trying to decide on something? If you have, you have already been using the Neville Goddard “Imaginal Scene” technique in your daily life. I personally, almost always, use this technique on a daily basis. We have an illusion of control, despite the fact that anything can change at any time. There is no real control over anything. When you weigh all the options, and the thing you decide comes to pass, this strengthens the illusion that we are operating independently off “Divine Intelligence”. Every time I made a huge decision, like a huge investment of money, I’ve tried the decision on in my mind… Trying out the pros and cons of how things would change. When I would try on a scene and it felt really good, inside this imaginal scene was 100% belief in this would happen! In effect, thinking about the end result means that you are living in the “End State”! This gives me more faith! The key is impressing the subconscious with the “End State”, and then allowing it to happen. This is a skill that you need to develop. “I did not smoke anything before making this video”… 🙂
- (2025-02-07-Fri): Conscious Creation: The 2 Things We Can Control – I don’t think that you can have “Free Will” some of the time and not at other times. You are either in complete control and the world is in complete chaos, or you are in the control of the “Divine” all the time. Why did you do this? Why did you get distracted by that? They seem unrelated, but you are deciding all kinds of things all the time… via “Autopilot”… Why is it making the decisions that it is making? I have a theory… Your “Subconscious Mind” and “Divine Intelligence” are either the same thing, or connected. If you are creating on “Auto Pilot” all the time, this makes it all the more important that you go into the “Creation Machine” and make it as pristine as possible! There is very little control in the grand scheme of things we as humans have, but one of them is our thoughts! The other thing you have control over is what you want your “Auto Pilot” create! When you get into this state life is “Magical”! If I decide to go to Starbucks now, it affects a lot of people… It affects every car on the road for example. The mystery is, who is actually making the decision to go to Starbucks? Me or “Divine Intelligence”…
- (2025-02-08-Sat): 4D Manifestation & 3D Experience: Both Are Present Moment – Mot people are focused on Neville Goddard’s technique rather than the overall concept. When you adopt this “Creation Mindset” you imagine what you want in the 3D to have already been “done”. You will find that in 3D there is no longer a reason to worry. When you are worrying in the 3D the solution is always to go into the 4D and imagine how you want the end to be! Let the “Divine Order” handle it by determining what you want the end to be. Life then becomes this “shocking” experience where everything works out and you always get what you want. It’s incredible! I just wanted to put this message out there this morning. There is peace and bliss in the present moment if you change your thoughts and beliefs. Life becomes a “Magical Dream”!
- (2025-02-09-Sun): Neville Goddard Planting The Seed: When Bad Things Happen in 3D – Let’s talk about when negative seeds continue to sprout. For example, when I was building my business and my finances started to grow, it was about five years from when I was flat broke to putting a down payment down on a house. During that time there were 3 or 4 big financial incidents that happened. At the time I was very aware as they happened that they were just seed that were planted in the past, but sprouting now… They are little time bombs ready to go off. When you make a big shift, the seeds that you planted previously will start to go off. It’s important that you don’t allow this to shift you out of your new reality. When and if bad things happen it’s important to realize that it is remnants from the past. Eventually these things will stop happening. My financial journey took 7-8 years. It’s been about 3 years since bad financial things happened. Maggie sprained her ankle in her 20s, went to the hospital, and didn’t pay the bill. Eventually, in every area of your life, there are no bad things to come back and get you. Approach your old seeds with your new state of mind. Don’t tip your toe in the water with changing their consciousness and then throw it out the window when something from the past comes up! The most important thing is that you don’t allow the 3D reality to “sway you”! Stay the course! I posted this comment: “Hi Maggie! Like you say, the most important thing is that you don’t allow the 3D reality to “sway you”! Stay the course. It’s so great that you are sharing examples of your own personal journey to encourage us! Thanks! -K“.
- (2025-02-10-Mon): Incremental, Believable Manifestation – What I have chosen to “manifest” over the years. I was easily able to accomplish big things as long as I did it in “baby” steps. When I first started out with money, my first intention was to always have $1000 in the bank! This was the intention I set, and it was believable to me. The next thing I wanted was to always have my bills paid the month ahead. This was the second intention, and I quickly achieved this. Small baby sets can lead to a big achievement over a period of time. I always wanted to experience the whole process, and the idea of going from 0 to 60, I just didn’t buy it personally. I always had a next step, and the next few steps were always in my mind. Next I wanted a certain amount of money from my business every month, and things happened to 3D to work this out. From having $1000 in the bank to $5000 in the bank was about a year. From $5000 in the bank to $10,000 in the bank was about another year. By this point I started to feel that I could handle more, so I set bigger intentions, like having a house. Around this time it became more believable for my business to make more… A $1,000,000 in revenue became possible, and inevitable, at one point… I remember saying to my business partner and aunt that if my business doesn’t make $1,000,000 in the next 3 years something has gone horribly wrong. My aunt is a very successful childless business owner, and a role model to me. This happened and beyond this point I didn’t have any more goals. After this it was keep this level of income and decreasing my workload. I only work about 25 hours a week now… As you have more success with the smaller things, it becomes easier to imagine the bigger things. So, if you are starting out, if you feel like you are not having success, try small steps. I had to do the same thing, little steps, in getting my weight under control. When I get to 155, that’s how much I weighed between 22-25, and I felt attractive enough to date then. I always envisioned 119.5 lbs. on the scale, and eventually got down to 115 lbs. This leads to a state of bliss and happiness and complete fulfillment. My comment: “Hi Maggie! Well said… I’m reminded of the Chinese proverb: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Thanks! -K“.
- (2025-02-11-Tue): Neville Goddard: Planting The Seed, Detachment & Letting Go – When you have properly adopted the state of the thing that you want so it can be created in your reality, you will experience what Neville calls “The Sabbath”. At this point you know it is done and you don’t need to do anything anymore. At this point a lot of people think that if they just drop the idea it will not come about. Rest assured, it has to happen. The feeling that you get when you have that knowing is detachment, and utterly secure. You don’t worry any more about it. Letting go means that you stop trying in your 3D conscious brain to figure out the way to get the thing. Letting go means that you trust your subconscious mind, and “Divine Order”, to work things out. If you find that you don’t want the thing anymore, then you don’t want it anymore. There is nothing better than having everything you want and don’t want anything anymore. Detachment and letting go are two different things! These two things will come naturally once you have adopted “The State”!
- (2025-02-12-Wed): Perspective Shift: Time Is All About Perception – Are you truly running out of time for something? This is a complete illusion! When you buy into the understanding of control of your reality, you realize how much impact you have on your life. What has come out of that for me is more of an increasing level of awareness in moments that would normally cause me anxiety. This keeps me almost always in the future moment. I never allow myself to have a fantasy about a bad thing happening. I think about the thing the way that I want it to happen. I think about the future the way I want it to be, or I’m in the present moment, like now. When I think about the future now it is pleasurable because I know that I have control over it. The present moment is a strange combination of infinity and “super slow” (4:20). Maggie has relationships that have changed so much in such a short time that she can’t believe it. I found “Creating Love” happened more slowly with me. But from “Point A” to “Point B” happened very fast! The time limit comes from the belief that there is something outside of you that prevents you from getting what you want. At this point you start living in the present and things keep coming to you all the time! Certain pieces will click into piece and then finally you just get it!
- (2025-02-13-Thu): Loneliness- God, The Universe, Source, Is Not Outside Of You – On December 2nd I felt like I had a spiritual awakening. It was reading on the Neville Goddard subreddit the words “You are God and you are creating all of it”! Now why was such a big deal at that moment 3 months ago? There is the sense for most that God is an entity outside of you that gives you things. At this moment I had a flash understanding that God is not something outside of me, but an aspect of me. It was a sudden shift! The terminology of this can get quite weird for people. The base message is the same, which is, the Universe is YOU. There is no way for the connection to be broken. For me this was pivotal, as it means you have all the power in the world and you are not alone. There are 7 billion aspects of God on earth, how can you ever feel alone again? This led to a feeling of being connected. After this point, since then, any time I have felt lonely I have realized that this feeling is coming back to a feeling about myself that is in direct contradiction to this “Self God Thing”. What is worse than feeling lonely? I have been reading spiritual texts and things like this for 20 years and I never got it till now! This seems to be a universal thing that happens for people. The point of this video is to say that living my life prior to this awakening and now is that there is no God out there, but a God IN HERE. It is the consciousness that exists in awareness, and this is God. Once you realize that you are God, it becomes easier to identify with this higher awareness. The more you identify the God part of you, the more gently and effortlessly you affect your world in 3D. When you realize the force is you, all you need to do is connect with it, to make it happen! There is no God out there saying you can have this and not that, and you are never going to know why. Maggie spends 40 minutes on an elliptical machine at 5:45 am in the morning!
- (2025-02-14-Fri): Toxic Beliefs: People Can’t Change – People Don’t Change – You shouldn’t write people off because they have the ability to change. The idea that people can’t change is the saddest of beliefs. I was this way hardcore till a few months ago. I felt that this belief kept me out of trouble. I now see that it limited the people in my life and limited me. If you don’t think that they can change this is what is real in your world. When I met my “now ex”, who I own my business with, 12 years ago he saw so many things in me that I suspected were there but didn’t have the confidence. He brought so much good out of me by the way that he saw me. From Day #1 he told me how brilliant I was. How insightful I was. How capable I was. The way he saw me was the way that I showed up after that. How lucky I was that he showed up and said those things… Your view of someone else as being the best that they can be facilitates their changing. When you realize that there is nothing wrong with you, you don’t need to have people show up in a certain way. So, if you are harboring the belief that people can’t change, it’s a good belief to get rid of. It all starts off with you being okay with you at a really core level.
- (2025-02-15-Sat): “3D You” Can’t Change Other People (Leave It To 4D To Take Care Of) – Many people end up staying in abusive situations because of misinformation they find and misunderstand. When it comes to relationships, if you want them to improve, you are the source of your experience in everything in life, and this includes people. There are limits to what you can do. I always have dry mouth when I make these videos and I don’t have a lisp in real life. When you change, all your relationships change, they have to. Sometimes when you shift your shape, you shift your shape right out of that relationship. Changing doesn’t mean you stay in something that is awful. When I had my spiritual awakening on December 2nd, part of what happened for my was that I became aware of the 3D and 4D me! 4D me can observe 3D me. What has been growing since then is these two aspects of me are becoming more separate and starting to be friends, sort of… As I have changed my beliefs, 4D has been demanding that 3D me is treated like a dear friend. It’s like 3D me has a friend all the time. There is a connection to something that cares for me. There are some people I love who I cannot have a 3D relationship with even though I wish the best for them in the 4D realm. The solution is to remove yourself. Most people know deep down that they don’t deserve to be abused. There is a limit to how you can change a person. They have their own lives and issues. When you see yourself as a dear friend, and treat yourself as a dear friend, sometimes the solution is to remove yourself, and do what you can in your mind to lift that person up. I tried to do this when I was younger, and when it didn’t turn out the way that I expected it to, I turned off to anything in this entire realm for 15 years! I hope that somebody else can avoid that… (NOTE: My comment –> “Hi Maggie! Another great video about an important and timely topic. Eventually we all learn, whether through the easy or hard way, that you can’t change others… They need to want to change themselves. Hopefully you sharing your insights on this will help a lot more people not have to learn the hard way! Cheers! -K”!)
- (2025-02-16-Sun): You’ve Been “Manifesting” Your Whole Life! – There is an element of this that seems “magical”, but you have been manifesting all your life. Everything is within your control, all of the time. You are far more in control than you currently believe you are. This is the only thing that you need to get about this…it’s not a magical cult. It’s using the power of your own consciousness to create deliberately, and being more aware of this. It’s not easy to get good at these techniques, impressing something on your mind till it becomes real! Cleaning up your thoughts is difficult. If you think about it, look how all successful people get good at it. “Where there is a will there is a way”. These are “truisms”. When you believe that something is going to happen, you will make it happen. Your beliefs are what make everything. This is not some magic trick. It’s like it’s too good to be true! Look back through your life and you will see all the things that you created, especially if you are willing to not be a victim! I responded: “Hi Maggie! I’m going back to the very beginning and watching ALL of your content… Your ‘stuff’ is so good I don’t want to miss out on any of it… Today is Day #32, and counting… My goal is only one video per day, but I take the time to ponder it and let it sink in… 🙂 Today you mentioned ‘look back through your life and you will see all the things that you created’. This is something I’ve been trying to do more of. I’m wondering if one of your great abilities is to be able to recall the chain of ‘little’ and ‘obscure’ events and connect the dots to the eventual manifestation in the 3D. Something that I think I could do much better at… More pondering… 🙂 Thanks Again! -K“.
- (2025-02-17-Mon): Beware of Accidentally “Adopting The State”… – About two weeks ago I was talking to a good friend of mine who was having a social problem at work. I felt pleased that he wanted to talk to me about it. I really love this person. When he was telling me about it, I tend to not get involved emotionally, and try to remain neutral. I forgot to do this in this particular situation and jumped into the first person view of this situation. I started to feeling the pain he was feeling and at one point I had to call another friend to help them bring me back to earth. The friend kind of stopped talking to me about it and I was wondering what happened and started to worry about him. At this point I did what Neville Goddard did when he says “Go Into The State”, meaning staying in and maintaining this particular state, and without even realizing it was happening, in another part of my life, I started to create the exact same situation that my friend was experiencing at work! I didn’t see this coming! I made no connection between what my friend was experiencing and this situation that was happening in my own life. A week after this situation was playing out in my reality, I started to realize the people that my friend was dealing with. I had adopted the same state as my friend, and it had played out in my own life! My point is, the state you are in is incredibly important. This is why Neville talks about creating the state of ecstasy, as you will create this in your own reality. The detail level to which you can create something is so apparent to me. Neville has a lecture “The Sperm & The Seed” (which I believe is correctly called “The Secret of the Sperm”). He talks about taking the time to create the EXACT mental state to create what you want. Don’t adopt it until you know EXACTLY what it is. It’s vitally important not to go to go to bed in a bad state! Just imagine how much is being created by your subconscious mind without you being aware of it all the time!
- (2025-02-18-Tue): Manifesting a Specific Person Part One: Oops! Wrong Guy, Wrong Location – This video came from a breakup. A relationship will shine a light on everything that is wrong with you. I had no resistance to Neville Goddard’s teachings in regards to business. I would intend something and then it would happen. One thing that I have never even remotely considered is manifesting a person to do something. If a relationship ended, I have never had the desire to get back together again, but I know a lot of people do. So, I thought I would give it a try. I would visualize having my former partner change… Without even realizing it until a couple of days ago, I seem to have manifested a different person who is like my ex, but in the ways that I wanted him to change. He also manifested me! The puzzle pieces came together… Our situations are strangely the same. He had problems with his ex and I don’t have those. I don’t know if this is “oopsy” or the Universal Forces saying “F*** You”, but I think this is pretty interesting. It’s amazing how your subconscious mind works. The intention to create will create something… The question is “How do you get this creation machine under control”! This is the final frontier! Now I have created a friend who is thousands of miles away who is the dude that I want my ex to transform into, and I have no idea how it happened, and he manifested me at the same time. If you don’t believe it look around your life as there is no way this is not happening to you to. Everything that happens is coming from you and your mind! (NOTE: I responded: “Hi Maggie! You said “How do you get this creation machine under control! This is the final frontier! Now I have created a friend who is thousands of miles away who is the dude that I want my ex to transform into, and I have no idea how it happened, and he manifested me at the same time. If you don’t believe it look around your life as there is no way this is not happening to you to. Everything that happens is coming from you and your mind!” Fascinating… Is this guy your current ex? I’m really trying to look around me and see proof that my manifestations are working, but I haven’t quite connected the dots yet… Not gonna give up though… 🙂 Thanks! -K“.)
- (2025-02-19-Wed): Manifesting a Specific Person Part Two: Bridge of Incidents! – My gym session delivers yet again! If you do not exercise you should start because something about it is very meditative, especially walking. The person I manifested is 5000 miles away! It seems like I have to run through every wrong option to come up with the obvious one! It seems clear to me now that the timing of this has to be an act of “Divine Intelligence”. It has to be because of what we have been talking about. We have only been talking online for about 3 weeks, and about the issues we have had in our relationships. It seems clear to me that we have both had incidents with our specific people in 3D… Without a doubt this is “Divine Intelligence” in play. I’m being brought along on this ride from A to B, and this friend is definitely a part of that. He has helped me to not take things personally and understand more what could be going through the head of my specific person, so I haven’t abandoned it. When you don’t have resistance to things they manifest right away. I’m the one choosing the people I date so I’m not worried in the slightest anymore about the relationships in my life. The question is whether this is the specific person or not. I’m having a hard time thinking that us manifesting each other at the same time is not big. I’m not sure as 3d mortals we are supposed to know this or if I am screwing with the system a little bit. (I responded: “Hi Maggie! “I’m having a hard time thinking that us manifesting each other at the same time is not big. I’m not sure as 3d mortals we are supposed to know this or if I am screwing with the system a little bit.”… Interesting point… Definitely something to ponder… Love your vids! Keep them coming! -K“)
- (2025-02-20-Thu): Love Language You Speak To Yourself (May Not Be “I Love Myself”) – Maggie doesn’t like the term “I Love Myself”. There has been a big change regarding how I view myself. I used to view myself as “Past Me, Current Me, and Future Me”! I have made a lot of changes physically from obese to ideal weight. I liked to eat at night! I had to really control myself between 6-9 pm. I had to start thinking how future me tomorrow was going to view me eating tonight. I think that this was the BIGGEST thing that made me successful! I have a video on this channel where I was 75 lbs. heavier than I am now. As long as I was identified with that person, this is where I stayed. You need to start doing things for future you. Once I started reading Neville I began to think about myself as 3D me and 4D me. I’m not sure if “3D Me” is capable of loving 3D Me! 4D me can do anything… A lot of people rail against this language of self love. A lot of people don’t say they love you but they do things that show they love you. Taking care of yourself physically is loving yourself. I was always a dental “phobe” but now I get my teeth cleaned every 3 months… In 2018 I broke a tooth and decided to get all my teeth fixed. It was 6 months of complete hell! A dental appointment every two weeks. My mouth is very hard to numb and I had to get 16 novocaine shots anytime anything needed to get done on my lower teeth. Towards the end of 2018 everything was back to normal somewhere. This got me into the habit of parenting myself. This was the same year that I stopped identifying with the heavier weight. This is one way how you can love yourself without saying it. To me “I Love Myself” is kinda “ichy”. I think the biggest way to love yourself is to trust yourself. Trust you gut!
- (2025-02-21-Fri): “Ignoring” 3D Reality: We Don’t Know The Significance of 3D Events – We don’t know what the things that are happening in our 3D world mean… Especially when they are bad. When something happens that seems to be in opposition to what you want to happen, it’s hard not to give up. Most people live their whole lives like this. You are so much better off than most as you are entertaining the idea that you are the creator. All of the events in 3D are pieces of the puzzle. This is the way that life works. You are always creating your reality, whether on auto-pilot or whether you try to grab the reins. I have been struggling these past few weeks with a sense of anxiety. By the time you are middle age you develop a pretty rigid set of beliefs and develop a code of behavior. Sometimes these are limiting beliefs. Sometimes people that I feel obligated to are dragging me down. When you feel negative emotions it is almost always because of a screwy belief. If you are feeling a sense of anxiety for 3 weeks something is wrong. What I realized this morning is that EVERYTHING happening in 3D is a puzzle piece, even those things that seem counter to whatever you are trying to do. As I say this the sun has begun shining onto my face. This puzzle piece is taking you from “Point A” to “Point B”. My comment: “Hi Maggie! You Said: “EVERYTHING happening in 3D is a puzzle piece, even those things that seem counter to whatever you are trying to do. This puzzle piece is taking you from “Point A” to “Point B”. COMMENT: Agreed, and despite not being able to finish the whole puzzle, it sure is nice when we can look back and see where this particular piece goes! 🙂 I do have a follow-up question, why do you think it’s so hard to figure out where these pieces go in real time? Let me try to explain in the form of an example. Suppose you are trying to manifest a significant other. You see that there is a singles event on Thursday night. Scenario #1: You go there and there happens to be someone who meets your criteria of the type of person you have been trying to manifest. You talk to this person, find that they have been looking for someone like you as well, and you start a relationship. Scenario #2: You go there and there happens to be nobody you are interested in. In fact, you are thinking of leaving and the cook happens to come up to you and ask you if you like the appetizers he has made. You start up a conversation and find out that his son/daughter lives in the same neighborhood as you, and would you mind dropping off some appetizers to them on the way home. You agree, and when you drop them off you notice that they are exactly the type of person you are trying to manifest. You start talking and a relationship blossoms. Question: Since the Universe is so powerful, why not just do Scenario #1, which is more straightforward? Why go through Scenario #2, which is certainly not the anticipated way that things would pan out… Any ideas? Great vid! Thanks again! -K“. Maggie replied: “No idea whatsoever 😆 I think the “how” is the business of Divine Intel“.
- (2025-02-22-Sat): Manifestation Stories: How Ignoring 3D Events Saved Me $38,000 (And Counting) – In 2017 I didn’t realize that my business lease was almost up and we needed to move. There was a very strong intention to do this. There was no office space available, but then we found a place close to where we were then. It was attached to a Subway, which as 30% of the reason she wanted to go there…she loves Subway! She is also a “former city person”. We were under a time crunch, signed the lease, and put down a deposit. I went to the office to start measuring how to move things. I realized that the office space was smaller than it was listed! They would not give us our money back and told us to take them to court! After being enraged for 24 hours my partner and I calmed down and realized it was only a $3600 deposit! Nothing good comes to people who treat you like this! Shit happens! We decided to eat the loss and find the right place! For about three more weeks we kept looking and out of no where we got a call from our agent. She said that she had an office space that she looked at when she moved to the area and rejected. We went and looked at the place and it was perfect! It was 500 feet from the office we were in so we could move our heavy machinery no problem! Here’s the really amazing part…the price on this office dropped dropped 40%! So, we lost the $3600 deposit on the office we signed the lease on, but this new place was 50% less than that place! This was 3 years ago, and we have saved almost $38,000 in rent! So, we got screwed out of $3,600 and got a better office, a better location, and saved $38,000! Not only that, the Subway in this old office closed about 6 months later! This office space is exactly what we needed and it came at the exact time! This is how things will work out if you keep your eyes on the prize! Who knows what would have happened if we had moved into the original office to save the $3,600 or take them to court! This is how things work out a lot of the time! (My Comment: “Hi Maggie! Karma really does happen to the baddies, we just have to remember that! Thanks! -K”)
- (2025-02-23-Sun): Manifesting Those Elusive Desires That Mean So Much – My biggest desire in life has turned out to be a big illusion! I’ve been in one relationship or another since I was 15 years old. Finding the right person for me was the meaning of my life. I always wanted freedom and to be my own boss. Having said that, the thing that really got me out of bed in the morning was trying to make the situation between my partner and myself better. I thought fixing the money problems would make our relationship better. I always thought that if I found the right relationship I would be fulfilled. I was looking to a man to make me feel like I was physically acceptable. I thought that if I could get this perfect body I would get this perfect relationship. I looked to another person to make me feel like I was a worthwhile human being. I either found one or another. If I found someone who felt I was good or decent or the best thing ever, this was missing the physical desire for me. I got engaged in someone when I was 20 because I didn’t feel that it was physical enough. I was then with a guy who treated me like crap for 4 years. He didn’t think I was worthwhile, but he couldn’t keep his hands off me. After that I went back to someone who feels I’m an amazing person, but the relationship was not physical. I didn’t know that I was looking for these two things from another people. The idea of never finding that perfect person was devastating for me. I didn’t get that you can provide these two things for yourself!!! None of this was ever external…it was all my way of thinking. The level of desire for this now has dropped so much that it worries me how little I care for this. I’m starting to question if I’m going to another unhealthy extreme. (My Comment: “Hi Maggie! It really all does come from within doesn’t it… Hard to believe how much in control we really are. Thanks! -K“)
- (2025-02-24-Mon): Manifesting a Specific Person: Why You Should Absolutely Ignore 3D Events – In general, 3D reality is an illusion. In addition to this, the events that are happening in 3D can be misleading to the extent that we have so little ability what anything means as to render it almost a total waste of time. What I want to say today is that this is especially true when it comes to people. This video is for the “Manifest Specific Person” crowd. What people say should be taken with a grain of salt. You can probably come up with 100 scenarios where your view of a person could change in an instant. What if you found out your lover was a pedophile? Someone can love you one day and hate you another. Real relationships do exist, but if you look to 3D to give you a clue as to what is happening, it’s a waste of time. It’s counter productive as it is a way to ruin your present moment. If you get something that seems like a good sign you will be happy and if you get something that seems to be a bad sign you will be sad, and you have no idea how they fit into the grand scheme. I used to believe that certain parts of life were not subject to the manifestation process. Now I realize that it is my subconscious programming that is creating everything that is happening to me. It is ALL coming from me! I spent the majority of my time worrying about the future. When you get in touch with the fact that the future never exists, nor the past, it is always JUST the current moment. Don’t worry about what is happening in your 3D. Just imagine what you want to happen and relax. Just assume that everything good is going to happen to you. It’s really helpful that you don’t know what anything happening means, you just need to convince yourself of this! Many things in 3D seem good, but they are bad, and vice versa! Other people’s behavior is the most misleading thing out there. People don’t know what they feel and what they want. Don’t look to outside events! Stop worrying! Slowly but surely stop judging events as if they have meaning. Believe what they are, “Part of this BIG Tapestry”! All you have to do is KNOW that you are going to get the things you want. There are all these techniques, such as doing imaginal scenes before bed, affirmations, and all this stuff. Just say “I KNOW THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN FOR ME. I CHOOSE THIS THING AND I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN, THEREFORE IT WILL HAPPEN”. This will help you to start leading a peaceful existence. (My Comment: Hi Maggie! Just say: “I KNOW THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN FOR ME. I CHOOSE THIS THING AND I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN, THEREFORE IT WILL HAPPEN. This will help you to start leading a peaceful existence.” Wonderful advice! Thanks again! -K)
- (2025-02-25-Tue): Why Your “Manifestations” May Not Be Happening – I have a theory on why your manifestations don’t happen a lot of the time. I have a core belief to get better. This became a directive of mine from a very young age. It’s such a strong thing that I know that everything I try to manifest that is in opposition to this will not happen. I personally have learned the most from relationships. I have had lots of unhappy situations and when I look back at it, what came from it is in line with this directive. The bad situations would promote growth in the areas I needed it. A few months ago I felt like one chapter closed and something new started. I think I’m entering a phase where I can just be happy. It’s beneficial to examine “what’s your directive”? Why are you here? Anything that is in opposition to this will not come about. I was in a pretty abusive relationship in my 20’s. I came out of this twice the person I am because of it. Maybe what you want is in direct contrast to your core belief? Don’t every think that the mechanism doesn’t work. For example, if you are trying to manifest someone who loves you, and you don’t believe you are loveable, then you are either going to manifest someone who loves you and you can’t perceive it, or you will not be able to make this happen because of your belief. It’s not a flaw in the mechanism, ever!
- (2025-02-26-Wed): Manifesting Desires: Action Creates Conviction/Belief – My experience has been that the things that I have accomplished have included a LOT of hard work. The motto I took on about 15 years ago is that the only way out of a bad situation is a lot of hard work! I’ve had to rethink that… Was it the action get me out of the bad situation or did the belief do it? The action that is taken is not necessarily what brings about the end result, but it is incredibly important. When you take action you are saying to yourself that this is already happening. In 2018 when I started to work on my body I shifted my focus away from the business towards my body. This took hours per day at the gym. I manifested the ability to do the action that got the body! I adopted the state of the person with the good body. I didn’t stop with just envisioning being in a good body. SO, now that I have achieved the things I can look back, and with things that I want to manifest where I don’t have as much control it is really difficult. I know that this works the same way, even if I don’t have any direct input to it, but it’s hard if you don’t have direct influence on it. The actions I do take are largely meaningless because the only real thing that you have to do is believe that the thing you are trying to create is possible. Are the thoughts that I’m thinking being put into my head? It’s hard to sift through it… It becomes an exercise in faith & patience. This is where self-development comes into play. You don’t have to be happy, or feel positive, to create things! When there is nothing that you can do or say, but have faith, it really helps if you don’t just sit around and think how inadequate you are. (My note: “Hi Maggie! Interesting video. I’ve often thought that sometimes by taking action I might actually be hindering the thing I want to manifest. For example, suppose the Universe has it’s plan to bring a $100 bill into your life when you get out of the car at a certain location. Instead of just going through your usual “daily routine” by going to this location, and waiting for the Universe to bring it to you, you decide to take “massive action” and go looking for this $100 at bank parking lots because “logically” and according to your “research” this is where they have the greatest potential to come lose from the person who had just visited the automatic teller. If you had just gone about your day and “trusted”, the Universe had you covered, but you decided to take “massive action”, and missed out… Not sure if this makes sense but I’ve wondered if I’m sometimes doing this… 🙂 Thanks for another great vid! -K”!)
- (2025-02-27-Thu): Manifesting A Specific Person: Belief is Essential – I think a lot of people show up to this realm because they are trying to manifest a specific person. There is a lot of emotional stuff that goes into people relationships and it’s difficult to believe when you cannot take any action towards your goal. Taking action is sending a message to your subconscious. Putting work into resolving a situation will shift your mentality. It’s all about the mental shift! You have to believe that you have the power to manifest a specific person. You also have to believe that you are worthy of it. You have to believe that the other person is capable of change. It often takes time and mental programming to be in place. You are going to have a hard time having a successful relationship with anyone if you are damaged. My suggestion is that if you are just starting out focus your attention on an area of your life where you don’t have a lot of problems already and make that AMAZING! This will increase your belief that you are manifesting this. If your belief that you are the creator are things, you are going to progress, it’s that simple! I attribute everything in my life for the past 20 years is that I was creating things…this has morphed now to believe that I am creating EVERYTHING! It’s really about you at the end of the day! Only you will be able to experience your life! Focus on building your conviction that you are the creator of EVERYTHING!
- (2025-02-28-Fri): Mental Reprogramming: Internal Reality Shift & My Bizarre Realization – Affirmations never sank in to me as being important. I started to change my mind due to my business partner’s experience with it. Over the years I watched him work on side hustles. This guy can do anything in terms of video production, writing, and anything web based. He would put in all this effort and nothing would happen. He would never get traffic or there was always something wrong with it. He’s a testament that you can put a lot of work into something and never get it because of your state of mind. You can start to feel cursed. In order to deal with the pain of things failing he got into Neville Goddard and the path to enlightenment. At some point he came across someone who said you should do an affirmation for 10 minutes a day. He said I have nothing to lose so I will do this on my 10 minute drive to the office for two weeks, both to and from (= 20 minutes). His affirmation was “I am a successful business man and everything I touch turns to gold!”. At this time he was working on a side hustle project and decided to put it aside. Then he started this affirmation. The next thing he decided to turn his attention to turned into an enormous success. After two weeks he felt an internal shift and started behaving in accordance with this internal shift. This instantly changed the success level as this is something that you either make no money or a lot of money. He found a way to earn >$100,000 with this! Even after hearing this I was skeptical. After I learned how my beliefs were creating my thoughts, then my moods, that were creating my whole reality, I figured out that you can get a lot of these automatic thoughts by changing your underlying beliefs. The way I do this is to figure out where my underlying belief came from and rationally go through and figure out why I shouldn’t have developed this belief, I can easily set it down and leave it behind. A lot of my profound beliefs came from my parents and formative events when I was 8 and 14! Now, while I’m driving, or doing track at the gym, I do affirmations, and you can feel how effective this is. I just wanted to give a couple of experiences. If I choose something to affirm I have noticed that whatever affirmation I pick turns out to already be true someone. If I pick something I want to believe about myself nearly every time it dawns on me that I’m affirming something that is already true, not creating something!!! I cannot explain this, it’s really bizarre! Shortly after this I will feel a “physical shift” into the reality where this is the outside reality as well as this mental recognition. My affirmation: “The whole world is here to support me, the Master Creator, and I can have everything I want, immediately, just by asking for it!”. I’m the type of person who will compliment others all the time. This morning I said to myself while looking at my body in the mirror, “You’re such a hottie”! This might be the most profound moment I have had in February! (My comment: “Hi Maggie! What a fascinating video… I too have had this less than stellar view on affirmations, but I think after this video I’m going to give it a go. Incidentally, I asked AI to give me a great affirmation in the style of Quentin Tarantino, and here’s what it gave me: “”I want it, it happens—no questions, no delays.” Pretty cool, eh? Thanks again! -K“.)
- (2025-03-01-Sat): Manifesting a Specific Person: Lower the Level of Importance – There is an important part of all this that I can attest to. It is incredibly easy to create where there is no internal resistance. It is shocking how specific it can be if you are specific about what you want to create. It is extremely important for your sanity that you don’t make it extremely important. People outside of you may think that your life is great, when you think it sucks! If this thing never happens, it will be okay. If you can come to feel this way, that’s what’s important. It is at this point that things will start to flow to you. There are two big things you can do: #1) Think of how many other people out there are a good or even better match for you! #2) It is so sad to see how many people are looking for a specific person to make things right with them. This person doesn’t deserve all your energy anyway. You need to learn the art of thinking about things in the right way. (My comment: “Hi Maggie! You made me howl with laughter today with two great and memorable quotes: #1) ‘If you are trying to manifest a shithead back into your life, this video is for you!’ and #2) ‘I’m looking for these perfect pair of jeans that make my ass look like a peach!’ Thanks again! -K“)
- (2025-03-02-Sun): Reality Transurfing, Importance, The Meaning of Life – I have a hard time believing that there is this “Divine Intelligence” out there doing things. Money was not of the “Utmost Importance” to me. I’m much happier to be driving my nice car now rather than the old beater 1991 Honda Accord I used to have. For me, finding the right person was always of the “Utmost Importance”. I believed that my life would be meaningless if that never happened. I felt that if I was an old woman and looked back on this, my life would have been a waste. This created an instant feeling of anxiety in me. This thing wraps up into your meaning of life. It has gone down to almost nonexistent now. I used to feel that this thing was going to save me from having to deal with the question of “What am I doing here?”. If life is not about chasing and getting this “thing”, then what is it? I know that I have 100% control over manipulating everything, and this is the key to my change in viewpoint. When the importance level of something lowers, the creation of it is more reasonable. It’s hard to create something when there is this illusion on top of it. Once you realize that this will not give you ultimate joy, you can have it! The more importance that is placed on something, the less you can enjoy that thing! If your importance level comes down, your enjoyment level can come up. Maggie is not a car person, but she wanted a specific car because it is perfect for her, but it got discontinued a few years ago. I manifested it and it came about in a perfect way. If everything in life is demoted to the level of importance it is supposed to be at, what is left? It dawned on my last night that I enjoyed my life a lot more than I thought I did. What a pleasurable thing it is to sit and drink your favorite beverage in the morning. Having a great interaction with someone. This is the meaning! Today I just decided to quit my usual slave driver experience and decided to go with the flow! Already today I had a conversation with someone that I don’t think would have happened otherwise. (My comment: “Hi Maggie! “The more importance that is placed on something, the less you can enjoy that thing!”… Hmmm… Gonna have to ponder that… Thanks! -K“.)
- (2025-03-03-Mon): How I Stay Aware With One 30 Second Morning Task – Maggie loves hotels! Having a clean environment has an impact on how you feel. I moved into a new condo and I started to making my bed, which I never did in my life. Every morning when I go to make the bed I can feel resistance to it…it’s almost like I’m communicating to myself. It is through this little activity I take inventory of where I am in life. This little act every morning has brought me into awareness of where my mind is at! Today is a particular day when I would not have made the bed as my brain is off trying to solve a problem. Making your bed is like a centering process that everything is okay! If you have a beneficial thing that you can do, do it, and assign to it the meaning of something is wrong if this doesn’t get done! It helps me to be aware of where I am mentally when I leave the house. (My Comment: “Hi Maggie! Interesting observations and thoughts on making your bed. Have you heard of “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World” by Admiral William H. McRaven? It was a #1 New York Times Bestseller a few years ago. I think you will really like it! -K“)
- (2025-03-04-Tue): Creation Mentality/Formula: My Car Experience – Have never used a technique to manifest things, like falling asleep with the thought of having a certain car. After taking a break for all these years, and now that I am spending 15 yours a day reading about this stuff, I think I have reverse engineered the formula. The trick is executing the formula, not understanding it… This happened so easily with getting this car I think I can explain it. I executed this perfectly without meaning to. How I feel about the car is important. I love this car. It has a sentimental feeling because my father drove the 80s version of this car. (It could be a Ford Bronco or a Chevy Camaro???). It is perfect for me as I am short and can see over the dashboard of this car. It’s cute and small and you never see this car on the road. This car is like me personified. I’m not a car person. I wanted this car for all the right reasons. In 2013 I got my first “newish” car. It was the 2011 version of this car and I loved it. I was the 2nd owner and it only had 13,000 miles, but not the right color, and I loved it. My office is right across the street from the dealership of this car. They tried to upsell me and the “seed” got planted. I wanted this car, but I’ll get it “some day”. Well, they decided to discontinue this car and this bumped up the timeframe a bit. I never thought of the possibility of never getting it. I also wanted to get a car loan to boost my credit rating. About a year went by and I was monitoring the supply as I knew exactly what I wanted! When I drove around there was the certainty that I would get this car…never any anxiety. When I felt it was time, there was only one brand new one available in the US. It was 1000 miles away from where I live! It was in New Jersey, and that caused me to put it off even more. The day I decided that I needed to act on this, my focus on it was intense. I thought I could settle for a color other than black. I went on Cars.com and pulled up the cars. Two make and models were available 40 miles away, one was red, and the other navy blue (bottom of the list of colors for me). The picture looked more black than navy blue. I called up the dealership and it was indeed black! This was the color I wanted! It was just sitting on the lot without having been test driven, waiting for me! From the moment I said I was ready to act to the moment I was sitting in it was only a few hours. It was a 2015 model and the year was 2017. I told the dealer how much I had been looking for this car, but I could have probably gotten it for $5000 less! The circumstances in this reality let the scene play out where I got what I wanted. KEY: I wanted it strongly, but I didn’t care if I got it. Also, I wanted it for the right reason! It was not to prop up my identity or self esteem or impress someone. I think this is the formula! NOTHING IS THAT IMPORTANT! If you want something, and the desire is improper, there is internal resistance. (My comment: “Hi Maggie! Your observation on this is quite fascinating: “KEY: I wanted this car strongly, but I didn’t care if I got it. Also, I wanted it for the right reason! It was not to prop up my identity or self esteem or impress someone. I think this is the formula!” Well this might be the answer to a question I have been pondering… I remember watching an Abraham Hicks video in which they say “Put the Universe to the TEST”. So, I thought I would try to manifest a coin, but alas, it has not materialized… Now I don’t have any resistance towards it, at least I don’t think so, it’s just a coin, but I wonder if wanting it is for the wrong reason? In this case a “Test of the Universe” as opposed to wanting it to enrich my life… Hmmm… Any idea? Thanks again! -K“)
- (2025-03-05-Wed): Negative Manifestations (Shift Your Attention Away From Negative World Events) – Everyone is talking about the COVID these days. I have not gotten sick by a Coronavirus virus, cold virus, in over a decade. You can prevent getting it by using zinc lozenges. Only my ex, who lived with me for 10 years, does this. It disrupts the virus’ ability to replicate. It absolutely works but you have to keep it on you. The second you feel like you are getting sick you need to take it right then. If you do this you will never get sick. I routinely got colds all my life till I started taking this stuff. I have not been sick a day since taking this. This is a personal testimony as long as you take it immediately. I also wanted to give you a negative manifestation story. I don’t think about bad things happening to me safety wife. I used to go out jogging at midnight in the summer, almost every night, as I am a night owl. The thought of danger never occurred to me and I have never had a dangerous situation happen to me, ever. But, my ex is very concerned about security. Shade drawn and doors locked. It was of utmost importance to him. It was on his mind. Due to circumstances we had to move back to the town I grew up in. A block and a half way, just down the street from the house my mother still lives in. It is a long street and ideal neighborhood in a nice town. I never heard anything happen on this street for my whole life, for 37 years. He insisted on putting a fence in as it was not secure. Maggie agreed to getting an expensive nice fence. We put the fence in at the end of March. This house didn’t have a bathroom and I love taking baths so we decided to put one in. Occasionally I would book a hotel room when we got on each others nerves. I love hotels. I would get a bunch of junk food and watch HBO and take a bath. On May 4th, 2015 I booked a 2-night hotel stay and play “World of Warcraft” on my laptop for two days. I took all my valuable item with me that I use on a daily basis. While I was at this hotel, in the middle of the day, our house got burglarized. They jumped the fence, took all of our stuff (because nobody could see them because of the fence), and took off. I wasn’t there, and wasn’t affected, and they cleaned out all of his stuff. This is the first time that I have ever heard of anything like this on our street. This is a “beware” story. It appears to make a big difference as to what you allow your mind to think about. Don’t think about COVID. Get some sink and let it run it’s course. (My notes: “Hi Maggie! This is quite fascinating. I have never heard of zinc lozenges… Hearing about COVID again takes me back to 5 years ago now! Were you able totally stay away from COVID? Thanks! -K“)
- (2025-03-06-Thu): Manifesting a Specific Person… Ask Yourself One Question – I’m feeling somber today as I came up a thought that has affected most of my life. It highlights the importance of reprogramming your mind and working on the relationship with yourself. You can be receiving the thing that you are trying to manifest but it doesn’t look like it. I’ve recently I have been in contact with my ex. I wish him nothing but the best. Before now I’ve never dabbled into others people’s lives with my manifestations. I’ve spent quite a bit of time imagining him happy and hold. I’ve imagined him and I reuniting at one point. The recent interactions I’ve had with him were very irritating with me. When I was in a relationship with him I always felt like I didn’t matter. I felt like he was trying to show me off as a way to build up his own image as a successful person. He was constantly encouraging me to talk about my business success. I always felt like an accessory and I ended the relationship because of it. I started to think, what would I think if he thought I was the most important desirable person in the world… His IM words took on a whole different perspective. Throughout the relationship he told me how I was exactly what he wanted, but I couldn’t see it because of my underlying belief in myself. KEY: Whatever you think about yourself will filter what you see or hear from others. If you think you are not worthy, no matter how you change your outer life, you will block what you see. It’s right there in front of you but you can’t see it. Sure, you can create things from a horrible place, but this, the second part, is vital. You might not be able to realize you are successful at creating things if you can’t see it. (My comment: “Hi Maggie! You know, what you pointed out in this video, the fact that “You might not be able to realize you are successful at creating things if you can’t see it” is that I’ve been thinking a lot about as of late. Thanks for the insights! -K“)
- (2025-03-07-Fri): Manifesting Change: People Forget How You Used To Be – I’m 40 years old and I have always been dedicated to changing the things that I’ve felt I needed improvement on. This got me to thinking where this idea of not being a good partner comes from, and I think it was because I was not a very good partner years ago. I’ve had flaws that came out in a relationship that don’t any more. Your traits are not you, they are not parts of your essential being. You are the “Creator Being” and are controlling your avatar and can change it! People forget so quickly that you were a certain way. If you embody a change for six months, the people who know you will forget what you were like, once you change. For a long time I was a person who couldn’t pay for dinner! Once I started to get successful people’s view of me changed. I’ve only been at my current ideal weight for a little over a year and it’s like the last 15 years of my life never happened. One reason a lot of people get “stuck” is that they think people will drag them back if they do… Once you change your “avatar”, and people try to drag you back, it becomes very apparent that it’s there problem, not yours. It’s shocking how you can go from being a joke to being an authority! I generally don’t care what other people think. This could be one of the main reasons people don’t change. My mom has expressed disapproval of my weight since I was young, but she was concerned about me losing my weight. Don’t identify with the problems that you have…fight like hell against this! Don’t worry about other people! All you need to do is embodying six months of a change and people will have no choice but to see you in a different way! (My comment: “Hi Maggie! “It’s shocking how you can go from being a joke to being an authority!” Another great quote from the Neville Goddess! Thanks! -K“!)
- (2025-03-08-Sat): What “The Right Thing” Feels Like (Manifesting The Right Career) – How to know that you are doing the right thing for you! I have this feeling of “There Are Not Enough Hours In The Day” because I am so into something. As soon as I wake up I want to go working on it. With my business and my body both, I could not wake up and start the day! It was a totally absorbing experience. I am at the same place with my business and my body, it’s about 90% done, and a matter of fine tuning. I know that they will get 100% to where they need to be and don’t require this attention any more. I had a breakup and started watching videos by Joseph Rodrigues and Joseph Allay and this perked my interest and I came back to learning about this “stuff” after a 15 year break. I was lying on my couch on November 30th, a Sunday night, and feeling miserable. I was lonely and bored. I was just lying there and started thinking of “World of Warcraft”. When it came out in 2007 my friend who I used to play “Oregon Trail” with years before told me about it. It was like being in another world. I got so into this game for 60 days! On November 30th (2014?) I said I want another experience like this, and so I did… I put it out there “I want another ‘World of Warcraft’ type of experience to get engrossed in. The very next day I decided I was going to search for Joseph Alley on Reddit as I have been a Reddit girl from when it first started. Well, there was a Neville Goddard Reddit, and I went down the Rabbit hole with this! It was bigger than World of Warcraft for me for sure! For about 30 days all I read was these posts and order everything from Neville Goddard that I could find. This YouTube channel, and the writing I’m doing on Neville Goddard, is like my business, the feeling that everything is in alignment and I’m doing the right thing. Nothing about this feels like it’s wrong! I had no intention of creating a YouTube channel! When I put the video up I didn’t want to write about what I wanted to talk about. I got a whole bunch of subscribers and views to that video! I’ve always been someone who has tried below the radar! Nothing has been traced to me, but via business names and trusts…I enjoyed being anonymous! When I would take my channel down I would feel relief, but people would ask me to keep going. Just because you do something and you feel “awkward”, keep going… I know that I am doing the right thing for me…it feels right to me…no resistance. I’m an awful teacher so I have other employees teach new employees. There is no financial or ego stroking goal for my YouTube channel. My YouTube channel is more of a field report. What I am doing is providing the right thing to the right people at the right time! That’s my desire. I feel that this is reaching the right people at the right time…and my business felt the same. My business was something that I liked and was helping people! I think you just have to do some soul searching and what you want the most and the lifestyle you really want the most. When I was a senior in high school I wrote that I wanted to be an entrepreneur! Owning your own business might not be what is going to make you happy! (My comment: “Hi Maggie! I think the real “Gold Mine” of your channel is the fact that you and what you are going through is REAL! We see you work through your daily life, tell us your ups and downs, where you have been, what you’ve figured out, and what’s on your mind. This helps us to identify with you and press on to the “Understanding” that you also seek! Great job! Thanks again! -K“).
- (2025-03-09-Sun): Holy &$@%ing Shit. This is the stuff that freaks me out (manifestation story) – The story of Maggie needing to get a gift for her pregnant friend’s birthday party today. TJ Maxx is next to Panera Bread so she stopped off to get a soft blanket and thought “I’m going to get the perfect gift here” (she has done manifesting stuff like this her whole life). Any time she has done this it has worked, so she is surprised that she’s surprised at this. See sees a horrible frog trinket and said she wishes it was a sloth as her friend is into sloths. She reaffirms that she is going to find the perfect gift here and will not have to work hard for it…her eyes will just fall on it! When she walks over to the blanket section she found a super soft, 50″ x70″ size that she wanted, blanket, with a sloth on it. (My Comment: “Hi Maggie! Oh wow, I heard about this “Famous Sloth Blanket” in a more recent video, it was great to finally see it! Thanks! -K“).
- Reality Transurfing – Parallel Realities & How Neville Fits In
- Divine Intelligence/Outer Intention Is Trying To Communicate With You
- Reality Transurfing: Head/Heart Unity (My Personal Decision)
- Reality Transurfing: Epidemics & Panic
- Bridge of Incidents… head/heart unity and messing with the middle
- My Favorite Manifestation Technique
- (Reality Transurfing) Why Did We Choose This Timeline?
- Quick Visualization + Intention Plus How This “World Event” Factors Into Things
- “Easter Egg” Rewards For Not Reacting To 3D
- Current Events = Gift Or A Curse
- Shifting Thought Patterns Voluntarily & Involuntarily
- Reality Transurfing: Lowering Importance & Excess Potential
- Reality Transurfing: No One Is Of Any True Importance
- The Difference Between Creative Visualization and Daydreaming
- Reality Transurfing: Your Interpretation Of Reality Is Correct
- Manifesting A Text From Your Specific Person (Success)
- Manifestation Goals… Have I Succeeded? Oops
- The Art Of Allowing/Ignoring 3D/Shifting Your Focus
- Parallel Realities: Choosing Different Timelines
- The Difference Between Allowing & Accepting
- Nostalgia – Perception – All The Bliss We Miss In The Present Moment
- Everyone Is You Pushed Out
- Looking For The Reflection Of Your Value From The Outside World
- Identifying With The Wrong State (Manifestation Pitfall!!)
- Unremarkable Example Of Adopting The State’s Immediate Effect On Outer Reality
- Manifesting Weight Loss: My Mental Tools
- Bridge of Incidents When The Manifestation Involves Personal Change
- Allowing Your Manifestation To Happen: Fear Of Change
- After You Manifest Everything… Gotta Get A Life
- Thought & Intention Are The Only Real Currency. What Are You Buying?
- What It Means For Me To “Not React” To 3D Events (Specific Person)
- It’s Never You! or, It’s Cool Being Alone In Your Own Universe
- Manifesting A Specific Person: You Don’t Need To Plead Your Case
- Controlling 3D Reactions + My Friend Robby Bobby Scotty!
- Neville Goddard/“I Am” – When In Doubt Return To The Source From Which All Things Emanate
- Manifesting a Specific Person: Letting Go Of The Old Concept Of Your SP
- Bridge Of Incidents/Sometimes You Don’t Know What You Really Want
- How I Manifested A Text From A Specific Person… Again
- Manifesting A Specific Person: Desperation
- Randonauting Results. Asked For Clarity… Got Shift In Perspective
- Manifesting 1000 YouTube Subscribers!
- Beliefs Create Reality: How I Started To Intentionally Reprogram/Change My Beliefs
- You Are God… You’re Creating ALL Of It
- Personal Updates/Unexpected Outcomes Of Attempts To Manifest A Specific Person
- Manifesting A Specific Person: Ignoring 3D vs. Denying 3D
- (Reality Transurfing) Feeding Energy To Destructive Pendulums
- Manifesting Techniques: Determination/Certainty Brings About Desired End
- How Your Beliefs Create Your Actual Reality Part One
- How Your Beliefs Create Your Actual Reality Part Two
- LOA, Neville Goddard etc Are All Describing The Same Thing
- Beliefs & Manifestation: Two Beliefs That Will (Eventually) Set You Free
- Beliefs Create Reality: My Unintentional Personality Changes As A Result Of Replacing Beliefs
- Beliefs Create Reality: Walking Through My Latest Belief Change Step By Step
- Manifesting Money – Bridge Of Incidents From Initial Intention To Day Of Full Fruition
- Manifesting Money – Bridge Of Incidents Postscript: A Pivotal Person
- Neville Goddard – Living In/Thinking From The End State
- Neville Goddard Living In The End: What That’s Looked Like In My Outer Reality
- Neville Goddard Manifestation Techniques: How They Cause You To Change In 3D
- Successful Manifestation Vs. Unsuccessful Manifestation Comparison
- Why Manifesting Change In Someone Else Is Inefficient
- Neville Goddard/Wallace Wattles – The Role Of Action In Manifesting
- Manifesting Weight Loss: Mental Processes & Shifting Identity
- Reality Transurfing: Withdrawing Your Energy From Pendulums
- Manifestation Techniques – Self-Love For People Who Can’t Stand The Term “Self-Love”
- Science Of Getting Rich: You’re Not Cursed. You’re Not Running Out Of Time
- Living In The State Of The Wish Fulfilled: Beware of Negativity Cross Pollenation
- Neville Goddard Revision: Dealing With Shameful Past Events
- Law Of Attraction “Going General” Vs. Manifesting A Specific Person Or Thing
- Taking Action As Part Of The Bridge Of Incidents (Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is)
- Detachment, Letting Go, And The Illusion of “Giving Up” When You Really Want Something
- Belief Is The Key – Believing In Yourself, Your Aim, & That You’ll Get What You Want (Or Die Trying)
- The Neville Goddard Ladder Experiment & The Neville Goddess Kitten Experiment
- Belief & Knowing: Why Using Emotion Reprograms Your Subconscious Mind
- What’s Happening When Thoughts Create Reality And Can We Choose When?
- Figuring Out Your Own Natural Process For Selecting Your Reality
- The “I Am Alone” Pendulum
- Manifesting A Specific Person: Resistance To “Or Someone/Something Better”
- What “It’s Done” & Knowing Feels Like
- There Is No Actual Reality… Only The Reality You Choose & Emotional Reactions To 3D Events
- Instant Movement On Intentions Since Awakening V2.1
- Your Subconscious Mind Is Autopiloting You All Day Long
- How Do I Reprogram My Subconscious Mind?
- Hammock Sessions #1 – My Business Partner & I Talk Success/Failure With Money Manifestation
- Fear Of Disappointment/Silencing The Protective Inner Voice Of Doubt
- Manifesting A Specific Person/Personal Updates
- Manifesting Techniques: Create Your Own Philosophy. It Will Become Your Reality.
- Manifesting a Specific Person – Obsessive Thinking & My Personal Saga
- Major Intention/Manifestation Has Come To Pass (Specific Person)
- Changing Beliefs ALWAYS Changes Outer Reality
- Your Intentions Manifest So Naturally, You’d Swear They’d Have Happened Anyway
- Do My 3D Reactions Screw Up My Manifestation?
- 3D Reactions & Changing Your Mind About Your Aim/Goal/Manifestation (postscript to previous video)
- What Living In The End Means Mentally
- The Thing You Want Is Yours Now! …With A Time Lapse (Bridge of Incidents)
- Personal Update: The Weirdest Experience Ever + …BIG Manifestation?
- LOL. Oops, I Forgot I Manifested You
- Manifesting a Specific Person – Things To Consider
- Why Some Desires May Suck and What’s Self Concept Got To Do With It (u/thats_so_green from Reddit)
- Manifesting A Specific Person: Why Do You Need To Feel That You Create People? (Allismind’s Posts)
- How Changing My Worst Beliefs And Facing My Worst Fears Has Translated Into My Current Reality
- What “The World Will Reflect Your Self-Concept” Means In Reality
- Negative Emotional Reactions Are A Sign Of An Unexamined Underlying Belief
- (Neville Goddard) Living In The End Vs. “Pretending”
- Neville Goddard – Do Other People Have Free Will?
- (Bridge Of Incidents) Parallels Happening Separately But Simultaneously With Me & Matt
- The Hand Story & Weird Stuff From The Last 30 Days
- Stuck W/Manifestation: Break It Down Into Smaller Parts, Materialize Those With No Resistance!
- The Blue Ring Synchronicity/Bridge of Incidents
- Meaningful Synchronicity (My Stepfather’s Statue/Boiler Story & His Advice About The Matching Rings)
- Update: Intention For Peace W/Body (Lifelong Demon)
- The Law: Your Outer World Will Shift To Match Your Inner State
- Manifestation Story: Latest “Manifestation” That I Was Almost Oblivious To
- Everyone Is You Pushed Out: Do Your Judgments About Other People Hurt You/Your Manifestations?
- Set Your Intention/Plant The Seed Then Think About Something Else Cause It’s Done
- So I’ve Manifested Everything I Ever Wanted… The Life I Created In My Mind 15 Years Ago.
- Are You Really Ready For What You Desire To Become Your Reality? (Manifestation Psychology)
- Troubleshooting Specific Person Manifestation…
- Do You Need To “Love Yourself” To Manifest?
- Is a “High Vibration” or Feeling Happy Necessary to Manifest?
- Manifesting Weight Loss: Mental Stumbling Blocks/Irrational Beliefs and Fears
- How I Change My Beliefs/Programming: Recent Example
- Manifesting a Specific Person/Thing… Messing With The Middle